>First humans came from Africa and were black
>God created humans in his image
>God was black
What now Yas Forums?
>First humans came from Africa and were black
>God created humans in his image
>God was black
What now Yas Forums?
The human family tree is missing significant areas because not all proto-hominids have been found yet. It's preliminary to say where precisely humans first appeared. The rest of your thesis is unscientific bullshit. I give you an F minus.
>First humans came from Africa and were black
I unironically find all of these statements to be false down to every word.
I've seen god myself, his left side is black and his right side is white, with a strip of asian going down the center.
100% of early humans older than 180,000 years were black. Find me one that wasn't.
Current scientific thinking is that modern humans evolved in the caucasus mountains. God is caucasian. Now what, atheists who engage in retarded pseudo-scientific argumentation?
Then God is a nigger, no news
God has a tiny penis then?
out of africa is debunked faggot
He has a penis for every race, its like a hydra in his pants.
>Current scientific thinking
One publication written by gay people != Scientific Consensus.
Jesus (if He was real, which He wasn't) was black.
At least you didn't use a meme flag. But are you aware these threads are always on POL and it's boring and distracting to people. Make this the last. Anyway people best ignore this and focus on the current pedo problems.
We've only ever found their bones. We have no idea what color their skin was.
>God has a tiny penis then?
And tight pink boi pucci hungry for bbc and bwc
Out of Africa theory has been debunked time and time again
Old data the oldest remains have been found in greece very recently.
Aside from that there was a giant life ending event at some point, most likely a meteor that destroyed almost all life on earth and our records start after that and not before but this changes slowly.
They were also black.
The first primate came from africa yes but eventually moved and gave genetic variations due to difference in climate. Tell me, how are niggers as smart as their other human brethren when they chose to live in an inhospitable enviroment of africa? You fucks are dumber than shit on a water lillie. The other monkeys who left were obviously much smarter than the proto-nogs.
Show me a paper that debunks it
So what you're saying is that Whites evolved and niggers are literal cavemen?
There is no god
Makes more sense it would be a Thai hole. Their whole economy is based on selling boipussi to tourists.
based and spaghetti-pilled
God created black humans and whites are a corruption of his perfect design. That's why you do so much evil.
Dawkins pls go
>Fictional character according to mutt
>Still must be black doe shiiiiiiiieeeeeet
Jesus could easily have been white, what colour are Romans and Greeks? They're not sub Saharan black! What colour are Arabs? Africans were nowhere to be seen in Judea, Bethlehem etc unless some slave for a Roman soldier.
Um sweetie niggers have 80 iqs.
Knowledge is literary SIN.
Read the Bible.
Terrible bait. The truth shall set you free.