>destroys your entire ideology in a single debate he doesn't even care about
Destroys your entire ideology in a single debate he doesn't even care about
Other urls found in this thread:
>gets destroyed in a debate where his chat and google aren't around to feed him gish gallop fuel
>lets anyone destroy his wife's pussy he really cares about
a compulsive talker with a proclivity for amphetamines.
to win an argument with him, just wait for him to actually end a sentence. he literally can't he'll just talk the whole debate and you won't need to say a word.
>posts the same thread with the same photo every single week and no one cares about it
absolutely based, imagine clinging on to booger nick as your zoomer idol
but he doesn't he just says "I don't care about revisionist history" when someone proves him wrong.
Getting bored at home huh desTiny
Which debate are you talking about ?
thats not what a cuck is, he fucks other girls himself
isn't that guy a cuck?
damn, millennial woes lost weight, congrats
Seeing Destiny make threads everyday is getting kind of boring. Come on man, stop, this is just sad and pathetic at this point.
Joke's on you. I don't have an ideology.
>i'll question every logical axiom into total obscurity. every assumption you make must be backed by at least 5 peer-reviewed sources that I personally approve of, and even then I'll find something to nitpick and before you know it whatever the original point you were making is no longer being discussed. We are now battling on irrelevant semantics and are totally-offtopic because I want to avoid discussing the merit of your side honestly at all costs. This is only done for you of course, everything I say and every value I adhere to should be considered objectively correct and if you disagree with this notion I will behave incredulous and smug about it. Repeat until the clock runs out. Oh looks like I win again heh
he's literally a cuck that denies facts he's uncomfortable with.
That said, I like his debate with noncompete, whis he went after breadtube more often.
LMAO is this real?
>he thinks this beta cuck gets to fuck other girls
>Kissing the girl you loves on the lips that sucked chad’s cock half an hour before is not being a cuck
Sure thing retard
Literally whomst?
dude he's notorious around twitch for fucking a lot of girls, keep coping incel
Destiny's a mod here.
>look mom, I posted it again!
Fuentes was the only one to destroy Destiny though.
Nice bait faggot. Almost got me but the flag was a reach.
Kill yourself, aidsnigger!
The dude's fucking swimming in pussy. Have you seen some of his exes?
With his tiny dick after those dick picks leaked. lol. Only girls he's fucking are ugly ones.
>could not distroy cringe and bluepilled nuance bro
>could not distroy based and redpilled the alternative hypothesis
>>destroys your entire ideology in a single debate he doesn't even care about
Sure buddy
>manlet defending another manlet & dicklet
yikes incel who hurt you?
remember his edge lord days when he couldn't hack it in the sc2 scene, remember how anti sjw he used to be.
now all he can do is be a cuck that tows the line. fuck this guy, piece of shit should kill himself on stream for the lulz.
>you rayciss, raycism bad
>I not raycist, me good
>I win
Damn, I love a good psychological debate.
He is a lisping homosexual
How often do you make this shitty thread, fuck off to your e-celeb guru that gaslights you for money you eternal beta orbiter.
I don't watch his debates because he's usually just debating retards. Who are you talking about here? I've seen him get BTFO'd by Ryan Dawson and Martin Skrelli, anyone else?
Who's the twink
Why the fuck do you guys keep spamming this irrelevant e-celeb on here? His "debates" are not interesting and his opponents are literal nobodies.
Is this the mental midget himself doing self promotion? I wouldn't put it past his autistic ass.
>the retarded fuck I beta orbit around gets a lot of pussy!
This is the saddest thing on the planet right now.