Please redpill me on what it's like not being white. Do you feel oppressed by whites? Do you feel like whites have unfair advantages that you don't? Give me some insight. I'm irish white and wonder if ethnics truly have a hard time or if the anti-white animosity is just a result of brainwashing and self delusion. Please inform.
Non-whites of Yas Forums
Castizo here. Fuck Niggers.
>do you feel oppressed
No. This isn't the mid 20th century anymore.
>do you feel like whites have unfair advantages
No. Well, technically whites are usually born into wealthier families, but assuming there at the same class no. I'd say non whites who disagree are almost always deluded and brainwashed by (((them)))
>I'm irish white
> irish
> white
user, I...
Irish people are white dumbfuck
blacks have a less developed brain so of course its worse to be black
>muh all europeans are white
Europe is more concerned with nationality than race
Brown in a brown country.
No problem so far.
The only time I get into problem is when I'm traveling abroad, specially airports, when I get randomly selected for security checks a little too much. But I don't care, it's not my country.
I would not like to be white in Brazil. Sun is too strong and white people sincerely doesn't belong here.
But I wouldn't like to live in a white country, because I wouldn't belong there too.
What do you mean user? I'm white
Fucking cuck, white people don't belong in your favela maybe. Let's face it south eastern Brasil is a lot better due to it being relatively devoid of negroids.
How does it feel to be white OP?
Do you really think anyone cares about it around the world?
How does it feel to have a target in your back when you're traveling to dangerous countries?
So far, I've been in South America, north America, Europe, middle East and Asia.
Everytime I saw someone getting scammed or robbed, it was a white dude or girl.
I really appreciate that thugs abroad either think I'm one of them or too poor to be robbed.
Yeah dude.
Southern Brazil is totally white. We were Germans and shit.
If you fell for this meme, I'm sorry for you.
Reminds me of all the niggers mad that a "white" actor played an ancient egyptian pharoh or something. dude was actually egyptian.
>Do you really think anyone cares about it around the world?
Yeah. Chinks and gooks worship the white man's BWC.
>How does it feel to have a target in your back when you're traveling to dangerous countries?
First world people (see: people) don't travel to dangerous countries.
No we're not. We are not born into wealthier families. That's a bullshit lie you've been told.
I'm generally less favorable towards the Irish.
Due to cultural inferiority and the wide abundance of poor genetics through generations of fetal alcohol syndrome I'm less inclined to take them as seriously as other European cultures of better stock
i feel superior to whites
Well, chinks and gooks eat dogs and bats too, so there's something to be said about their preferences.
Since the whole world hates Americans, where do you think it's safe for you, user?
Maybe Europe and Australia?
How does it feel to not being able to travel wherever you want?
Don't tell me you think Vegas and Disneyland are good places to travel. I've been there, it's shit-tier.
non whites don't come here. All the black people pretend to be black so they can speak for black people.
Generally speaking I’m good
If my hair is long and messy and I don’t shave then I might get looks only because people would think I’m Arab
Haven’t faced much oppresssion myself it’s mostly been stuff you’d have to look closely for
When someone asks what I am that is probably an oppression moment there but it’s mild
I always give them a shitty answer or tell them “American”
Idk anything about races having different intelligences
I know that stupidity is no excuse for acting like a retard though
I work a tech job but haven’t gone to college
Are u like pardo or pitch black? Even my pardo friends hate niggers
Agreed, I blame it on Hitler for letting we all down over here
the current Egyptian population is an entirely different lot from the ancient Egyptians, which of course, were not sub Saharan Africans either
But did you get your sushi comped in Vegas?
Dude, I swear to God, asking about muh ancestry is such an American thing.
I've never met someone that asked this that was NOT American.
I guess it must really matter in your country.
>non whites don't come here
pol is notorious for it's mutts, if you'd been here any length of time you'd know that
>Please redpill me on what it's like not being white
It aight
>Do you feel oppressed by whites?
>Do you feel like whites have unfair advantages that you don't?
They have advantages but they are well earned.
Overall I like white people and I think everyone should learn from them and strive to be successful like them.
Asians have a more developed brain than blacks also. This is Fact not environmental
Is there anywhere worth traveling that's non white? Japan perhaps? But they're civilized and have a high IQ like whites, so they're pretty pleasant.
kek even the spartans and athenians went to war with eachother in BC and they were probably all 4th cousins of each other.
War seems like a european national sport
>I know that stupidity is no excuse for acting like a retard though
I meant like a criminal or evil
I just realized I made a redundant ass statement
Find another nonwhite race that will admit fault like this I’ll wait
Don't know what it means