Why is the alt-right irrelevant now? In 2016-2017 the alt-right was growing, white nationalism on the rise and the support for an ethnostate was gaining ground.
Somehow something went horribly wrong, can someone enlighten me on this subject?
Why is the alt-right irrelevant now? In 2016-2017 the alt-right was growing, white nationalism on the rise and the support for an ethnostate was gaining ground.
Somehow something went horribly wrong, can someone enlighten me on this subject?
Youtube censored alt right content
Trump was kind of eh and not the great nationalist hope they wanted
mfw dude on left wearing Murdoch Murdoch merch
it was a corrective movement ultimately. as soon as the left took their lumps ("now i'm not an sjw, but..") it stopped being necessary, the creative spirit left
Mike "I swear I'm not Jewish" Enoch
>alt right
Wtf is that you dumb faggot
theres only left or right
Alt right wasnt real. The only thing that made it real was lefties pointing fingers and screaming bullshit. It "died" when they stopped talking about it.
It was controlled opposition, that’s why
More 'discrete' mm merch.
They ran out of Zogbucks
>Alt right
Controlled opposition the alt right was never real.
A movement stopped by YouTube? Must’ve been a good one then
Mass censorship and deplatforming
Honestly brainlet only thinking in terms of direction for politics.
They got sued and jailed, wrongly. Look up the Heaphy report:
the president of the united states acted against them and turned out to be a rino, tough to beat
as a huwhite man, i have more in common with a puerto rican or a korean who understands inductive methods and respects science professionals than a hyperindividualist white who does not
the alt-right is pro-virus and pro-stupid; they're grugs
This is the correct answer. White people who like White people and don't like Jews and think Hitler got a bad rap didn't disappear because the "alt-right" label got burned by the media. Anyone seriously worried about what the alt-right was or wasn't or where it went is an idiot.
The ideology is only growing stronger. Prepare your assholes for the upcoming economic collapse. That's when this shit is really going to explode, and there's nothing ZOG can do to stop it.
What happened to "Our Gang"? Answer is they grew up and moved on.
because fascism was always a shitty idea
cus everyone saw that day what fucking losers white nationalists are. seriously just look at that picture.
Alt right never existed, and left doesn't need that particular scapegoat anymore so you don't hear about it much anymore.
They were putted as national socialists and deplatformed. A bunch of over privileged faggots crying about having to share the table scraps they got from the Jew.
western world is a leftie incubator
Lo and behold, the masses don't actually like insecure, racist pieces of shit
>Why is the alt-right irrelevant now?
That's not the alt right that's a bunch of cunty larping nazifags who were always irrelevent
>Somehow something went horribly wrong
It was the fruitcake tiki torches.
Nobody can take you seriously now.
>muh censorship
daily stormer and trs are still up
it was the alt-lite guys like MILO and Gavin McAnus that received the brunt of the censorship
now deep thinkers like Charlie Kirk have the spotlight and people still can't recognize a grift operation for what it is
tl;dr GRUGS!
Because it was literally always controlled opposition designed to vilify white nationalists. Why do you think he was throwing up roman salutes and saying "Heil Trump" in public? Richard Spencer is a CIA plant and not even a well hidden one. Here he is with Laura Bush
The alt-right is a figment of your imagination. One you adopted after someone else came up with it. The narrative stopped there.
there was never any such thing as "alt-right," it was a bunch of groups that collectively disliked globalization but otherwise would fight each other as much as they would fight the left
media labeled them all under the same term because it was more convenient for the media
>daily stormer
If anything these fuckwits harmed the right and alt right, which is surprise surprise OP nothing to do with people who abuse the Celtic catholic cross as a skinhead symbol
Feds and wignats organizing retard rallies drove away anyone half respectable, making the alt-right politically irrelevant.
Wignats destroyed it just like they destroy everything else they touch, not that Richard Spencer and his boys were ever genuine anyway. But even though the wignat orgs are dead, the ideas (ending immigration, shut the border, etc.) are more popular than ever and it won't be long
>implying muh alt-right was ever relevant
They were never relevant.
Those Nazi LARPers were mostly Feds, probably state police too.
>never cared about the alt right meme
>went to charlottesville on a whim
>threw shit at libtards
>got home
>somehow didn't get doxxed
>not even racist
A bunch of try-hards carrying tiki torches from Pier One certainly didn't help.
fuck the alt twinks
Look at these posters boys for the masterrace.
Bad optics. That simple.
Wignats made it politically toxic with the Roman salutes and tiki torch marches. It was all downhill after that notorious NPI conference.
Alt-Right was never real. Even back in 2015, Yas Forums was warning you faggots about being labeled. But then some of you morons here started worshipping Spencer and his ilk. Fuck Spencer and fuck Stormniggers. You wanna know what scared the elite? It’s the whites and non-whites banding together. Use HWNDU as a template. Remember HWNDU? Now that was some real shit.
irrelevant according to who meme flag? cnn?
Bruh, these online environments are a public forum that everyone enjoys access to. Except people with unapproved thoughts. You shouldn't be force to build your own vast social media network just to be able to speak your mind. Just like you shouldn't be forced to buy a major media network in order to have your political views properly represented. This is a cancerous mindset
Cope harder
The "alt-right" had much more momentum a few years ago, in some sense, but in others, it is making much more headway than anticipated. Only die-hard SJW's are doubling down on cucked anti-white rhetoric, and moderate liberals are much more hesitant to go nuclear and say "advocating for your racial interests is inherently racism" because they have seen how much it has cost them. They get 8 years of Trump because they revealed their hand (that of destroying white society) and they got fucked up.
The internet has absolutely bled through into real life. I've seen more normies recite "DESPITE BEING JUST 13%" any time some cuck tries to apologize for black violence, blame police for them getting punched with holes, etc.
Perhaps the Spencerian "alt right" is no longer as relevant, but white identity, a much more nebulous thin, is gaining momentum, and THAT is what is important.
pol bein filled with commies fags and trannies, thats what hapenned
>they got from the Jew
>implying the Jews aren't taking from the gentiles in their own nations
Lol, afternoon, Chaim
maybe larping as nazis wasn't such a good plan after all
Sometimes you just know from the catalog that it's gonna be a 1postbythisid
The alt right was a leftist Boogeyman they trumped up to try and make people feel bad for voting Republican. See also kkk, nra, homophobes, transphobes, and racists.
because the jews who created it to derail the dissident right decided it was counterproductive after that one hambeast had a heart attack
Define the alt-right, faggot.
Because there was no such thing as the alt-right movement. It was just a boogeyman term invented by the left to label anyone who opposes their agenda.
We learned the hard way that white people hate each other more than they could ever possibly hate another race. Any movement based on white solidarity is completely doomed from the start.
Dilate, tranny