Kike professors at Harvard are now trying to ban homeschooling.
Kike professors at Harvard are now trying to ban homeschooling.
They're going to ban it
They want to teach your kids their LGBT globohomo Holohoax propaganda
Because they know who you are and what you're trying to do.
A ban based on what grounds?
What law is violated?
>your son WILL be a tranny
Ffs, they aren't even hiding it anymore
homeschooling is bad though, produces socially retarded adults
Just let your kids take in the ass wtf are you goy???? Fucking racist???
They want to make it the law, that's the point. The grounds would unironically be that homeschooling allows parents to get their kids away from LGBT propaganda
harvard has been taken over by jews. overpriced. and overrated.
Maybe being oversocialized is the actual form of retardation.
Case in point: NORMIES
Only if the parents are socially retarded themselves (a lot are, btw. It's just not a normal thing to do so most normal people dont do it) I went to a Christian uni with an abnormally high proportion of homeschoolers. About 3/4 of them were weirdos, but most of those kids would have been weirdos anyway
the point of homeschooling is you find other kids doing the same shit and you bring them together for social activities
all the homeschooled people I know are smart, nice and emotionally balanced
if you're at Harvard, you're probably a traitor
>Only if the parents are socially retarded themselves (a lot are, btw
I never had a chance
My state has enforced that all children (except those at risk) must be home schooled. 97% of students are learning from home, what a weird time to be alive.
You mind giving us a link that actual has the fucking article you're posting, retard?
we can make it 100 percent once we run the world
How can you ban homeschooling wtf?
OK Groomer.
Folks, anyone wanting to take children away from their parents and 'teach' them is actively grooming your children for globohomo pedophilia.
they're concerned that some students won't be brainwashed
be what they never were to you user, fix the cycle. Jesus Saves.
Here you go fuck face.
Oh man this is what could finally set off the Boogaloo, I don't even have a family and the very idea of The State forcing the indoctrination by threat of force really chaps my ass... this country is supposed to be different...
Xi's daughter went to harvard. think about that.
As a teacher, I see homeschooling as the one of the few ways to avoid indoctrination from school materials, so of course the Jews & the ruling class would like to ban it.
They wouldn’t be socially retarded if our society wasn’t so degenerate. Of course you are a loser if you don’t participate in today’s lgbt, drug and alcohol culture. How can you not see this as a problem? Why would you want to build a society where morally up standing citizens are considered losers and degenerate psychopaths are considered winners?
Homeschooling is retarded, unless your parents have advanced degrees.
Asked my favourite maths Professor once how one would even begin to teach a child maths who had zero concept of the idea. He didn't have a good answer.
In America there's 10's of thousands of hillbilly jesus freaks living on 10 acres that think they can do it.
Fucking idiot
They aren't even hiding it.
Mask fully off.
Oh yeah, high risk some 12 year old graduates from a university.
Homeschooling is the future.
All kids should be taught this way.
I believe that I’m many cases homeschooling amounts to child abuse because of the parents combination of ego and ignorance. That said, I don’t really care what happens to other people’s kids - homeschooling is a freedom which must be preserved regardless of outcome.
>Christians begin homeschooling because of all the smut, immorality, shootings, and degeneracy being pushed into public schools.
>State decides to force re-education on a religious group.
>Christians are now made out to be the enemy of the state and persecuted.
What a clown world.
As opposed to public school teachers who are never ignorant and never have an ego?
Way to go you stupid leaf
What is this jew on? Kids still watch talmudvision
Being well adjusted to a sick society is not a metric for good health...
(((Harvard))) is a bloom of terror waiting to happen.
The EU ruled that the German government did not violate child's rights by forcing them to attend public schooling
Why would Americans take Harvard seriously? They seem to regularly have scandals involving staff acting as sleeper agents for the Chinese government. I wouldn't trust a word out of Harvard anymore.
What a load of horse shit. Homeschooling is categorically superior to the public """"education"""" system.
fuck off kike
they need to have a reason to charge retards hundreds of thousands of dollars to attend the university
>stay at home
>no home schooling
What did they mean by this?
"Think the government has some right to educate our children"
Stopped reading, into the trash it goes.
It really is sickening to see them pull the "white supremacist" card here. First of all, parents have the absolute right to raise their children with whatever beliefs they wish, if they want to tell their children that whites are superior to other races then the government has no right to come in and say it's illegal.
Secondly, any time a leftist has no other argument they just pull this bullshit and vaguely wave their hands without providing statistics. How many students are being taught white supremacist beliefs? How many official homeschooling organizations promote white supremacist beliefs? If they had any data on this theey wouldn't be just vaguely referring to white supremacy
>thinking laws have to have any rhyme or reason behind them, especially any more
We anarcho tyranny now
>parents have the absolute right to raise their children with whatever beliefs they wish
This is the kind of thinking they NEED to prevent in order to implement NWO plans.
>the childrens are our future
>"The issue is, do we thing that parents should have 24/7, essentially authoritarian control over their children from ages zero to 18? I think that's dangerous"
>"I think it's always dangerous to put powerful people in charge of the powerless, and to give the powerful ones total authority."
"Parents are too powerful, therfore we need the state to raise them." That's so retarded I cant even chalk it up to jewish tricks. She actually beleives it.
They also ignore all the blacks homeschooling due to leftard policies making it impossible to deal with black school violence
"Parents should not have 24/7 control or authority of their own children from 0-18"
What a fucking low IQ dummy. With that logic then, when kids break the law their parents should not be held responsible as they were not responsible for them during that part of the day? Did anyone proof read that doublethink?
They might become bad goys