Post all your links and content that china would not want us to see.
China memory hole thread. Go!
Post all your links and content that china would not want us to see.
China memory hole thread. Go!
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck chinks
And fuck jannies
Thanks for listening
>lifting from the bottom
>White woman
>"Here are the best sex positions for when they have a 1-3 inch dick"
>Brings out a dog
Heyyyy let's cut off the dog's leg, you know, just because
Chink links.
Ayoooo let's literally beat a pupper skull in until the pupper's skull oozes blood from within and the dog DIES. You know. Just because.
>Face different color
How about some Chinese empathy up in here
And in fact how about some MORE Chinese empathy all up in here since we're all talking about it
You salty fuck, Xi loves pig too dumb too understand, China new century is good luck for your family. Please understand now.
What an ugly inhuman race. Clearly not even human. I'm curious what they bred with. Niggers bred with monkeys, that's clear. WTF did these creatures interbreed with? Cats? Lizards? Tf even are they?
We should just unleash the japs on them again
>autopsies are performed on infants
shit happens here too bro.
Weren't the original chinamen wise and kind though? It wasn't until japan fuck them over that they devolved into the current subhumans they are.
Low IQ detected. Maybe you should focus on your own country at the moment.
700k and counting.
wear your mask and shut up goy
this, literally all white women are leafs
>imagine china in a war
i can't wait until we nuke these cretins.
>tfw you'll never buy a gf with daddy's money
Mad as fuck faggot.
those are not autopsies, it's a market
nice VPN. Also
民主 (democracy) 人權 / 人权 (human rights) 獨裁 / 独裁 (dictatorship) 專制 / 专制 (despotism) 反共 (anti-communist) 共匪 (communist bandits) 共惨党 (tragic communist party) 群體滅絕 / 群体灭绝 (genocide) 鎮壓 / 镇压 (oppression) 勞教 / 劳教 (Reeducation through labor) 紅色恐佈 / 红色恐怖 (Red Terror) 中俄邊界 / 中俄边界 (Sino-Russian border) 六四 (June 4), 天安門事件 / 天安门事件 (Tiananmen Square massacre), 民運 / 民運 (Chinese democracy movement) 京温 / 京溫 (Beijing Wenzhou Market) 疆獨 / 疆独 (Xinjiang independence) 藏獨 / 藏独 (Tibetan independence) 達賴 / 达赖 (dalai, as in Dalai Lama)
Xiang be gone!