This is Stalins Grandaughter Today

black and white is her mom and grandad

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This is your mind on Jews.


From comrade to cumrag

Hitler wins in the end.

No, It's your mind on America

NE proof?

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Hitler was right.

who is the child in the photo ? because she'd be about 70 by now


The Hitler bloodline is pretty much done. At least there is hope for Stalin's at some point down the line.


What's up with the toy gun?

her mom

Bolshevism leads to degeneracy, who knew!

>when you realize you fought the wrong war

This is what living in Portland OR does to you I guess?
This is Karl Marx grandson, athlete and absolute Chad

Fake plastic gun.

>unironically being okay with your bloodline deteriorating into degeneracy instead of having it die at its peak.

You wouldn't believe how much difference just jumping the Columbia gorge does, we look down upon those heathens with disdain


and she's stuck on Tank Girl from the 90s


Pretty sure Stalin hated his kids and would have no problem purging his granddaughter.

Vancouver WA was no paradise.

Das le ogres americanos of 2220 will worship the great spawn of stalins progency

What kind of nihilistic faggot wants to have all the work of their ancestors be for nothing?

There's still hope for the Stalin's in the future. Zero for Hitler.

If a few generations can push them one way, a few generations can push them back.

this is fidel castro's son
wouldn't look out of place in a british resort in spain

Attached: alex.jpg (1200x900, 231.51K)

And where are Hitler's white children? Germans BTFO

She looked like Greta as a kid.

sides absolutely in orbit!

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Norf F.C.

>this is what georgian genes do to a person

That's not Justin Trudeau

Grand father cry

Ate capilism
Simple as

Hahaha yes.

Attached: Greta *Adolf* Hitlerburg.jpg (662x880, 138.29K)

>My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperial. Can you say the same?

compare mussolini's granddaughter to stalin's

is he inhaling a cigarette?


I'd rather my line end with nothing than wind up worse than nothing.

How ironic she'd have been gulaged

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Your cumrag comrade is going to piss her genetic history down the drain. She already looks like a mongrel. If my lineage ended to save the white race I'd be getting high fives in Valhalla. Can't say the same for you cowering under rocks.


I'd hope Stalin would be based enough to put her in a camp.

Attached: 20.jpg (600x552, 36K)

You can't make this shit up.


that's about all you have being a pinko retard

Looks like a fucking retard

Imagine being this triggered by a tank girl cosplayer

user, I....

Serves you right Stalin
>Jews, not even once

Imagine not being outraged by attention seekers

She’s actually redpilled

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She's cosplaying as tank girl you retard. Stop posting this.
You post it all the fucking time.

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Damn that pic rel is demoralizing. What a fucked up state of affairs we're in.

her mother

Attached: Lavrenti_Beria_Stalins_family.jpg (1552x1080, 523.79K)

If they did this to Stalins offspring, imagine what they will do to yours.

this is the Jew's retribution,
all of us are slowly falling to the Jew's retribution while they escape to Israel

At least something good came out of Communism. That guy is super talented.

30 million Soviets died to create the ultimate wigger.

Holy fuck you guys are missing the best parts. You could have probably guessed all this shit too
>lives in oregon
>morally grandstands on her guilt from her grandfather
>44 and childless
>tattoos "mean something"

>morphing from russian qt to american hobgoblin

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