u guys are weird
Imagine being fascist
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Please expalin your political ideology in 10 words or less.
Eat the rich
Kill nazis
fucking commie
shut up filthy red.
you'll get the rope too.
Uncle Tom
i'm not black you stupid baboon.
Yeah right
how will you calculate somebody's "richness" is it their sugar content or their bank account or what?
also... you're a bit late to kill nazis. that war ended about 70 years ago.
and u call us weird
>how will you calculate somebody's "richness" is it their sugar content or their bank account or what?
>also... you're a bit late to kill nazis. that war ended about 70 years ago.
i was a nazi too
u can leave :)
Why would I want to leave?
What’s up with all the reddit spacing recently.
nazis will also get the rope once we seize power.
we'll build a coliseum and have you both fighting to the death. it will be a lot of fun.
ull feel much better
i promise
You will never meet a billionaire in your life. "And that's a good thing."
Fascism smells good
God damn the Left is so fucking Retarded.
What if i told you a hugely disproportionate number of billionares are jews? Especially in industries like banking and media?
What is a fascist?
i already do lol
What of it? Why should I care?
>a fucking memeflag telling me paragraphs can't be one sentence long because their shitty mexican "English" teacher told them it was true
When you can't attack the argument you attack the presentation.
>"feel better"
>>"leave now"
>>>"um sweety"
We're reaching levels of tumblr retardation i didnt even know were possible lel.
i don’t care
the could be budists as far as im concerned
Whats wrong with fascism?
Chapofags salty their commie jew messiah endorsed the most corrupt man in the Democrat party
Monarchist actually. But fascists had it right about a couple of things.
Imagine living in Brazil and not be fascist...
But I'm not.
I'm a Neo-ractionary theocratic futurist Faustian catholic feudalist.
u know what tunbr even is
i don’t
Why is a 22 minute needed to explain something that could be summarized with a clear understanding in a few words?