Fucking Protestant-Calvinist capitalist ethic and their trash “work ethic”
Fucking Protestant-Calvinist capitalist ethic and their trash “work ethic”
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i exist to consume and serve my company
i am not allowed to be loyal to my race family or religion so i am loyal to my workplace and consumption choices. i miss the NBA.
well we got a lot of weapons to take care of, pilots need constant training, equipment needs constant servicing and replacement. if other countries want to start sharing the load that'd be great, thanks for offering.
Lmao, the way modern leftists complain about and avoid work is hilarious. There's a reason why you guys have trouble attracting workers.
in all likelihood the “protests” are astroturfed.
Calvin was essentially a proto-socialist tho
Why are commies so work shy?
okay so where do all of the things we need to live come from if nobody works?
The protests exist to keep the masses fighting on red vs blue lines to prevent another Occupy Wall Street from springing up. That's why Trump stirs things up
I guess Arbeit really does macht you frei
in no other country in the world are there protests asking to go back to work. Normal workers realize that it’s the job of the government and the wealthy to bare the brunt of the burden during a crisis since they receive most of the benefit from the system.
Americans are quite literally cuckolds for their bosses
most of what we make is useless and destructive anyway. ask ol' Henry for confirmation
>What are you talking about? If you work hard enough at the wage I'm paying you, you'll be able to buy a house at 40 and start your family by 45! Then you'll be able to enjoy life to the fullest!!!
>i want to work 12 hour days with no overtime so my boss can buy a new boat
realize that it’s in your interest to work as little as possible for as much money as possible. That’s how your boss thinks.
I would like to back to work solely to have a reason for leaving the house without being beat down by policemen
The idea that your company is your second family and is owed the same sort of loyalty and dedication is a uniquely american concept and went down like a lead balloon when the US chains tried to import it here.
Yeah, fuck maintaining civilization, getting people stuff their life depends on and supporting your family! Let's commit suicide to own the rich!
Commie-kun, I know your daddy gives you an allowance.
Some people *HAVE TO* work, get over it. I don't have a daddy to give me money. If I don't work, I don't have money. If I don't have money, I can't pay my bills, Capisce?
>Let's protest to get out of our depressing, grey box filled with people we hate
>To go to a depressing grey box filled with people we hate, and work as well!
Americans, what is wrong with you?
you don’t need to kill to kill the rich, simply hold a gun to their head and make them pay their fair share.
>implying the rich dont make up the majority of the globalist class that is trying to destroy our civilization
workers need to protest their government for not covering their expenses, not protest to go back to work
Imagine working lol *south europe laughing*
demoralized britcucks this is why you're not a superpower
It goes down like a lead balloon here too, but they still try to do it.
>>"What do you mean you're 'letting me go'? I thought we were family!"
>protestors need to protest what I say they should protest
Then go protest memefaggot.
>let granny die for the GDP goy.
>we need to keep bailing the banks out
>just go back to work and prevent the system collapsing for another 10 years so we can offshore the rest of the industry and reduce the white population to under 50%
Nice superpower status you've got there.
imagine protesting when their is a pandemic going on. This shit going on now is 100% astroturfed koch brothers bullshit.
that aside, nothing i can do about the fact that all americans consider themselves temporarily embarrassed millionaires
burgers are the biggest cucks ever.
they love being enslaved by the Jew
>in no other country in the world are there protests asking to go back to work
So Burgerland is the only country in the world that isn't filled with lazy fucks, and would much rather be productive towards society
You voted for the Rothschild cuck who married the teacher who raped him because it was "racist" to vote for the lady who made a little sense.
Imagine thinking staying inside is keeping you safe from an assassin that is 150 nanometers in size.
Don´t you faggots recognise that work is anything you do to serves the needs of others? Sometimes you don't even get paid for it.
If it weren't for this Protestant work-ethic you would all be laying around doing nothing to benefit your fellowmen, AND poor at the same time.
If you were good enough at something you would recognise how great it is that you doing what you are called to do in this world are able not only to help others, but also to prosper yourself, being able to provide for those that are yours.
Government is no daddy.
How will it pay my expenses? It needs cash via taxation.
And how taxation works? People work and pay taxes.
If no one works - BAM! no taxes. Then the govt won't be able to pay me a single shekel.
Can't you understand such a simple, straightforward thing?
I'm a monkey and I get the fact that I must work, else I risk starvation. Commies are indeed stupid.
Underrated post.
That doesn't happen. Just once maybe.