Rundown: When Epstein’s black book was released, someone googled Ghislaine Maxwell’s email that was found at the bottom of the book. One of these websites popped up, which links to several other website
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Adrian Perry
Robert Walker
Shiro's minecraft
Adrian Reyes
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Isaac Jackson
Want some more strange websites connected to Epstein?
Domain name for the owner is True Action. gives you a warning about mismatching certificates. Only valid for,,,,
After the warning you automatically get redirected to The top of the page has a different name for the website, This website seems to be about painting and selling painting materials. There are verifications all over this website. Trying to navigate it will constantly prompt you to re verify. There is a bizarre “color quiz” on this site that asks cryptic questions like
• what's the most popular colour this season? • what colour was Thelma and Louise's car? • what was the most popular colour in the 60's? • if a chicken sees red what does it do? • what's the most popular colour for a baby? • what colour was Elvis Presley's car? • what is the most popular colour today? (See first question) • what is the best way to keep splashes of paint off the floor? • what is the best product to keep painting tidy? Is a document often referenced on the page (several of it). Different snapshots of the page have very different content at times.
Click their about page for this strange message: >ˈjenyes (Pronounced “Genius”) is an inventive “design to market” product development company bringing a variety of great new ideas to life through consumer insight and brand innovation. Underpinned by a creative inventive spirit, enthusiasm and ambition, our goal is to create useful products that people will use in their everyday lives. With the support of a growing team that’s eager to question everything, our ambitions are to make constant progress that continuously meets and exceeds our customers’ needs. As we take these ideas to global marketplaces and become a partner of trust for different buyers all over the world, we invite you to share along in this journey, to collaborate and give us your feedback of our ideas as we include you in the processes of bringing an idea to life. We look forward to hearing from you!!
A privacy policy on the login page directs you to this website: That link does not exist but the main website does. This site contains a Documents page and a Memes page. There are documents for someone filing for bankruptcy, Eagan Avenatti, in Orlando Florida. Googling this name and it seems to be the name of the lawfirm that is half owned by Michael Avenatti, the attorney that represented Stormy Daniels in the recent lawsuit.
There is another documents page about a guy name John Fry. This guy is apparently a former IRS employee that leaked some Suspicious Activity Reports involving Michael Cohen to Michael Avenatti.
The last page with documents is the Articles page that lists even more information about this scandal involving Micheal Cohen, John Fry, and Michael Avenatti. Then, the weirdest page on the site is the Memes page. Just check it out for yourself.
All of these websites are hosted by the same IP in Provo, Utah.
The wayback machine still has an original copy before it was sold to a pornwebsite
Asher Scott
If you are on Unix you can use terminal command "wget --recursive --html-extension --page-requisites --convert-links" and download it yourself.
I will look at your site but what makes you absolutely certain that the lhohq domain is a nothingburger?
Nolan Cooper
we all drank our urine for 9 months straight, in the womb. Amniotic fluid is urine. For the first 3 months it’s mainly your mom’s pee. And for the remaining 6 months it’s mainly yours. There’s no umbilical cord attached to your genitals. The umbilical cord is attached to your intestines. And that should be another proof to people that urine is not a waste product, waste goes through your intestines. That’s what that excretory channel is for. If urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, just about, the human fetus, the zygote, the embryo, is floating in urine? Urine is actually the ultimate, perfect, water, liquid. It’s what we grow in. And we would not have grown without it. And when you’re in the womb, if you remember, you breathe like a fish. You actually are continually sucking your own urine down your mouth. And that is more proof that it’s not a waste product.[2011] Andrew Norton Webber interview (Urine therapy, distilled water) by Chrissy McMahon A documentary about current surveillance capabilities, how Niantec used Pokemon go to refine AI prediction and many other things. >this is their business, to obfuscate, to misdirect, to engineer our ignorance >with mechanisms and methods that are undetectable and indecipherable >and if they confront you, deny, deny as long as possible until they habituate >if there is some element that fails to get habituated >create an adaptation in her way she calls out the powers that are a few times, she also understand the fundamentals of the technology involved no shizo content tho still about remote control and others >Surveillance Capitalism
Hudson Perry
why does a "LARP" have legitimate phone numbers addresses and doxx on hundreds of high profile people? poison another well shill, we're balls deep in this one.
Logan Powell
It is not, ignore the shill. These websites are from before pizzagate happend. And i've been for a long time and this has not come up before, atleast not on this board.
Josiah Bennett
Give the Rothschilds a call then. They are listed. You won't no balls!
Jordan Lopez
im not clicking that poo african american
Easton Johnson
>Amniotic fluid it's not momma's pee it's only your own after a few weeks on top of that delicious amniotic vampyre juice
Ian Turner
Are you retarded? There are 640+ results for the lhohq domain going at least as far back as 2016. Yas Forumsacks looking at this is anything but 'new'
Elijah Nelson
it's fake and gay.
Go ahead call a number. Post the video of you calling them
>inb4 nice try glow nigger you just want to v& me :^)
Ryan Williams
if I had a burner phone or skype at a library I'd LOVE to call David Brock a faggot to his face, however I unironcally don't want to "commit suicide" or have a nasty car wreck in the next month.
Juan Walker
Because it's been posted for almost a decade. Use the archive dude literally just search lhohq on Yas Forums and /x/ 4plebs archive
Aiden Campbell
>When Epstein’s black book was released, someone googled Ghislaine Maxwell’s email that was found at the bottom of the book. One of these websites popped up, which links to several other website
awesome, post her email so I can confirm you arent a lying retard, thanks
Samuel Cooper
Ah ok enjoy your larp then.
William Morris
I've just made that point to another user you moron, it's not an answer to my question. By the same logic your site is a nothingburger seeing how it's in the archive as well
Hunter Collins
I was scrolling through mobile and noticed this behind the page, only when the page was lagging while scrolling could I see it
so because at one point someone was digging in to this and nothing came of it, it's a LARP? who's paying you? why are you namefagging? what's the deal here?
Ethan Myers
Fuck off glownigger... this is a distraction and complete nonsense >you know what this is and why the original file is filtered
My website is an old copy of Epstein's science Foundation website yours is a fucking website with ramblings and dumbshit plastered all over the place. Billion dollar pedo syndicates aren't running websites with formats like lhohq
Joseph Rogers
Finished downloading the website. Compressing. Where should I upload it? I think it may be around 1 Gb.
Nathan Gutierrez
>newcombe any relation to bjm guy?
Oliver Reyes
Check out this website where you could apparently book a stay on Epstein’s island. There is a phone number listed if anyone wants to try it out.
> Billion dollar pedo syndicates aren't running websites with formats like lhohq why wouldn't they? keeps the normies out. any sane curious person would freak out and close that shit fast, not think to inspect element and hoover up all the delicious personal information and documents. have you even looked through this shit at all or are you just here to tell us we're all schizos and retards?
Brayden Morris
howd you do it so fast... im still downloading it.
Elijah Barnes
No clue
Jayden Brooks
Mega and torrent
Blake King
I've been digging into this all afternoon what the fuck guys the archives go back to november 2006 Look at this
ABSTRACT Encouraging voters to truthfully reveal their preferences in an election has long been an important issue. Previous studies have shown that some voting protocols are hard to manipulate, but predictably used NP-hardness as the complexity measure. Such a worst-case analysis may be an insufficient guarantee of resistance to manipulation. Indeed, we demonstrate that NP-hard manipulations may be tractable in the average-case.
He's a namefag who is assblasted that his thread in fall 2019 didn't get any traction, note how he refers to it as 'my site' I had a look at the archived site and it doesn't strike me as being particularly interesting >inb4 based Shiro Poster tells me why I'm wrong
Anthony Torres
guys i don't know if we should be looking at this, go back into the archive and there's weird code words and shit, they almost seem like trigger words for a sleeper agent. there's a whole section that talks about decoding ciphers and the author of the website's time training in Korea and shit
Finished compressing. Uploading archive to
Jackson Rodriguez
Samuel Peterson
well im gonna crash out for a few a leave this scraping as a backup to the other anons. All the shilling is making me think there is something to this.
Kayden Anderson
Mad lad
Chase Young
>Junta Distributions and the Average-Case Complexity of Manipulating Elections >A. D. Procaccia and J. S. Rosenschein