I bet my friend that if 10000 dies in the US that he will buy me a TESLA. Guess who has a 2020 TESLA now LMAO
Trump confirmed as an enemy of the pedo elite.
It was true then and it's true now. SARS-COV2 will be back next year and the year after that, are you fear-ridden little fags going to cry for the country to shutdown every single time?
Imagine getting psyop'd into being scared of some faggot little virus that only kills old fucks
Not you LMAO
He was right desu. Still fewer deaths than the flu.
Honestly at this point, are MAGA fags the worst group? Worst than antifia and Jews?
Lurk more faggot
Ah hem
>and then everyone started clapping
>only kills boomers
Also fatties and diabetics, and unfortunately that’s 56% of your country
Remember March? It was so long ago.
Are you going to say that when it reaches 69,000 even if the entire country is locked down?
But... but... our doctors and nurses... its a warzone out there guys. why aren't you people scared.
and they are now predicting 60k deaths from this chinese virus which is the same as the normal flu, so what's your point
Coronavirus is decimating the black population which has been disproportionately fat and diabetic for decades, its doing us all some good.
69,000 / 330,000,000 = 0.0002090909091
I'll say it's still a statistical anomaly, how about you?
the lockdown has done nothing to slow the infection rate, and it was already on the decline before it started
That friend's name? Barack Hussein Obama.
Getting millions of Americans killed to own the libs.
>guess what happens when all flu deaths are labeled Corona wuhan deaths?
You guessed it. No increase in mortality at all. Kinda of hard to have a pandemic with less deaths than the previous year.
>All Flu cases below statistical norm
>All Heart Attack cases below statistical norm
>Pneumonia cases below any statistical possibility.
Pretending its gonna kill everyone it touches is the biggest scam since Russian collusion.
80k died of flu in 2016-2017 you turdburglar
80,000 people dies of the flu in the US during the 2017-2018 season. So yes.
>At this moment
Also he was obviously alluding to something else going on being the reason for all this shit.
Well one of those years anyway lol
800,000 people commit suicide every year
Don't project you failure in logistics on virology
I literally wouldn't care if the country got decimated
69k there’s only one thing to say. Nice.
Imagine being this much of a kikeshill
So amerifats launched into a 20 year war costing trillions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of lives and economic ruin when muh 3,000 was lost in 9/11, but now 3,000 are dying a day from covid19 and the fed is acting like it's no big deal and the economy needs to come first?