/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3301 - CCP Virus Editions

► Detected: 2,321,401 (+72,538) ► Died: 159,621 (+5,476) ► Day: 100 (-05:21:03)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 8.7x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 4,331 strains have been sequenced —


Virus might cause micro blood clots, dangerous even post-infection

Very high excess mortality in Spain, France, Italy, UK

Vaccine would be first vaccine against coronaviruses

China says only 3% of Wuhan developed immunity

Novel coronavirus can survive high temperatures

97,000 deaths in China, financial analyst estimates from urns data

Type "A" blood more likely to catch virus than "O"

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

Lithuania reports 9 cases of reinfection

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

Normalcy bias is the tendency to believe things will always be the same

Scientists warned SARS was going to reemerge in China

Infected in Sudan only discovered post-mortem

Reports of "atypical pneumonia deaths" in Mexico embarrass health secretary

Coronavirus spike already visible in Dutch mortality rates

3,340 new cases and 429 new deaths in Italy
516 new cases and 14 new deaths in Florida
85 new cases and 2 new deaths in Kansas
181 new cases and 12 new deaths in Mississippi
209 new cases and 17 new deaths in the Dominican Republic
63 new cases and 1 new death in Cuba


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Other urls found in this thread:


Well anons. We all should have realized by now that we are just at the beginning of this pandemic.
I mean sure now numbers will go down.
After around 2-3 months of heavy restrictions its just normal for that. The sooner a country implimented them the faster it is for them.
Gov. gona think they have it under controle people will be happy as more and more restrictions get lifted.
And heres the point.
What do we know about corona?

>you get very limited to no immunity to it. And even if youre one of the lucky few with immunity all it needs is a new strain of a highly mutating virus
>Just 3-20% get immunity at all
>children don’t build up any immunity at all
>longterm damages to organs like heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, testicles (if you get a more than mild infection)
>reinfection hits a lot harder and deadlier.
>incubation time of 5-28 days.
>survives on objects up to 17 days even with sporadic bleach cleaning, 28 without.
>mutates fast (already 8 different strains found)
>asymptomic spreaders.
>no cure
>no vaccine

Now think about it. Restrictions get lifted people are happy.
Finaly freedom! Finaly human contact! PARTY! CLOSE CONTACT! FUCKING!
And trust me thousend over thousends will do that the moment they are allowed back into "normalcy".
Now all it needs is 1 single infected in a country. And we're back to square zero.
I mean sure lets say france has a new surge of infected. alot of countrys will ban travel to and from it. But some wont. And from there it spreads even in countrys with the travel ban.

But people will only realize it mostly 5-28 days later.
Now remember.

This is the most retarded post i have read in a long time. You retarded nigger

The news media is now saying the virus could possibly have come from a lab.

You know what that means, right? All the normalfags, who called you a crazy conspiracy theorist for suggesting the same a few months ago, are now going to be repeating it as if they believed it the whole time. Be ready.

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It's a Fascist NWO, too bad the "fascists" (Trump, Bolsonaro, Putin, etc.) turned out to be massive neocon shills defending open borders and the stock market at all costs. Brazil still has open borders, can you believe it?

Reminder if we need ECMO machines we're fucked.

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He's right though.

Like pottery.

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>Dead: 157,463
lol, solo 157,463
¿cuántos días hemos estado estancados en 157,463? ¿4 días? ¿5?

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stay safe anons, they expect one of us in the wreckage

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>Texans flocked to the state’s Capitol in Austin to protest Covid-19 lockdown measures, refusing to practice social distancing and cheering for Dr. Anthony Fauci to be fired by President Donald Trump.

>In attendance at Saturday’s ‘You Can’t Close America’ Rally were InfoWars founder Alex Jones and host Owen Shroyer, who led the crowd of some 200 people in chants against the mainstream media and officials like Fauci.

>Shroyer, who referred to the doctor as “fascist Fauci,” asked the crowd: “Do you think Anthony Fauci should be fired?”, before leading them in chants of “Fire Fauci.”

Alex Jones is based.

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Why are conservatives now politicizing the virus and encouraging everyone to engage in public gathering, like fucktards? I'm actually a conservative myself and I'm in an area that's hit really bad right now, and I can't quite understand it. We just got past the Democrats politicizing the virus, calling for impeachment, and now conservatives are encouraging people to get infected to own the libs.





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are you me? this is so goddamn infuriating

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Eh, those retarded normalfags will be dead soon anyway, so fuck 'em.

>Why The Technological System will Destroy Itself

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You guys are the most PATHETIC bunch on this planet.

You wish for the destruction of this world and you are LAUGHING?
You make this virus into a cartoon girl to jack off to it?

This isn't a movie. It's real life. People are SUFFERING and STARVING.
The Global Economy is in Shambles. It's the END of globalization as we know it.

And you all WANT this to happen and get WORSE???? I'd say that's pretty based. Godspeed coronachan.

Please tell Trump to glass Chynah in its entirety. It's the only way. You can do it from orbit too.

2 more weeks
>2 more weeks
2 more weeks

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give me good news /cvg/

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>kike shill alex jones screaming to reopen everything

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Am I wrong in this 2 cent analysis on what went wrong after the fall over the soviet union in the 90's? Give me your inputs

>1: The failure to create a strong and non-meme UN organization
>1.1: The failure to contain China and make them conform to non meme UN standards or shut them off from the world completely
>1.2: The US invasion of Iraq that destroyed the UN system

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#1 United States 734,526 (38,768) #2 Spain 191,726 (20,043) #3 Italy 175,925 (23,227) #4 France 151,793 (19,323) #5 Germany 143,160 (4,451) #6 United Kingdom 114,217 (15,464) #7 China 82,719 (4,632) #8 Turkey 82,329 (1,890) #9 Iran 80,868 (5,031) #10 Belgium 37,183 (5,453) #11 Russia 36,793 (313) #12 Brazil 36,599 (2,347) #13 Canada 33,218 (1,469) #14 Netherlands 31,589 (3,601) #15 Switzerland 27,404 (1,368) #16 Portugal 19,685 (687) #17 India 15,722 (521) #18 Ireland 14,758 (571) #19 Austria 14,671 (443) #20 Peru 14,420 (348) #21 Sweden 13,822 (1,511) #22 Israel 13,265 (164) #23 South Korea 10,653 (232) #24 Japan 9,787 (190) #25 Chile 9,730 (126) #26 Ecuador 9,022 (456) #27 Poland 8,742 (347) #28 Romania 8,418 (421) #29 Saudi Arabia 8,274 (92) #30 Pakistan 7,638 (143) #31 Denmark 7,242 (346) #32 Norway 7,036 (164) #33 Mexico 6,875 (546) #34 Czech Republic 6,606 (181) #35 Australia 6,565 (69)…

#1 United States +24,791 (+1,614) #2 United Kingdom +5,525 (+888) #3 Russia +4,785 (+40) #4 France +3,824 (+642) #5 Turkey +3,783 (+121) #6 Italy +3,491 (+482) #7 Brazil +2,917 (+206) #8 Germany +1,763 (+99) #9 Iran +1,374 (+73) #10 India +1,370 (+35) #11 Canada +1,291 (+159) #12 Netherlands +1,140 (+142) #13 Saudi Arabia +1,132 (+5) #14 Belgium +1,045 (+290) #15 Peru +931 (+48) #16 Spain +887 (+41) #17 Ireland +778 (+41) #18 Portugal +663 (+30) #19 Pakistan +613 (+8) #20 Sweden +606 (+111) #21 Mexico +578 (+60) #22 Ecuador +572 (+35) #23 Chile +478 (+10) #24 Ukraine +444 (+8) #25 Poland +363 (+15) #26 Romania +351 (+10) #27 Qatar +345 (+1) #28 Switzerland +326 (+41) #29 Indonesia +325 (+15) #30 Bangladesh +306 (+9) #31 Serbia +304 (+7) #32 Israel +283 (+13) #33 South Africa +251 (+2) #34 Philippines +209 (+10) #35 Dominican Republic +209 (+17)…

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>the crowd of some 200 people
The humble waterfilter salesman is asking to be corona'd.

it's just a seasonal flu


>give me good news /cvg/

What's good news for you?

If you're a NEET, then I guess nothing will change?

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More than anything it's the world turning a blind eye to all of the fucked up shit going on over in China because of muh cheap manufacturing. That indifference caused all of this.

Shut up, curry nigger.

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Based and Gretapilled

no matter what, you will always have this

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alex is great even though he's for sure compromised

Daily reminder
>coronachan infects blood cells, infects oxygen
>coronachan destroys t-cells
>solution needs to counter this
>Because of this, blood types in people can determine how they will be effected, not age
>HIV attacks immune system and blood cells
>coornachan attacks immune system and blood cells
>if coronachan destroys immune system you are also susceptible to to other infections
>Virus had to be humanely tinkered to affect ACE2
>fauci is aware of this and needs to be prosecuted for crimes on humanity
>coronachan can lead to new cancers, new diseases because
>it's like aids through a different yet similar mechanism
>uses bits and parts of GP120 which HIV uses
>coronachan is specifically at this point "aids like"

Corona-chan best girl: confirmed

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Read the last sentence.

Things changed, have to decontaminate packages and store even more in bulk now.

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Based ZOG death cultists

Crystal meth?

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Based an corona-pilled

Yeah exactly
I would argue that a strong and non meme UN was thwarted in favor of cheap manufacturing

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>be me
>go outside for "health walk"
>develop symptoms of corona (again)

USA is joining the herd

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Are boomers just overgrown man children with ADHD?

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Shit, ok he is based.

Only evil racist nazi goys would object to being immunity-chipped by this man

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are you retarded?
thats Turkish delight

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Good news? You're going to make it, because you're important! Stay strong!

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Haven't had sex in like a year, this quarantine is comfy but i want to put my average sized dick in a mouth and a vagina again and i cant get escorts..
Fuck this shit

>no lasting immunity
>vaccine is 3+ years away

The satanists have lost this one too

How many infections yesterday?

This is their first real happening
They had their entire lives to prepare and instead they went for muh 3 houses


>tfw youll never live in a comfy tiny siberian town watching the world burn from your isolated unimportant hovel
>so small, unimportant and far out that no apocalypse will ever reach you

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Looking for advice wherever I can get it because RNHS aren’t helping me out much right now.

So late last year I was diagnosed with Lyme disease, got 3 weeks of antibiotics and a blood test after 2 weeks. The results of the blood test came back as ‘satisfactory’. Not negative, not positive, but satisfactory.

So for all I fucking knew I could still have Lyme disease, I no longer experienced symptoms and still don’t, but I know it can lay dormant for years.

Does anyone think somebody with Lyme disease is going to be at greater risk from Covid-19? I’m still in work and have to face the public, just a little concerned that I might get Covid-19 and then the Lyme disease might rear its head and the two combined could finish me off.

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I wonder if escorts will go back to their job after the lockdown is over or they will be scared of getting infected

They NEED to implement the mask rule, Jena has 0 new cases since they did that. It's the only chance. Sure there will be more cases nonetheles, but it will be reduced heavily. So far I see almost NOBODY wearing a fucking mask even though a lot of shops are already selling them in case you are retarded like me and cannot create a mask yourself.


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Live Live Live
Anti-Shutdown Protests

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Couldn't help it.

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Based. It's been cool in the mid-south all week, thanks to the goyim and businesses not driving and flying everywhere. I'm literally making more and saving more money than when I wasn't working from home, I spend more time with my wife, and worst case, I have guns and like 100 pounds of rice. If the power stays going, I'm literally all set.


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Yes. NEETs have more discipline. These boomer manchildren are completely hooked into the system and require it's mainstream comforts. Take away their Buffalo Wild Wings® or their niggerball™ and they come unglued.

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Statistically speaking these protests are guaranteed to become new clusters.

Christ is Risen!


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when life gives you lime you make lime juice

in all seriousness, why aren't you asking your doctor instead of a Latvian frog enthusiast forum?

Obviously go back to work they are desperate for money,i expect the prices will lower significantly too.

See you in Pochinki faggot.

All of you are doing your duty and acting as model citizens, right?

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Checked, buy why should Fauci be prosecuted for crimes against humanity? I'd argue most world leaders know this shit already which is why they went with a worldwide lockdown strategy. Are you implying that he had a hand in the creation of it?

I love how they get close to each other and shake hands and don't use a mask.
Corona-chan must be so pleased right now.

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Nah senpai that kike is still dead

Same way when this virus kills more and more people they'll act like they always knew it was dangerous despite calling you a schizo for months

>Dead: 157,463
lol, solo 157,463
Quanti giorni siamo rimasti bloccati a 157,463? 4 giorni? 5?

>implying the rich can get richer without the working class moving products or utilizing services.

The hell is pregnelolone? Definitely sounds like a fast track to a fucked up endocrine system.

They're basically the most spoiled generation in human history, so yes.

>Haven't had sex in like a year
Quit whining.

It almost certainly has zero effect on your chances of you getting it. Probably substantially increases the chance of it killing you, though.

Bro, you fucking live in this country. Las Vegas is in Nevada.

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The kinography of 2020 is already off to a good start. We'll be seeing this image in articles and history books about "How American Boomers Accelerated Their Own Demise"

I mean things are really unpredictable, not like a spanish flu where it had high mortality rate, not like common cold either.
And there are some people saying it's literally Flu HIV that'll soon to be turn into flu AIDS
thanks swedebro

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>the only people coping and saying it's fake are Americans
why are they like this? I seriously do not get it and would like an explanation. is america this divided and fractured?


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>Does anyone think somebody with Lyme disease is going to be at greater risk from Covid-19?
Yes. In theory any comorbity is a factor that may weaken your immune system.

there's no way alex jones survives coronachan


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What are the average number of deaths in america, not counting the koronavairos?

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lol no they won't you dumb cuck

Is Africa just getting wrecked right now and we're just not hearing about it?

Pottery in motion...

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They would sooner deny its existence for a few more weeks and die choking and flailing then go without niggetball or applebees for 2 weeks
They will be culled.

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der eternal boomer wants it same as it ever was, doesn't trust the gubment even though literally 60% of countries worldwide are suffering from this (not to mention the dense 3rd world countries that don't have as much rural land as the US, so they burn bodies in the street), and wanting to go back to work because it's all they know and they need to pay those BILLS and TAXES

>Resident Kikevil
>Silent Hill Nursing Home
>Boomer Frame

Nigger quit your shitposting, just about every country has that kind of retards denying the existence of the virus and wanting to go back to their daily wageslaving. You also forget that the US is huge with a population of over 320m. Of course you'll have a decent amount of fucktards.
If you take Europe not as individual countries and only as the European Union then you'll have the same amount of retards there as in the US.

When was the first confirmed infection in china ?

I've been trying to warn people for months on this they laughed mocked me said I was crazy now I just want the highest death total possible just so I can be vindicated








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I am an anime watching autist on Yas Forums and even I know the chances of a vaccine that does not kill you, thanks to ADE, are close to zero.
Sure you can make it but no one in their right mind would take it.

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America is a corpse being feasted on by maggots. Voting is a game where some root for the corpse, others the maggots.

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Can you show me an equivalent to this picture?

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my reality is sweet better than your dreams
look at all my shit look at all my shit
im goin for the win in the limosine
i never wanna be sober

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Yes. First cases were found in February, but not much news sinxe, other than some nigger officials calling testkits "too confuseing to use"

What is the public opinion in Sweden about HERD strategy?

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I posted a year ago or more that I thought They were using western countries as an Ark. Hence the desperation to open the borders so intensely
The poor countries would be destroyed but there would still be genetic variety left to repopulate


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No, that is what people have come to understand wave to mean because they herd it used on TV once.
With the Spanish flu there where one strain that passed thru the US, then soldiers came back from WW1 with a different strain that made another (more lethal) pass thru the population.

population in an area have it, then they DON'T, then they get it again




Just set your gaze over Germany and you'll 100% find people similar to those.