Anything remotely right wing is completely unbased in reality. Historical revisionism, pseudoscience, and conspiracy theories are cornerstones of right wing ideology in the modern day.
Anything remotely right wing is completely unbased in reality. Historical revisionism, pseudoscience...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Historical revisionism
Holocaust never happened.
Race realism is not pseudoscience, shlomo.
>Holocaust never happened.
Sure thing “historian”.
>Race realism is not pseudoscience
Sure thing “scientist”
False accusation is a trademark of leftist retarded faggots. Everything you accuse others of doing is what you've been doing all along and the people are finally awakening to your bullshit. It's all over.
me on the bottom right
You must be thinking of the right wing, the creators of falsehoods and spreaders of lies.
>doesn’t use simp correctly
Have a family.
I laughed at this picture harder than I should of. Yas Forums utterly and completely btfo'd.
>0 (zero) actual evidence for purposeful elimination, much less 6 million+ of them
>monkeys smarter than the average african
Sure thing retard
>denies established history
>ignores proof
>monkey smarter than blacks
tell a monkey to do complicated tasks like learning how to drive a car
That picture but unironically
>conspiracy theories are cornerstones of right wing ideology
What amazes me when I hear this from commies though, is that everything from the secret documents seized from Adam Weishaupt of the Bavarian Illuminati, to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, to the Kalergi Plan, to the warnings in Mein Kampf, to the discoveries of the House of Un-American Activities, which are all supposed to be either fabrications or misrepresentations, has all come to pass exactly according to script. The political, economic, cultural, academic and demographic subversion. All of it, exactly according to script.
>Occam's Razor
Lynching nigs is pretty based to be honest fampai
I tend to just assume this place misrepresents right wing ideology so completely that I can't assume I understand the beliefs of conservatives.
Tell us the proof. Please. Show us the mass graves. The masturbation machines. The holes in the wall through which the shotgun barrels had to be pushed. But most importantly, demonstrate to us how they killed 6 million of the 5.5 million jews living in europe at the time, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of whom also survived.
>tell a monkey to do complicated tasks like learning how to drive a car
Tell a nigger to build a civilization.
Sweden has been primarily ruled by the leftists or centre left for a long time now.
189 Explosive attacks that are being compared to a warzone or a terrorist controlled area of a country.
Tell me again how realistic lefty shits are. You fucking jew faggot slider.
Did you just imply jews created the right wing? Because you'd be correct
> Historical revisionism,
Such as claiming Egyptians were Substandard African descent when their skulls are caucoid in nautre?
> pseudoscience
Such as claiming Genetics does not effect human intellect as it does in the case of every animal and primate species on earth?
>conspiracy theories
Such as believing that all white men are continually working in unison to further there own race and gender interestsin the modern world? ( if fucking wish)
The true mark of the left.
The inability to think and the predisposition to catagorize.
There is a reason Right wingers on average now have Higher IQs for the first time since data on the topic has been gathered.
Jewish inferiority is not pseudoscience
>Ashkenazi Jewish genetic diseases are a group of rare disorders that occur more often in people of Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish heritage than in the general population.
>Diseases in this group include:
>Bloom syndrome. Babies with this disease are born small and remain shorter than normal as they grow. Their skin may look red, and they have more lung and ear infections than children normally have.
>Canavan disease. This disease gradually destroys brain tissue.
>Cystic fibrosis. This disease causes very thick mucus in the lungs and problems with digesting food.
>Familial dysautonomia (FD). People with this problem cannot feel pain, they sweat a lot, and they have trouble with speech and coordination.
>Fanconi anemia. People with this problem do not have enough blood cells and have problems with the heart, kidneys, arms, or legs. They also are more likely to get cancer.
>Gaucher disease. This disease causes a type of fat called glucocerebroside to build up in certain cells of the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.
>Mucolipidosis IV. This problem causes the nervous system to deteriorate, or break down, over time.
>Niemann-Pick disease (type A). This disease causes a type of fat called sphingomyelin to build up in cells of the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow.
>Tay-Sachs disease. This disease causes a type of fat called ganglioside to build up in the cells of the brain and nervous system.
>Torsion dystonia. People with this problem have ongoing spasms that twist the muscles in their arms, legs, and sometimes their body. Testing for this condition may not always be done.
>About 1 out of 4 people of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage is a carrier of one of these genetic conditions.
Also, turn your memeflag back on, retard
As a general rule of thumb, the left is basically always guilty of the things they accuse right-wingers of doing
I don't think it has anything to do with being right wing I think it's about not liking gays, blacks, women and jannies and any one who opposes is gay, black, a woman or a janny.
>mass graves
Many were found, jackass. A simple google search could debunk your shit.
>masturbation machines
>claim made by Bernard Holstein, a false holocaust survivor nobody in the historian community respects
The holocaust was a huge thing. There's bound to be people who would want to cash into it. It would be really stupid to say all the holocaust survivors were paid actors and nobody ever spilled the beans.
>only 5.5 million jews living in europe at that time
>tell a nigger to build civilization
It's been done. Again, a simple google search could answer your question. You just think they didn't because Yas Forums memes.
>Leftypol kike nonsense
When did you decide you were a neoliberal creationist?
shalom Rabbi
Ironic just kys
>muh race realism is pseudoscience