Why are people seething so hard over three stupid tweets? Nothing he said was illegal

Why are people seething so hard over three stupid tweets? Nothing he said was illegal.

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It also advocates for it.

So in reality it's neutral.

It's the implication. That could be interpreted by the tea party Alex Jones Q section of his supporters to go "full 1776" on their state capitols.

it is not illegal

That's the usual "orange man bad" spin. Tim Kaine called Trump out on it. But Kaine is the one who told people to "fight in the streets" to get what they wanted.

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They'd be seething and screeching no matter what Orange Mad Bad does.
Their Trump Derangement Syndrome symptoms are showing.
3 years of histrionic autistic screeching about Orange Man Bad down, almost 5 to go.
How frustrating it must be, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?
Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.
Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.

Considering the ongoing "not my president" motto of liberal extremists, he's mild.

Jews. That’s why. That’s always why.


I wish a European leader tweeted LIBERATE CONSTANTINOPLE.

Advocation is speech and this protected. The law is dead because it is overruled by the supremacy clause.

inciting violence is illegal. He is racist and unhinged

>But Kaine is the one who told people to "fight in the streets" to get what they wanted.

Totally forgot about that, thanks. Checked.

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#resist good
#liberate bad

would that be such a bad thing at this point?

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>federal law bans advocating the overthrow of government

well it would duh

Here’s why

>Nothing he said was illegal.
That's the problem.

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He didn't tell people to use force or violence.

All politicians take an oath of office which states that they must uphold and defend the Constitution. It's proven argued law and it's in the Constitution that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Governor's and politicians or even sheriffs enforcing or creating "laws" that violate the Constitution are infact violating their oath and our civil liberties.

It was a bad look. I won't be voting for him that's for sure.

Indeed fellow White American, Joe Biden has our best interest.

And I argue what's the difference between what he said and what these fucking crooks have said about this virus. Millions of death. Creating a panic and instilling fear on massive amounts of the population with no scientific data to back up there claims just extreme worse case guessing. How is what they did any different than yelling bomb on a plane or fire in a movie theater?

Leftists want to criticize Trump even though they have for years now parrotted mantras along the lines of:
>Drumpf is an existential threat to America and the world
>Drumpf is the second coming of Hitler
>Drumpf wants to turn America into an all-white Christian theocratic ethnostate
>Drumpf is a traitor/a foreign asset
>Drumpf will start a nuclear war
>Drumpf is caging children at the Mexican borders and putting migrants into concentration camps
>Drumpf incites his supporters to kill people of color, jews and lgbt people
>Drumpf has killed 10s of 1000s of people during the coronavirus pandemic


Like clockwork, the saying "the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" rings 100% true once again. They honestly deserve to be gassed at this point for their tricks. Remind leftists of their projection and hypocrisy whenever you encounter them. Fuck these subhuman, low IQ cunts.

I wasn't sure if I was gonna vote for him, but this was it for me. I'm over it.

He's got my vote 100% and I'm voting for whoever he endorses next election.

>Noooooo! You can't shoot the tyrants! It's against the law! Not the legalrinos! Nooo!

These faggots think laws matter

Kek, you're okay, memeflag.

So just try to impeach him again lol

Slaughter the left.

>He said something illegal!
>Well he implied something illegal!
>Ok well some people might take it that way!
>The sentiment of the tweet carries implications that may lead to illegal activity!