Abolish men.
Abolish men
Women are incapable of functioning as an effective team in the workplace. More than 1 woman on any project is a recipe for fucking disaster. Any woman can confirm this.
already did, that's why feminism is collapsing
Well that explains why it's so common for women to be Communists.
I hope I live long enough to watch this world inevitably burn. Women, of course, will once again be reduced to objects.
Who are these people
>claim they are not ego drive
>claim they are "eco" drive and team driven
What is an army. What is democracy. Everything built in the last 2000+ years by men working together.
>women aren't competive
>women share
literally delusional
>not money driven and people driven
communists. retardedness.
>Achievement vs motivation
literally nonsense
>failing is an incident
the end justifies the means, they are not responsible for their actions, not striving for excellence but striving not to be blamed by other women...
>conflict through negotiation
men have done both
Honestly I'd be red-pilled instantly by this and they have no idea what the consequences of this shit is going to be for society, themselves and their families.
Why am I even replying to this.
Its hard to stand back and not say something. Its a message board. Cant say in real life or fired, removed from college and shamed on social media and newspapers.
Women require sharing.
The 19th amendment must be repealed or society is doomed.
Not all of us are cuckolds that share our women
Someone post the all women office article.
fixd for the real world
someone post that image about the survivalist show that had women on an island that couldn't work together so producers had to send a man.
Thats a good one too.
>feminine culture
>not money/things
>sharing, no compeittion
>conflict solved thtough negotiation
Jesus fucking christ women are kids
Yes, they want to share your money with you
since when is the opposite of competition sharing? these thots will reinvent the laws of physics to avoid being called a whore
True. Even if that 1 can pull her weight the whole fucking thing explodes as soon as another comes around
why do they just lie and have this fake image of masculinity. obviously men and women have their own common faults and weaknesses which can be stereotyped, but to completely attack the other and then glorify your own is just stupidity.
women want the men to share with them and compete for them. that's the difference.
femininity is just receptive. so it accepts failures of itself and others, but still expects someone else to compete for them, and share with them. one accepts the work and the other produces the work. thats the feminine masculine difference.
work is done automatically for women, by men or by their own biological processes. whereas men provide the support and well being.
feminists are just stupid and don't want to accept that simple truth.
is this supposed to be for masculine culture or against, I can't tell
I bet she felt so fucking smart
>competition and achievement are bad
lol that's about right.
lies, just look at this totally functional all female company...
looks like literal who talking to literal who
Whoever wrote that list doesn’t know men or women.
competing for control of resources vs sharing them
Thats the one.
>not vain
>not greedy
>no queen bee syndrome
this is how basedboys are made
> eco driven
I have never met a woman that cared about the environment outside of virtue signaling online
> sharing
Those bitches only share so that you ‘owe’ them later or can post about it in social media
> people / quality of life
I guess we’ll just ignore your 100’s of shoes, Gucci/Prada/coach bags, and designer clothes. Don’t pay attention to that $400 hair cut and dye
> motivation
Motivated to get more likes and follows than the other women in their life maybe.
> more women in management
How is this good but more men in management bad?
> failing is an incident
Are you fucking kidding? When a woman fails she’s in tears for days, post about it all over social Media to get as much attention is possible and a man has to pick up the broken pieces to Fix the mess she made
> conflict solved through negotiation
Women are the caddiest species on the planet. They will stab each other in the back, try to get each other in trouble or fired, and fuck another woman’s man just to get the upper hand. Where is the negotiation in that? Maybe they’re good at negotiating the price sucking dick, even then they need pimp to help them out.