Mayor of NYC goes full Soviet

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If my neighbors throw a party or invite people over I'd unironically call the cops on them. Total selfishness and disregard for other people's health.

So who else snapping photos of dicks to this number?

Half these blue state/city leaders are already open Marxists. Is anybody actually surprised?

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I wish people had the balls to drag these politicians from their homes. Our forefathers weep at how weak we've become. Goodbye America!

>breaking up nigger/spic/chink gathering is BAD
>ratting out Orthodox Jewish gatherings is BAD

As a New Yorker, this makes me happy. I live in Riverdale, Bronx, loads of super Jews here to snitch on. Can't wait!

What does bootleather taste like?

how is a party in a house a threat to other people ? fucking idiot

that being said the virus is no threat for 95% of the infected people under age 80

Remember, pics of faces, license plates, ect.

I heard this was happening in Europe, was wondering when they were going to try it here

People from Bronx post on here.

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Right to assembly unless de Blasio says no.

>oh nooooo my government officials are trying to keep me from getting infect and infecting others with an extremely contagious disease that has already killed 40,000 americans?
>this is just like the USSR and the gulags!!!!!!!!!

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My first inclination was not dicks, but somewhere in the same ballpark.

You understand that you can't catch the disease from healthy people, right?
Or did you really believe that normal PIV sex is how AIDS is transmitted?

Invite yourself to die on purpose, bootlicking faggot

And make sure to tell the police that the niggers have guns and drugs too.

pol then
pol now

what caused the pro israel shift?

>he doesn't know what asymptomatic carriers are

>Extremely contagious
Citation needed
They can't even tell us if it's contact, droplet or airborne.

What if we just send redpills to the police?

/cvg/ trannies were never Yas Forums

So... not a deadly disease then?

Look many faggots are replying to 3/10 bait.

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>guaranteed replies

AIDS is transmitted by faggots shoving their dicks up the asses of other faggots.

When we found out how deep the plot went. Catch up rabbi.

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this is why I'm glad 40,000 americans are already dead from this shit, and more to follow.

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This retard has set up a number for us to send in pictures of non compliant businesses.
They will need to use humans to look at the pictures so that they can identify them.\
Is there ways to send them redpill pictures without doxing yourself to the police?
Think of the mischief!

Fucking kikes wants to enforce New World Order

>pro-Israel shift
No, it's the arbitrary restrictions being put in place on healthy not-at-risk populations by our politicians that is making people question what's going on.
We were told 14-30 days quarantine to contain the spread because the virus doesn't show symptoms for 14-30 days and there was no way to know who had it and who didn't, so it was best if everybody quarantined so as to prevent it from spreading during its 14 day incubation period.
It's 31 days later and the people in quarantine haven't shown any symptoms and want to know why they can't come out.

This right here, wish the homeless were still around who were defecating in a public park across from my home, its too bad they fenced the park shut for china virus, they would have gotten a collection of pics of NYC homeless using our designated shitting parks.

I'm wondering why you don't just defy the quarantine like a true patriot

Incel here. There's a bunch of Stacies and Chads partying down the hall. Gonna give the mayor a call. :^)



Yes, but for over a decade, starting around 1988 or so, my generation was taught that anybody could get it just by having sex, even just one time, so we always had to use a condom. There were literally horror stories being taught in school about virgins getting it their first time ever having sex.
That was the official line. And obviously, the leaf here believed it.

Yes, how many of them would have been dead by now from their underlying comorbidity anyway? How many of them are genuinely dead from Corona Virus and not just suspected Covid?

I'm sorry you have AIDS.

How can anyone still believe this fucking fake news?

Corona is fake as fuck. Join a protest, start protesting the lockdowns.

Reminder that this is Bill de Blasio's nigger family

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40,000 american of who mostly were living dead already, nice try gimp, boring.

>Lich saved me
Well shit.

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>dying Americans
most entertainment I've had all year

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Factor in his son doesn't agree with him on his politics one bit, Hillary Clinton set him up with his black lesbian wife turned straight for de Blasio too, makes it even more comical. The fire rises BROTHERS88!


Faggot's just begging for dick pix

thanks for proving my point faggot lol :^)

Where? This entire happening has been a bunch of kikes swearing it's real and calling you a retard for asking for proof other than experts kvetching on the news.

why are you so upset?

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The fuck is going on here? This looks like some kind of rendering/LOD issue

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>full Soviet
Nah, that's just full UK.

I fucking wish. The Soviets would know how to deal with this crisis. American anarcho-tyranny fundamentally can't handle a pandemic.

>based schizo has never been outside before
it's a tarp they put over buildings that are being renovated.