Killing 2 birds with 1 stone

The Federal Reserve holds ~$6T of US Debt and China holds ~$1T. That’s $7T of our ~$18T US Public debt. We can decrease our US Public Debt by 38% if we just abolish the Fed and default on Chinese-held US treasuries (think of it as restitution for Covid-19).

Attached: $6Trillion.png (1506x1292, 267.15K)

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>implying debt actually exists in a fiat currency

>implying debt actually exists in a fiat currency
I wish you were right and that debt does not exist in a fiat currency, but we spent $573 Billion last year in interest alone, I would say this 'exists'

Attached: US Public Debt Interest 1988-2019.png (1222x1490, 264.79K)

This. The us government can basically just print away the debt AND avoid hyperinflation by saying if you don't accept our currency value, we'll unleash our glow nigger army and nukes on you like a gangster shaking down the local shops. They can also just allow the debt to keep growing forever for the same reason.

>They can also just allow the debt to keep growing forever for the same reason.
I have a better idea, let's issue US Notes, slowly recycle Fed Res Notes out of circulation and STOP issuing bonds as currency. Let's establish a national bank or a series of state banks. We need a debt free currency. We just chartered two fintechs last month. Soon primary dealers will be obsolete.

Attached: fintech chartered.png (1794x1538, 352.48K)

Or we can continue doing what we're doing, give free money to banks and large companies, while buying up all the goyim assets and telling them it's nationalism.

I think a better way of looking at it us by percent, the state prints x, how much it just move around "interest" or actually buy things

>Or we can continue doing what we're doing, give free money to banks and large companies
1/10th of a $Trillion every business day, all day long since September. Must be nice to have that kind of cushion.
pic related the tenth of a trillion dollars that switched hands on Friday alone in the bankrupt shell game that we call Central Banking. Approximately a trillion dollars a week is being spent to keep the financial sector afloat. Also, these funds have NOTHING to do with the stimulus $2T.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-17 at 9.52.15 PM.png (690x1460, 222.15K)

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when you say state you mean individual states issuing currency or the 'state' as in the government?

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Hey dumbass
They PRINTED that 7 trillion and its now in circulation
Debt and currency are like matter and antimatter
The money has to be paid back (destroyed) to also destroy the debt.
If you get rid of the debt and leave the currency thats just inflation

As in government

We live in a world of abundance, the old monetary theories doesn't work anymore, we should rethink how this shit works

>Debt and currency are like matter and antimatter
For some reason our debt never seems to go down and our currency is being counterfeited ad infinitum, so I guess your theory is wrong.

Attached: Excess reserves.png (1340x572, 138.98K)

>how much it just move around "interest" or actually buy things
we are not moving it around, we are paying it, every month
we are paying compounding interest to a private bank cartel to issue our own currency
it is absurd
$269 Billion this fiscal year pic related

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-18 at 3.58.49 PM.png (904x302, 47.86K)

>we should rethink how this shit works
fully agree

Attached: bail up.png (1528x304, 61.74K)

Do you believe in FED chairman Trump?

How coronachan leads to Treasury dollar printing

i am not going to watch your videos

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Obviously this is the case and every expert knows this. The big question is how do we make the transformation? Who holds the negotiations etc.

Right now we are seeing some of the largest economies go bust so the IMF has to act. Trump I think is trying to do too much with too little time. I'd say he should be leading the transformation rather than doing what he is right now. Which is at the same time:
1)Saving the value and role of USD
2)Trade wars and deals
3)Trying to get manufacturing back to US
4)Trying to move factories from China to India
5)Trying to push Ivanka & Jared everywhere including Ivanka to IMF.

If he would succeed in all of that then the American dream would continue but he would need much more support to his visions. The problem with democracy and freedoms are seen right now. Trump has too much promises to be kept and has to be elected again. Plus he's aging all the time with enormous amount of stress. China is more stable and gains when the west is shuffling.

> if we just abolish the Fed
>just abolish

Attached: 1472807660003.gif (214x199, 589.75K)

>1)Saving the value and role of USD
The USD will always be more valuable than any other country, the problem is not the dollar, but who is issuing it.
>2)Trade wars and deals
Can't do any of this realistically unless all central banks under the BIS are abolished
>3)Trying to get manufacturing back to US
Already doing that now and about to ramp up infrastructure and generic medicines
>4)Trying to move factories from China to India
not sure what you mean by this but see pic related central banks help no one but themselves, even when it comes to India
>5)Trying to push Ivanka & Jared everywhere including Ivanka to IMF.
using family does not inspire confidence, but Trump does what he has to since our govt is obviously under siege by the financial sector, which funds its buddies in other sectors, basically skewing the real winners and loser of capitalism.

Attached: India globalization.png (2188x1468, 382.41K)

>The USD will always be more valuable than any other country, the problem is not the dollar, but who is issuing it.
but you said first > default on Chinese-held US treasuries
The US defaulting would send a catastrophic message. Absolutely no way the USD remains the strongest currency after that.

as if every country un the world doesn'y despise china right now. It would be restitution for their home grown novel zoonosis. Animal torturers.

Attached: Repo corona response.png (1468x1212, 323.81K)

as of today, The US does not owe chyna a goddamed penny. Trump has wiiped over 12 trillion off the debt. MAGA.

Of the chinks think they can come and collect, Americans will be celebrating our own chinko de mayo holiday.
Chinks will get nothing and like it.¡ (1.2 trillion)

>Trump has wiiped over 12 trillion off the debt.
And how did he do this?

Attached: PDCF haha.png (1258x650, 151.26K)

>If you get rid of the debt and leave the currency thats just inflation

bingo. US treasures are suppose to be perfectly secure, their value is built with this assumption. We'd fuck China over and ourselves even harder.