You: But, if UBI happens, it will collapse the economy eventually and destroy future generations. Me: Laughs in Boomer.
UBI it's time to become a boomer
UBI has to come from somewhere. Hence the government will just increase taxes, and generously give your own money back to you.
Why don’t you support lowering taxes instead, and keeping your own money in your own pocket?
UBI is bullshit. The plan is to pay for it with a VAT which is also bullshit. A VAT will increase the cost of goods and services up to 60% while the UBI will only cover 25% of expenses. Landlords win with UBI, user. Don't fall for it.
Because that requires me to actually work
Cool numbers and acronyms.
Where's my free money?
Then get a job. You might actually enjoy it.
>1 post by this ID
Glow more niggers
Right up until I get fucked in the ass, right?
>if UBI happens, it will collapse the economy eventually and destroy future generations
if ubi happens the economy will collapse within 1 year. This is true for any state.
Here we go with the canadajew bullshit, is ezra levant paying you well?
Why do you assume you’ll get fucked in the ass? There are other jobs out there that don’t require you to be a homosexual prostitute.
Where does UBI come from? How does the government pay for any social program?
For the record, i've enjoyed most jobs i've had. The problem is, you get terminated for unjust causes, can't survive on the wage independently, and have to deal with assholes who get paid 3x more than you to tell you what to do. Add to that the fact that I now have more money in my account after being unemployed and am living rent free...having a job isn't supposed to be about enjoyment. It's supposed to support your fucking survival. Right now being unemployed I literally have more money in my account than ever.
How about we gut middle management niggers?
Oh yeah? Do you prefer those? I don't think so. Something tells me you like to be the guy doing the poking.
Prove it.
Sounds like you either had shit jobs, are a shit human being, or all of the above.
>imagine thinking that cuttingmiddle managers’ salaries will be enough to fund UBI indefinitely
Wtf this makes no sense.
Also lmao you’re so desperate for (You)s you replied to me three times. Even to posts that were intended for other posters. This retarded thread deserves to die soon.
And your so desperate to win an argument that you typed a bunch of numbers in green text to appear clever. This is how you do it fag. Observe the gif.
I “won” this “argument” in my first post. Telling me that you’re a stupid lazy ass nigger is not an argument for UBI.
Also, typical Jew or Boomer logic.
>oh, you've been treated poorly on the job? You must be a shit person than.
Nah, you're the shit person.
>declaring he "won"
Lol, beat your chest more Jew. You didn't win shit.
I think it’s become amply clear by now that you’re a pretty shit person. Do society a favour and off yourself, you leech.
Your first post was that they would take it out of taxes. How they gonna tax my income if I don't work?
Back to the shitty person argument. Ouch that hurts. Not really.
Your arguments are all emotional and thin.
Thanks for confirming that you’re a self-cantered leech. Taxes will increase, cost of goods will increase, rent will increase, inflation will increase. Your neetbux won’t be worth shit, leech.
>emotional and thin
You’re emotional and a fatass
Just get a haircut and get a job, and stop leeching off society, fatty
Well I have $1200 in my account that begs to differ leaf.
Lol, a fatass? O.k. I'll be fat in your imaginary land.
>imagine being proud of having $1200 in your bank account
The absolute state of American fatties
You can make that much in a week with a decent job
>Get a haircut
>Get a job
Yes, and walk right up and give the manager a firm handshake, right?
I have more than $1200.
And that money all spends the same, proving my point.
It comes from the social contract. Hence the government will just print more money, and generously every dollar spent on infrastructure projects and public welfare has a 2 to 1 return on investment. Why don't you support public works and putting money into the economy?
Your type is on the way out. Bye, I have other things to do than argue with dinosaurs.
That’s how I got my first summer job when I was 16. Worked my way up from there. Given that you seem to have the intellect and emotional capacity of a 16-year-old, not a bad place to start for you too, fatty.
>it will collapse the economy eventually and destroy future generations
The economy's already collapsing and current generations are who will suffer from that, not future generations.
20 million layoffs in less than a month shoulf have tipped you off to that. Most of those jobs won't be back even after shelter in place rules are ended.
I honestly cannot tell if you are retarded or just trolling
Based. OP is a nigger
thats the goal, retard. crash this bitch with no survivors
Stop spending your $1200 life savings and learn to save/invest. Why do fatties have such an appetite for debt?