...What the fuck happened to this place?

...What the fuck happened to this place?

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the 2016 election

The NEETs backstabbed the workers in the face of fear.

it is a shithole of hatred but mostly unmet sexual needs. Notice how every other thread is about women? Yas Forums is such a fucking joke today

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Some say stormfront, some say politcal parties, take you pick.

moot quit, janitor applications just served as ways for interest groups to replace all OG moderation and push agendas. Then they started to turn a blind eye to shills and we're here. Any meaningful discussion is censored or slid out of catalog by hundreds of online shills. That and the eight chan fiasco divided us.

the shills won, they've found out how to change the zeitgeist, possibly by bringing in the zoomers too edgy for reddit to post absolute trash tier threads like "I'm stoned what's up guys"

I really liked what Ron had to say, so much so that I read "End the Fed". It was disappointing. It lacked any real analysis, description of what the Fed does, or how we'd otherwise handle those functions. It was mostly just anecdotes. Still, I think he's a sensible fella. It'd be nice if someone did a better job with the intent of his book.

Libertarianism is a meme ideology that can't work in a 56% mutt consumerist corporate shithole like the US. Ron Paul's heart was in the right place but it's too late.

it was the beginning of a massive uptick in shilling, an influx of normies and magatards

Yas Forums discovered meme magick and got the CIA involved

Kike shills run amok because mods are uninterested and uninvested in what Yas Forums actually is about.
Also, shills make metaposts every now and then regarding declining board quality in an attempt to make the remaining decent posters lose hope.
Subversive kikes, mutts, and degenerates need to realise that I'm going nowhere.
No, it's not.

it was written to his own audience, really. it's not as thorough an analysis as you can get from the other writers at the mises institute. try tom woods, bob murphy, or robert wenzel.

This. The 2016 election changed pol from ethnonationalist and nat soc to Trump's civic nationalism.

it's never too late to purge. late is, in fact, right on time.

We stopped believing in anything or hoping for a better future and just want the world to end.

stormfromt and white nat regards ruined it

Bros, when did this place become so full of...

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>Divided us
No. Those faggots just came here and board quality went down

>moot quit
He was a left-leaning cuck.
I'll never forget his goodbye q&a stream that he ended by fucking up the cowboy bebop line by saying "see you LATER, space cowboy". Absolute weeb who started an anime imageboard couldn't even remember a classic line from a classic anime.

Influx of newfriends around the time Boxxy happened. Hasn't been the same since.

I dont know, I just got here. It seemes pretty dope and chill here, amiright


After 2016 the demons that lost the US election realized that Yas Forums holds way more power than they first thought
So, they started to flood the board with their shills to try and push their diabolical narratives, thinking they actually have some sort of leverage(they don't, only other shills reply with "agreeing" posts)
See threads with these formats:
>unnecesary generals(permanent threads taking up space from page 1)
>"1 post by ID"
>"Yas Forums BTFO"
>social media screencap as OP
>racebait, genderbait, religionbait
All made to try and reduce our board's influence in world events, and to try and slide actual important threads spreading info to actual anons (for example, Q and pedogate stuff). In these threads you can see shills filling it up with buzzwords they try to meme (failing yet again) such as "schizo" "sleepy" "take meds" etc.
It's surreal to see them trying to destroy our cambodian fly fishing forum, and failing so miserably at doing so kek
Actual anons see through all of that shit, and newfags are learning to ignore shills

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It's true. People saying that Yas Forums has changed since 2016 or whatever probably haven't been around very long. It has been perpetually summer since 2009. Do you notice a difference between the posts now (arguably it's summer at the moment) and before the quarantine?
Shows that most people here are normies.

Thank you, I will.

It was less political back in 2014 or 2015 with the fappening days, though I didn't see much of Yas Forums, sticking with Yas Forums.

Reddit numales happened. They're mostly posting in /ptg/ and /cvg/ Generals. General threads shouldn't be a thing.

helter skelter

Everyone needs to resist replying to “are ( insert nationality here) white ?” and eye colour threads. They are solely there to divide and conquer. Kills me to see those daily shill threads with 100 replies.

You literally see no one in this board defending civic nationalism. Kys

>...What the fuck happened to this place?
I think a large amount of good people left.
If there were still a large number of good people on here then what im sharing would not be ignored


The hopefulness of Ron Paul wavered when libertarians began to realize that their utopia is an impossibility, they will never be left alone by commies, and low IQ people are incapable of handli g total freedom without becoming useless idiot pawns of collectivists. They also had to face racial truths as they will never be left alone on that front either, and the IQ divide means the only people who aren't susceptible to becoming useless idiots are a smaller subset of whites. This can only possibly draw one to realize that their only hope is national socialism and ethnic separation.

Yas Forums was always a containment board for anti-semites, naturally jidf or hasbara spam nazi shit and repost stale topics to keep the board diluted

Yas Forums is the new Yas Forums

fuck you newfag
/cvg/ is literally the happening of our time, the only general that deserves it's title
/ptg/ should die though