How much is the race mixing propaganda in your country

How much is the race mixing propaganda in your country

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>two people take photos with one another
>"they must be race mixing"

At this rate, it would be best just to refrain from taking photos with people. Unless you are doing this for a specific purpose.

It makes zero sense to take photos with someone who isn't in your tribe. I don't think these people can cognize the unforeseen consequences of such an act on the rest of humanity.

It's a nightmare, it's everywhere on TV, on school on books.....

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Wait, is that West Virginia? It kinda looks like a house I helped build...
Excuse me while I throw up

She also looks like she fucks niggas.

> How much is the race mixing propaganda in your country.

None at all. Nothing compared to America.

Its omniprevalent here.

It's okay honestly. The only propaganda about race mixing is made by multi-national corporations or general lefty shit like musicals or "art".

Attached: 8jXdx9F.jpg (1108x1200, 105.21K)

i have yet to see a nonwhite person in canada

the only time it shows a White couple is when they are in a abusive relationship

White men are weak unless paired with an Asian woman

White women are sluts and trash unless paired with a black man.

there is no other type but this

>She has a baby bump.....

Putting aside any obvious race-mixing, the fact Negroes are so 'ingrained' into American culture is now beyond propaganda. The word America and the word Black are ubiquitous now you can not separate the two. There is no "America" without Negroes, apparently. I don't know any other Western country like this. Only America is like this, for the past 100 years.

That girl is carrying his baby you dummy

i live in burgerstan so its probably among the most intense. they even edited this 15 year old commercial, "jake from state farm," to it being a black guy.


You love to blame America for everything but don't even look in your own country you leaf.
And you not much different from us in fact you're worse

(((flag))) fag. I have told my neighbors for years that they never show a white couple in commercials now. Why are you guys shilling so hard today? Every post is started by a (((flag))). Fuck you. I am going back to work. I work independently.

White women always look so happy when taking pictures with black men

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Well I'm glad they love the donated house they were too poor to pay for.
Fuck charities.

I must be fucking blind. Where is it niggers?

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Over 9,000.

white women are naturally prone to beastiality. Even the ancient Greeks knew this, hence the legend of King Minos' wife fucking a bull and birthing the Minotaur.

It's just an observation I have made. Canada isn't any better and has its own problems yes I know, but the Black/Negro element is an essential part of American fabric at this stage. There is no need for propaganda at this point it may as well be in the air on autopilot. This must have been planned for 100's of years, because it looks completely unnatural. There is no way this happened by chance or by luck or by randomness.

t. white coalburner

It's nauseating. Shouldn't all races be fucking pissed off about the relentless commercial push to churn out grays?
I've dated Spanish chicks and Asians. But never have I seen such a non-stop commercialization of racemixing as there is all over media in general.
It's no longer commonplace to see the same races together. In fact it's the opposite.
Quite lame.

you can't even go down to AutoZone to buy an oil filter, without the race-mixing propaganda

Attached: AutoZone --autozone- - Twitter 4-5-2020 12-27-03 PM.png (604x488, 291.41K)

It's embedded in nearly every single piece of media

None. We've already been turned into mongrels by countless invasions. At least we have no nigger blood though and never will.

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I've stopped buying from companies that promote race-mixing in their advertisements. I'm running out of brands I can buy.

America is the worst place in the world, and the best place in the world at the same time. Everything looks fake and fabricated, lights, camera, action, rock and roll. Maybe it's Jews, or aliens, but America looks like some psychological experiment. America is a circus. There is no possible way that place is real, must be a simulation.

you're pretty based and redpilled for a leaf