Was Power Rangers multi cultural propaganda?

Was Power Rangers multi cultural propaganda?

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(((Haim Saban)))

Green Ranger is dope, ngl


Power Rangers was the based Jap's interpretation of advanced border patrol.

No duh, cool black guy, cute Chinese, handsome native American

Wait where's the white power ranger?

There didnt used to be a green ranger newfag.

the asian ranger was yellow
the black ranger was black
the native american range was red
pink ranger was white woman
blue ranger was beta boi nerd
white ranger was white male... most powerful

Power rangers was pretty transparent and based - they made the pink ranger a girl, the yellow ranger a chink and the black ranger a nigger ffs

Second season when they adapted another super sentai show where the robot were based on Chinese mythological animals, not dinosaurs.

Yes. Original sentai were homogenous. Even battle fever J, all japanese but living in other countries

obviously. so was Captain planet and TNG and tiny toons and everything on Nickelodeon and Disney channel and basically everything on TV in the 90's. adults kinda seemed to get more feminism than multiculturalism with stuff like Murphy brown and friends and Dharma et Greg and will et Grace and Ellen- feminism and lesbianism, the thin wedge of degeneracy

what? I thought red ranger was White. was that in the show at some point? I quickly lost interest when I saw how formulaic it was and how weak the villains were.

What do you mean

Every US film or series in the last 50-60 years has been multiculti propaganda.

I mean apparently the entire cast and crew bullied the hell out of the original Blue Ranger for being gay so as far as 90s localizations go you'd have to call it pretty redpilled.

Yes, but based Zyuranger wasn't.

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Multiracial, not multicultural.

We need to build a wall and make lord zed pay for it.

The high school drama portion pictured was put together by Saban, a Jew and democrat backer, so yes.

Neither were any of the Sentai

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Why are you niggers not posting his upgrade as a ranger

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Sing it again, goy:
Simon Cowell Sings 'Go Go Power Rangers' at benefit for Friends of Israeli Defense Forces


I mean I think Dairanger had a chink but aside from that.

the american one yes

>Was Power Rangers multi cultural propaganda?
>Created by (((Haim Saban)))
>Saban, a long-time supporter and donor of many pro-Jewish and Israel causes, has stated his main goal in multiple interviews: "I'm a one-issue guy, and my issue is Israel
>Saban became involved in politics in the mid-1990s when he felt that support for Israel was slipping in the United States
>The New York Times reported that Haim and his wife "slept in the White House several times during President Clinton's two terms." Saban remains close friends with the former President. Clinton described Saban as a "very good friend and supporter."Saban contributed between $5 million to $10 million to the William J. Clinton Foundation
>On June 27, 2006, Saban Capital Group led a group of investors bidding for Univision Communications, the largest Spanish-language media company in the United States. The group was successful in acquiring Univision with a bid valued at $13.7 billion (USD)

80s/90s multiculturalism was more about getting along and working together rather than how whitey is evil and needs to be replaced.

Red rangers upgrade was better

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yes, because it was made by the jew haim saban, the original japanese sentai weren't at all multiculti, every last sentai ranger was 100% japanese
really makes you think

This is how it was supposed to be done. Chink has to wear yellow. Qt has to wear pink. Nigger has to wear black. If God uses color codes why shouldn't we.

And all the bad guys had beaks and turbans.

This is true. It was a lot better. Women were less uppity and blacks weren't nearly as brainwashed about "evil whitey". The left pushed too hard and now we're pushing back.

was it on tv?

Ikr, was it based ?

No. It was the right balance of multi cultural diversity.

>yellow ranger was asian
>black ranger was black

seems pretty based, desu

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Never watched the show, I was into beastwars at the time.
But I always watched the intro. The fucking theme was always perfect.

Me second from the far right

Amy Jo Johnson was outstanding home from school before mom and dad got home from work fap material.

dat 1982 Roman salute

Haim Saban, the guy who brought it to the west is a hardcore ultra zionist. That should tell you everything you need to know about it.

>every last sentai ranger was 100% japanese


white ranger was the chad

>Was Power Rangers multi cultural propaganda?
No, they're actually just reflecting the true diversity of society.

Why do Yas Forumstards get so mad when reality is reflected in the media?

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Still looks pretty good for 49 years old.

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no eles notice the pink ranger getting #metoo'ed

Its only metoo if she complains [Fact]

2002 and 2003 were pure kino

>Yas Forumstards
Look you answered your own question.