WTF is Elon doing with those satellites?

WTF is Elon doing with those satellites?
Are they going to be visible forever now? They're fucking everywhere and ruining the night sky.

Attached: 1565327933202.png (485x263, 32.9K)

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those aren't Elon's satellites

Attached: 1572490163869.jpg (297x383, 54.35K)

Privately owned worldwide internet coverage. Sure as hell beats 5g and also won't fry your balls.

Attached: 1537809751189.jpg (500x532, 23.54K)

>Are they going to be visible forever now?
>They're fucking everywhere and ruining the night sky.
>WTF is Elon doing with those satellites?
he's fucking with us, we should do the same to him... let's bring those down

can they be seen in uk?

Donno I'm in Switzerland but flag shows as UK for some reason

Couldn't they have used some antireflective coating or something to protect our night skies?

are you fucking retarded, those are ayys

see them in berlin at night with all the light polution going on.

very bright indeed.

its a sattelite every kg counts.

putin please shoot them down

>Are they going to be visible forever now?
Not forever. It does take propulsion to stay in orbit, they will eventually come down. Most are decomissioned and purposely crashed at point nemo.

I suspect everything Elon does is an elaborate troll.

this I Russia should shoot them down

It's visible in Poland too. First time I saw it, it looked like ships flying in formation.

Hope upcoming asteroids rekt this shit hard.

Okay I understand your insane deep psychopathic German requirement for absolute efficiency but like it's the fucking SKY bro. I don't want to see shit flying around up there when I just want to be in awe of the Universe.

They optically track eachother in order to communicate using lasers, my guess is that making them reflective helps maintain tracking from one satellite to another.

>WTF is Elon doing with those satellites?

It's so they will be able to track your Certificate Of Vaccination Identification Number (COVID). Everyone was too busy looking down to ever notice what was going on above them.

cant see them on the poor hemisphere

>Certificate of Vaccination Identification Number
wouldn't it be COVIN

Oh fuck yes,

1. everyone gets vaccine with nanoimplant,
2. 5g established to ctrl everyone (see your whereabouts, thoughts etc.)
3. starlink monitors anomalies, backs-up 5g,
4. migrants serve as warrior class forcing everyone's labor

whole world = ant colony

I already bought a bunch of old microwaves. If you have enough (about 100-500) and drive them in a synced mode to create a phased array producing a collimated microwave "ray" you can fry all of Elons global surveillance machines.
I intend to do this at some point because FUCK ELON and his pollution of our precious LEO.

Yep you get it and understand. The global economy if fucked. There will be a one world currency linked to your chip. You do anything bad and your chip is turned off.

>he's fucking with us, we should do the same to him... let's bring those d
CIA please

How do flat earthers explain THIS?

Woah there buddy. Hide your power level a bit better.

Now this is some high level shizo posting.
Please do continue

when did we consent for this?

Fuck off. Those are AMERICAN satellites put in orbit by an AMERICAN spaceship, and they are flying in AMERICAN airspace (outer space).

Attached: download.jpg (257x196, 8.03K)

kek. based

keep them there then.

I saw them a few hours ago and freaked out. Thought ayys invaded us

Well Elons satellites communicate down to earth with very wide band microwaves.
The receivers on those satellites have to be really sensitive to receive the faint signals coming back from earth.
It will be very easy to overwhelm the electronics with ultra high intensity microwaves and fry it completely or at least damage it severely.

I have not found out how to sync/control the phases of regular microwave ovens yet. As soon as I can do that it is game over for Elons space junk.

Yeah, i've watched them in the early evening a month or so ago. They are in a south to north orbit and evenly spaced out.

Please keep us posted.
I dont know enough about this subject to know if you are full of shit or actually legit but it sounds plausible enough for me.
How can i help?

Elon is raping the sky.
What is it with South Africans and rape?

I had this same idea, I will assist you from this side of the ocean, in Minecraft of course

You don't need russian if you can into haxxing.

Attached: infinityshine.gif (400x225, 1.33M)

Based Elon putting up starlink satellites so I can work remotely and shitpost at 5G speeds in the woods away from degenerates in the cities

Also, do you know if you can detonate rounds using microwaves? I was watching a video where some Russian kids made a portable "gun" and they went around frying various devices, it worked on a motorbike engine so I'm wondering if you could use it on magazines people carry with them, also in minecraft

I think its something that will be for at least 10 years and then they will auto destruct.
Its true it completely ruins that one company can ruin the night sky for everyone in the world.

>ruining the night sky
Fuck off. Nobody cares about your time lapse photography

why are there so many of them? isn't it enough if you can see a couple of them at a time?

Those are just the prototypes for the satelites that will be used for the "remember the holocaust" space memorial.

Yeah for you. Now add 100,000 other connections

It'll spell out a message for the survivors once this reset is over. And we'll never rebel against 'God' again

They're LEOs, so yes

They go in a line... Not a curve. Just like planes

Thou shall not slander the star prophet.

You can see the curve in that image

The problem is that the intensity for a point source is proportional to 1/r2 and r is really big in this case.
That is why I need many phase controlled point sources to make an "area-like" source which is not bound by the 1/r2 law.

they're just balloons.

Wth? Are you serious? Ruining night sky for some Internet connections. Please tell me this isn't real.