Why do right wingers think everything is fake?

Why do right wingers think everything is fake?

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Trump downplayed the virus early and his base ran with the "it's just a flu bro" narrative since. Trump takes it seriously in his press briefings then goes on twitter and does the exact opposite.

>be like sweden

>The Public Health Agency announced a death toll of 1,203 people from Covid-19 on Wednesday, a rate of 118 per million inhabitants, compared with 55 in Denmark and just 13 in Finland, both of which imposed strict early lockdowns to curb the virus’s spread.

yes but why do right wingers think everything is fake?

They are pro-choice. You should have the freedom to die for your country. For wall street and sheiit, you know the drill.

Because media is lying...? Jesus Christ, it doesn't matter which issue are we talking about, elections, muslim attacks, corona... it doesn't matter, if found many more information here than on TV..

Because everything is fake. If this shit wasn't fake you'd be dead. But you're not dead now are you.

See. It's fake.

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what a great cry wolf moment

>Be like sweden
No the last thing Minnesota needs is more Somalis

Banning travel from Europe and China is downplaying it?

>right wingers
>be like sweden

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Because reality is fake. We live in simulation.

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because the media is consistently full of shit - a general distrust grew and now anything that comes out the mouth of MSM is actively disbelieved. I'm surprised liberals dont also think everything is fake - as full of shit 24 hour news networks are.

Because the bias and lack of emotional self restraint of those in positions of power tend to pulmigate what is known as common sense.

If we didn't shut down the economy, lots of people would of gotten a fairly bad flu, a bunch of boomers would of died along with a tiny handful of healthy people, and then shit would of returned to normal minus said boomers and couple people with particularly bad cases of asthma and other such immune system compromising conditions, within a month or two.
Instead everyone needs to shit their pants.
It was, is, and will always be just a flu. That you want to douse yourself with gasoline and set yourself on fire... doesn't make it not just a flu, bro.

the right wing may to too sceptical for it's own good from time to time, but the left wing is way too credulous

Yes. This world is an illusion.

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When you are constantly bombarded by Jewish lies, your first reaction is to question anything

Not everything is fake
God's love for you is real.
Too bad he is NOTW

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>for it's own
*for its own

1. The Coronavirus is mostly hurting Democrat states full of unhealthy people that only survive due to sheer Democrat Gibs. They created the hot zones through policy
2. The lockdown is killing middle class America. The middle class is dying due to Democrat incompetence.

>Be like Sweden!
No I will rather kill myself...

>be like Sweden

Why the fuck are some MAGA niggers so fucking oblivious to themselves.

they'll get death the way they are treating it

Michigan has a ton of cases though. Even if it's mainly niggers in Detroit, they're in the same state and can spread it quickly

1500 deaths in a country of 20 million over 3 months. Meanwhile we in Canada have 1400 deaths over three months in a country of 30 million and we've destroyed free society and possibly the economy for a decade

Play stupid games, win...

These fucking retards are gonna fuck themselves up

Except God

because life shouldn't work this way its instinctual you know something is wrong by manipulation

Why would anyone trust the media?

At that point it wasn't "early" anymore

Because nobody has any reason to trust the government or media. This is what you get when you lie to people.