They're literally BEGGING to WORK!
how do you craft such efficient goyim such as american cattle?

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people need money you moron

then they should protest for more stimulus checks

Hey you fucking poorfag wagie heard of savings account?

if we had a decent safety net this wouldnt be an issue

Atlas coofed

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i usually defend US on here, im not one of those "hehe mutt xd" posters, but this is REALLY fucking retarded

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Commie faggots

We have one, it all just gets wasted in Israel and illegal immigrants.

That's what the gov is for is these troubling times. But no that would be gommunism, work and get infected goyim

It's not work vs vacation its work vs being a prisoner

Like clockwork

It's called a savings account and personal responsibility.

Yeah, who the fuck want's to have an income and be able to pay for the things you need to survive?

Fucking losers.

OP is
A phoneposter
Never had a job
And a faggot

we borrowed the idea from the Lebanese

>letting your money sit at only 2%
what a pleb


Nets break under excessive load.

Yes goy yes, beg for Mr Shekelberg to piss in your mouth. The wealth will trickle down. I miss being a slave to a corporation.

Says Denmark with the generous social welfare system.

Unless replenished, savings get depleted over time.

I've been working through these times, and I haven't gotten infected, maybe if you disgusting cunts would learn a bit of hygiene, this shit wouldn't be such a fucking problem, but oooh no, even though it was apparent early this year, that a dangerous virus pandemic was emerging, people still went around hugging eachother, shaking hands and forgetting to be careful with their hygiene.
Fucking retards.

money can be exchanged for goods and services OP

Why can't you buy seeds in Michigan?

>if we had a decent safety net this wouldnt be an issue
We do and it gets sucked up by parasites

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American doctors don't have masks because the blackmailed president Zognald Shekelberg sent them to Israel

What? They actually WANT to go back to wageslaving?! My, the jews have masterfully molded their golem to be as servile as humanly possible!

I'm mostly disgusted by their evil, but also impressed by their craft.

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Coming from a Danish faggot

It would seem to me that living off the dole is more akin to being cattle. Cattle don't work, they consume until they are slaughtered.

Have you ever heard of unemployment benefits?

In some dream world perhaps.

So basically, you clowns want the US government to send out $2500+ per household until the virus goes away?
1. The virus ISN'T going away. EVER.
2. You can't keep paying people money without lots of tax revenue flowing in. If people aren't working, they can't pay income taxes, and they can't afford property taxes, and they aren't buying as much so there's less sales taxes, and they aren't driving as much so there's less fuel taxes.

Government can only exist if it can get taxes, and welfare can only be paid out if there's workers to fuel the welfare.

thats an entirely new concept to me

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>Mr Shekelberg
love it

Shitskin have you ever heard of something called "Protestant work ethic"? It's the reason medshits are poor, and the reason that you arab niggers are even poorer and basically African.

>bezos is rich enough

kek yes he doesn't care fag open up the economy and he still get money.

You'd understand if one of the benefits of your job was ogling sluts all day

You pay them well. Contrary to popular beliefs many americans own their own home. I had a shit job working with a shovel and still spent 3 months unemployed snowboarding, and bought a car outright. Still unemployed, money in the bank, enjoying the shutdown.

Have 2nd interview for new job tomorrow

You mean shit that is unsustainable?

Fellow protestants, the king needs his tax money, finish your grape juice and man the plow!

Leave it to Americans to protest over being told to chill at home and get free money from the government.

What's next, are they gonna beg their bosses for pay cuts?

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>he thinks money is real

And the day they go to work they immediately complain how they hate their wageslave life. People are people

Hey nigger if we don't work the Government collects no taxes to send you money on the 15th and 30th

Also, most people don't like being under house arrest. Most people go nuts without something to do in the day. NO, playing videogames and watching anime and streams aren't fulfilling for John Q. Public. Weirdo introverts like us are an exception made possible by modern society and the working public. You literally cannot be a NEET without workers covering for you.

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Mock all you want, but this work ethic is why your country is backwards shithole while my nations flag is on the fucking moon

Saddle them with debt
Give no fallback plan
Have to pay for that speedboat, because you used your house for collateral

It’s pretty self explanatory

Off yourself

Could we maybe not pretend that we represent out country's ideologies?
I'm sure there's a lot you cunts disagree with in your own governments.
Doesn't change that if you think the governments should just be handing out free money, you're literally commie trash and should kys.

Checks out

This mentality is why Puerto Rico is a disaster. Can't even handle a hurricane.

North Italy/Austria /Southern Germany disagrees with you, I live in a protestant country ,

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take their foreskins

stupid fucking tree

It's not just about work. How about not being able to go to church or out with your family? What about this summer when boating and cottage plans have to cancelled? This is causing severe disruptions to peoples' lives over something we don't have much information about. Quarantine absolutely cannot be kept during july and august and it's time we just live our lives. This thing could have a 0.02% fatality rate for all we know.

trillions for jew wars is sustainable, though

back then your country had patriotism

now it's just about lining the pockets of pedophiles and vermin

Boomers are pissed, they want to send everyone back in to help boost their retirement funds, None of those guys look like working age anyways.

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We know you suck dick OP to survive, you pathetic little fucking internet faggot cock sucker.
Kill yourself.
I mean it tranny.
End your miserable life you pathetic little cunt.

Back to work, wagies.

yet to see actual, non-edited, link to proof of this

boom-booms absolutely seeeeeeething


Funny, isn't it? One of the richest countries in the world with the richest citizens, no malnutrition, even the poorest are obscenely fat, yet you cannot survive for a month or two with smaller income than usually.

FYI: electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/did-us-just-supply-million-face-masks-israeli-army
Anti Israel source claiming it was a mis-translation

You can online?

There's a reason they aren't doing that. Its orchestrated by those that will make money from these retards going back to work. They want to suck their bosses dick. Years of abuse and programming compels them to be ass rammed by their higher ups while working 50hrs a week. These people need to be removed. Not everyone is a brain dead masochist. Fuck this country.

>how do you craft such efficient goyim such as american cattle?

You can blame that on Protestantism.

i just want my UBI and free housing. fuck these cucks.

Many folks have not adapted to modern infrastructure like indoor plumbing and other ideas you and I might call basic. Its sad.

>how do you craft such efficient goyim such as american cattle?
I understand why a Canadian wouldn't understand a man's desire to work.

did you just mistake my tree flag for a leaf?

Yep, everyone is basically under house arrest without having committed any crimes. Shit’s whack.

One of the main points of socialism is to provide work for the unemployed you retard.

You're obviously a kike who wants to buy up small businesses for pennies on the dollar. Nah, we'll let Grandpa Irving drown in his own sick instead.


Yeah, okay...

You're being given an opportunity to enjoy the NEET life, and you call it house arrest.

Fucking disgusting.

>Someone's not a lazy Lebanese piece of shit? WTF?!

You think the people at the tippy-top of the totem pole didn't sign off on the government's decision to shut down? There was barely even a call from the public for it, so of course they did. Mega corporations and elites can survive quite a lot.

It's the upper middle class and petty rich who are pushing for the country reopening, they have money but it isn't in vast fortunes, they usually have to work to keep them. These are the sort of people the American dream was supposed to be about, the kind who work hard for meaningful wealth at a down-to-earth level and then live to enjoy it, the kind you have some chance of actually becoming one day. Not elites that don't wipe their own ass.

So much of lefty politics is about 'sticking it' to the petty rich while silently helping the super rich.

boomer wage slaves at work