Shit-browns aren't welcome
Yas Forums eyes thread
Hazel eye master race
>lets see those retina scans, goyim
do your worst, you spook fucks
what fault have we of our genetic endowment? Why must you be this way, can't there be peace?
Live and let live
Sub-human here to ruin the thread
Nose shape and skull structure are better indicators of whiteness than mere blue eyes. There are half black half white mutts that have blue eyes.
You're all imbeciles. Post your noses. Side profile, now.
Hot showers are ruining your skin
Daily reminder: all D&C threads are created by non-whites.
>Yas Forums eyes thread
You first
Yas Forums is a white men board. Leave immediately, nigger.
>gray eyes
Not white
>everything else
Holy eye bags
Photoshop is fun.
I don't take into account that monkeys are white too.
Brazil has 200 million monkeys and the country has a bigger economy than your country. You are not white.
I don't come here often
Are you that female vice journo?
Dont know why we are doing eyes rn
Nips are the standard.
Master pink nips race reporting in
Nigger. You have to go back.
I'm just some random dude
>giving your retina to a glownigger
utterly doomed
>says the kike
>you are not white
>literally the whitest man on this board
Post eyes, nigger.
Hello Mister Smith/Hernandez
>Parents gave his genetics away for disease testing the first week of his life
>He has a photo ID
Fucking degenerate you get the rope as well
lol so many seething shit eyed fucks here cant even comment they know they are trash
>let me tell you who is white
>White who does not know how to make a white country.
Post your race, nigger.
Has anyone ever noticed that brown eyed white people have that certain look about them, like they look white but they subtly don't. Sort of like how all down syndrome people have that certain look to them.
>Not murdered yet
We truly live in weird times
Whites are not stoners.