>tall neurocranium relative to the rest of skull
>orthognathic skull
>not missing frontal lobe
>bullied by black kids growing up
>still rejected by whites for being mulatto
Wtf bros? I thought I was based!
Tall neurocranium relative to the rest of skull
Your ancestors were full of vice, and you are incapable of producing viable offspring worthy of greatness.
You are a muttoid, and you will never be white.
I'm just posing skull redpills
uh, based
spic here,do i make the grade?
Caucasians are superior. Closest to prime creator.
Go back to Africa
Phrenology died, dude. This is like two centuries ago.
saw jap user post these in earlier thread
horners have italic phentotype
Clearly this hasn't factored in flat-faced lowland mongs.
disturbingly accurate
>selfie posting on 4chinz
I wish I could go back to the mid 2000s before all the goddamn normies got here
No jaw line
Droopy septum
It’s unreal how flat that face is
this is such a BS, the one in front is obviously suffering from a hydrocephalus, the one behind his is Justin Trudeau
Most of them are 200IQ
Why am I incapable of that though? There are plenty of mutts who are successful. Though there are also plenty who are not, due to some of the circumstances that lead to such pairings.
I thought you meant Mongols man
Antarctica is full of shit
psyop thread
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