>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Meine lieben Drecksschwaben fragt einen Schweizer eures Vertrauens und er wird euch bestätigen Negger Albaner und Deutsche sind das gleiche.
Christian Foster
Do you really want me to chose between cuckholdry and cbt?
Aaron Reyes
>In der Mitte des Kreuzes die Monogramme des jeweiligen Monarchen 1870 das „W“ für König Wilhelm von Preußen, 1914 das „W“ für den Deutschen Kaiser Wilhelm II. militaria-berlin.de/eisernes-kreuz-2-klasse
Ruhig Blut, Hochlandjude. Die großen Schwöblischwänze sind jetzt da. Ordne dich wieder unter.
Keine Überraschung.
Charles Johnson
Korrektur: es verdient zu brennen.
Levi Morales
>BRD will burn and nothing of value was lost
Jackson Jackson
It's universal. It's human nature. It's not "oh so Germany" as some of my friends and relatives (often grown up with the usual self-hating bullshit) prefer to think.
>The mayor of Paris's 20th arrondissement has asked residents of her neighbourhood to stop denouncing each other. 'When it's a question of violence against women or children, or selling drugs, I'm still all ears,' said Frédérique Calandra this week. 'But these calls stigmatising Parisians who wish only to get a breath of fresh for a few minutes, they're unacceptable.' >Passing on a message from the police, Calandra told people to stop denouncing their neighbours for petty infractions of the confinement regulations because it was overwhelming their emergency phone lines. >If denunciation is a French passion, then it appears it's one shared by the British, although we prefer to describe it as providing police with 'tip-offs'. So many have the police received since the country went into lockdown that – like their Parisian counterparts – they're struggling to cope and have asked people to reprimand neighbours themselves for minor one-off transgressions of the regulations, such as going for two runs a day. spectator.co.uk/article/it-s-no-surprise-brits-are-denouncing-each-other-for-breaching-lockdown-rules
Justin Brooks
>The Islam shills have been going on for a while for real?. then they have stepped up their game lately....
Asher Ward
>Selbst ein Schwöbli Lieb von dir
Jaxson Reed
Ihr Slawensperma Gurgler hängt schon seit Wochen an meinem faltigen Käsegemächt.
In der Welt von heute ist Euer Streit total unbedeutend. Ihr könntet froh sein den jeweils anderen zum Nachbar zu haben und nicht Mohammed Bin Fatah or Jamal X
Connor Jackson
Want some material? I have 3 pics or so saved of the most tryhard or embarrassing stuff.
Christian Morgan
what where? I see one thread maybe every 4-5 days but thats it
David Hernandez
Nein. Wir sind Helvetier keine Neggerstämme aus dem Norden
Adrian Flores
X is for the absent father. Not a slave-thing in this case.