@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>VP Pence Commencement Address @USAFA 4/18/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/17/20
>VP Pence on PBSNewsHour 4/17/20
>Army for Trump Boot Camp Online w/Erin Perrine! 4/17/20
>SoS Pompeo on America 1st w/Gorka 4/17/20
>SoS Pompeo on FBN 4/17/20
>SoS Pompeo on HughHewittShow 4/17/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on FBN 4/17/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/17/20
>NECDir Kudlow on F&F 4/17/20
>Giuliani on Hannity 4/17/20
>Giuliani on America 1st w/Gorka 4/17/20
>Vets4TrumpCoChair Duff on OAN 4/17/20
>ActDepDHSSec Cuccinelli on Spicer&Co 4/17/20
>SG Adams on F&F 4/17/20
>CDCDir Redfield on TODAY 4/17/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (CoE&USACE CG LtGen Semonite) 4/17/20
>CDC CERC Overview for Corona-chan 4/17/20
>This Week@Interior 4/17/20
>This Week@State 4/17/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Obama approval ratings 2012

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by the way can any of you guys also speak basic hindi?

That's really really scary though, your parents weren't talking about retirement and investments when you were a teen?

>. People here think 50K/yr is a lot when it's really mediocre.
lel sorry, hope you move on up. At least minimal government

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You may not like it, but this is what peak racism looks like

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Fuck jannies, fuck kikes, fuck glowniggers, and fuck memeflags.

I'm not a monster, I'm just flattening the curve.

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It has been brought to my attention that there are chinamen here RIGHT NOW who have not been reminded in the last 30 seconds that Xi Jingping is a dum fathead who looks like Winnie The Pooh.
Lets have a quick rundown on are bear and I’ll let them decide how Xi stacks up next to him, because maybe that's unfair

1. Winnie the Pooh is a fat bear that wears no pants
2. Winnie the Pooh enjoys hunny (honey) and his most famous adventure of all is the story of his retrieving hunny at great risk to himself from bees by pretending to be a raincloud and then enjoying the fruits of his labor obtained by the sweat of his brow
3. Winnie The Pooh (who looks like Xi Jingping) is not a communist
4. Winnie The Pooh has never once lost in a fight to cute little birds that he thought were threatening his power over the Hundred Acre Wood
5. Winnie The Pooh knows what he doesn't know and isn't afraid to ask for help from his frens, which he has
6. Winnie the Pooh’s pal Gopher can innovate and knows the difference between high quality steel and pig iron
7. Winnie the pooh has never massacred citizens of the Hundred Acre wood with tanks
8. Winnie the Pooh maybe has a fat head but he’s actually a very intelligent bear
9. Winnie The Pooh (who, again, looks like Xi Jingping if you put pants on him) is a beloved figure across all of the world and you can gauge a man’s character by what he thinks of Winnie

Decide for yourself.

Can you imagine looking like Winnie The Pooh? A bear that wears no pants. Now I’m a huge fan of Poohbear, but looking like him? What kind of buffoon would allow such a Winnie The Pooh nopantswearing son of a bitch to be the leader of even a local deli, let alone be his slave? I guess what I’m trying to say here is that Xi Jingping looks like Winnie The Pooh, a fat bear that wears no pants, and if I were his subject (slave) I’d kill myself.

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Bro you just posted cringe
Here’s a real redpill

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liberal icon jon stewart shitting on joe biden during obama's term

Attached: the audacity of grope.png (916x492, 875.44K)

Is Trump doing ok in the swing states approval wise?

and fuck pastafags

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How much money did they waste putting sand in a skate park

> imagine having a mobile phone with an operational system partially made by volunteers
Why are you poor user?

Attached: BE33D7A8-2798-434F-802E-4855A3374411.png (837x867, 814.38K)

>le blue te-
don't take any state for granted anons

Attached: Texas-Pie-chart-b.jpg (611x687, 152.59K)

It sure would be a shame if this number got bombarded with redpill infographics.

Attached: deblasio-snitchers-app.jpg (606x600, 92.06K)

must be a cultural thing then, here gold buying is done by old retirees normally out of some fear that money is going to become worthless and they'll be protected if they have gold
lel my parents were doing such voodoo finances it's a wonder we didn't end up in the fucking gutter
one didn't start saving for retirement until a few years ago and the other is living paycheck to paycheck with no savings

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Contraception is treason! Ban it and boost our production!

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I just remembered I told someone in 2019 of October; I told him impeachment was no game, I told him brexit was a sure thing. And the spookiest bit I told him a bioweapon would envolep the world in 2020. I can only imagine what this guy must be thinking of me now. My reasoning though was the destruction of Israeli DEWs and the Espstein blackmail route neutralized

10 times the body count of the Taliban his first term. I can't wait to see the corpses pile for the sequel.

Kill all New Yorkers attempting to flee their cesspool of a state.
Keep America clean.

Attached: CuteIsJUSTICE.gif (500x281, 1.21M)

I would like to explain why I am voting for Donald Trump in 2020, when I didn't support him in 2016.

I voted 3rd party in 2016 as I was disgusted with both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as human beings. Since then I was able to learn, from mainstream media, just how gross and corrupt our government is. The media going after Trump and the "what about" responses have exposed so much. I think we can all agree.

I need that now. I need to see the dirty inner workings of our government. We need to openly discuss what is and is not acceptable, and vote locally, accordingly.

Clearly that will go away if Biden wins. He clearly is having mental challenges, has a garbage record, nepotism, and sexual harassment. If he gets elected, true presidential criticism goes away.

A vote for Biden is a vote for the blindfold.


Attached: Greenxi.png (1174x1560, 1.85M)

>the left still can't meme

Attached: bottom text.png (750x445, 557.36K)

Send cock pics and gore instead

Alaska, Montana and North Dakota are still the best States.

Gold here is a symbol of status among the older generations. Think of old geezers in the US flashing Rolex watches but women jewelry and decoration knickkacks instead.

that's a cute white boy on the upper part, any more cuties like him?

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I've come to make an announcement, Xi a bitch-ass motherfucker. He deleted my funposts.That's right, he took his yellow fucking quilly fingers out and deleted my funposts like the nigger he is, and he said his dick was t h i s b i g, and I said that's disgusting, so I'm making a callout post on Yas, Xi you got a small dick, it's the size of this walnut except way smaller.

You know what the funny thing is about Xi Jingping looking like Winnie The Pooh? I mean besides people allowing him to enslave them? It’s how poorly he pulls that look off. Winnie The Pooh is literally the Platonic ideal of a cartoon bear.

For those of who unfamiliar with that term, I’ll make it simple: somewhere in a dimension inaccessible to us there is a cartoon bear that looks as perfect as a cartoon bear can (among infinite other idealized forms of everything you can imagine). Winnie The Pooh is as close to being identical to this image as it is possible to be, therefore making him a very handsome and good looking bear. The thing about this is is that there is no transitory beauty here, like how a pretty parrot is not a pretty horse. So Xi not only fails at being a good looking human, he looks like a bear that wears no pants. I’d advise suicide for anyone being ruled by him.

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>83% DC
That says pretty much everything you need to know.

I met a pakistani man that looked like a fucking imam with five teeth, I swear to the lord. He told me I could not handle the spice of his paratha being a white aryan god, but I swore on me mum I am the spiceman and told him to make it extra pakistani-grade spicy. Almost couldn't see when eating it lads.

Pls share things you miss during corma lockdown by evil commie government

Holy fucking shit lel I'm so sorry. I was paranoid since early 2018 and my little investing has paid off massively for my paranoia, but otherwise I've always been investing. I made thousands for school doing nothing and letting things sit in high risk ETFs and not looking at them lel.

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>surf the Caliyuga.

Someone already sent him a picture of the mayor doing his daily walk in a park 12 miles away from his home.

>reigning NFL MVP says "Truzz Trump"

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? My grasp of Negroness is shaky at best.

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young people have to buy silver
which actually makes sense because how do you trade a gold bar worth thousands of dollars for a month's worth of beans? silver is infinitely more sensible for a "paper is worthless" scenario

Spoiler alert: it's almost all leftists that have died from the chink coof. And it will be almost all leftists that die in his second term, too.

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omg another screenshot thread!!!!!!! Thank God someone for the ol’ 120 seconds of HATE!!!!

Oooohh and they are being MEAN to white people!!!!! And the person being mean has tranny pronouns omg I want this thread to hit 250 replyarinoooooossss

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what does it mean

I really appreciate fine watches and the craftsmanship of the old stuff but the new quality and names are so degraded. It's terribly sad to see. Many people do not know about the Italian asian sweatshops and fucking somehow still don't know about them after this whole debacle.

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Buddy you're a chink make a big noise
Sneezin' in the street gonna be a dead man some day
You got snot on yo' face
You big disgrace
Eatin' your bats all over the place

We will we will wok you
We will we will wok you


Buddy you're a bug man pooh man
Shoutin' on the web gonna take on U.S. some day
You got blood on yo' face
You big disgrace
Wavin' your weiner all over the place

We will we will wok you
(Sing it out!)
We will we will wok you


Buddy you're an old man poor man
Pleadin' with The Don gonna make you a deal some day
You got shit on your face
Big disgrace
Some POTUS better put you back into your place

We will we will wok you
(Sing it!)
We will we will wok you



We will we will wok you
We will we will wok you


Attached: chinese biohazard bat.gif (1566x881, 496.05K)

>Why are you poor user?
I didnt choose to be born like this, how about that barbossa

sure thing. here you go.

Attached: beaver on emasculation.png (1823x1259, 797.14K)

I imagine it means "trust". My Ebonics-to-English translator is pretty spot-on.

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> imagine eating ethnic food
> imagine missing it

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imagine cleaning that out, when this is orge

Apparently he is referring to Trump as a "truss"

Anons! Im srry.
I cant keep sucking jewish corporate cock who hires family members and bails niggers out of jail.

Im on team Biden now.

Attached: download.png (1540x940, 1.99M)

trust? or, true?

shes fat, but that shit wouldn't slow me down at all.

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That's what I am asking. I don't speak fluent Negronese.

So how do you think Trump is looking for November? That PA color is a good sign.

Worried about MI and WI though. Not worried about Iowa. And Sleepy Joe is worse than Romney or McCain

> 250

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I would expect and hope things will shift after the first debate
biden's cognitive deterioration is very apparent

It’ll be a gobekli Tempe in 15,000 years

topkek lad, well done

Attached: mama.jpg (742x960, 68.56K)

Is there a Trump kung flu presser today?

Funny considering Michael was the only person who DIDN’T molest that prime shota, according to McCulken.
Neverland was the only place kids of Hollywood could go to rest their spinchters for a bit from the constant Jewish pounding from producers and Hollywood execs

Thread theme

yeah nations and right wing government are cool and all, but think about the tacos.

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Also Alaska has the best State Dog followed by Texas.

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Will anyone ever be able to explain the following?:
1) Why the tides come in and out
2) Why Trump loves the gay but /ptg/ hates the gay

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>from the constant jewish pounding
Heh. pic tangentially related.

Attached: reason #1488 MJ was whacked.png (273x567, 12.62K)

>gobekli Tempe
That's Arizona

> Many people do not know about the Italian asian sweatshops and fucking somehow still don't know about them after this whole debacle.
Yeah. I understand the appeal of the old mechanic watches, they’re are works of art.

Yes, as per C-SPAN. 5 PM ET.

Unironically looking at this, I believe he'll flip MN, NH, and VA

Sure he meant gobekli tepe

>Why Trump loves the gay but /ptg/ hates the gay
Kill yourself jewish ancap nigger

I got ya

kek and Maher the filthy jew wished for a recession too.

No way sleepy is their candidate right?

Attached: new.png (736x578, 59.46K)

>name-drops differential calculus as if it’s not literally taught in shitty public high schools to children who ace it
>literally required PREREQUISITE just to even BEGIN a molecular bio major
Fucking sad. Engineering is the ultimate meme degree.
Talk to me when you’ve taken an Advanced Cell Systems course and can accurately predict the products and mechanism of cell processes you’ve never seen or heard of before based purely on your 200IQ-tier reasoning. This is considered the BARE essentials for the molecular biology major.
Meanwhile any barely literate NPC Chang/Raj from bumfuck nowhere with questionably active brain function can pass engineering school easily.
Fucking kill yourself.

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hermaphrodite + gay bisexual transgender motherfucking queer

The hapa fears the BBR

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if it's any consolation for wisconsin, rump got more primary votes than biden did
but putting the number of votes together, the dem primary had more voters

What did he mean by this

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Obama won the rust belt in 2012 with his approval in those states similar to those of trump currently

Apparently it is indeed a good thing.

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...i'm in

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Comparing people protesting pandemic measures to Rosa Parks is pretty dumb.

>/ptg/ is anti-gay
>analytics show /ptg/ posters are most likely to also browse /hm/
Welcome to 4chin, plebbitor!

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Well it was still a contested primary right?

Trump needs to win the rust belt. How the fuck can chinafuck Joe win there?

The Great Jacinto overpowers Ashke vampires

this id

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desu both have some use, it's been a while since i looked at metallic chemistry, but if you were super paranoid about a societal collapse, land is way more valuable than metals would be
i guess that requires a lot more wealth to have at once but still, in the event of disaster, i'd rather have some acres in rural arkansas or whatever rather than ingots of some metal. even more valuable would just be social connections and weaponry so you could just take what you needed by numbers and strength
with all the boredom of coronapocalypse i've been staring at the markets a lot and dipped in a bit just because unlike everyone else i know i can actually budget and set aside money
it's a fucking terrible time but since i'm just starting out a potential loss doesn't mean all that much to me

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Poverty isn’t genetic user. Have you tried getting a high paid job?
> sex work and taromancy doesn’t count

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makes you wish liberals also carried guns. how much cooler would gay pride parades be if everyone had 100 rounds?

Trump fucked black girls. Why do you have a problem with white anons fucking black girls?

Attached: Trump_Whitney_Houston_ER_160307_19x13_1600.jpg (1600x1096, 176.5K)

>tfw you don't even remember order of operations

Fills skate park?!
WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? Have a few people skate isnt going to harm anything. Having 1 person swimming in the ocean or camping is extremely safe. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, THIS IS TOO FAR

1. moon's gravity and centrifugal force resulting from the planet's spin,
2. same reason he gives lip service to jews
pic related

Attached: paying lip service to the jews.jpg (925x1086, 210.32K)

What dis?

That, and he made it so Obamacare didn't fuck them over until AFTER elections.
Pure coincidence with the timing though, I'm sure.


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he was describing you


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They don't care. Telling you flat out, democrats will vote en masse for a dementia patient.

>Is Trump doing ok in the swing states approval wise?
I unironically think Trump can win the election with 42-43% approval considering how terrible of a candidate Biden is. People don't have to love him, they just need to believe he's better than the other guy.

After all he beat Hillary with a 35% favourability rating.

>How the fuck can chinafuck Joe win there?
are you implying whites wouldn't vote against their interest just to prove they aren't racist or sexist?

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Honestly, I started to care that I was misspelling it, then I started to not care

The shills are absolutely retarded with Biden

You guys are really retarded to underestimate Trump a second time

Biden has Dementia,
he wan's to ban fracking, PA has the secong most fracking of any state.
He insults auto workers
Trump is breaking primary records in almost every state incliding blue ones
People are getting pissed at their Dem Governors
He closed travel to China and got called racist by the Dems
He got the stimulus checks through
The Dow is at 24k and will be approaching 30 by election time and unemployment will be way down.

You can post all the fake electoral maps you want, but Biden just doesn't have the energy, nor a real path to 270.

Anyone thinking otherwise is a retard with no grasp in reality

It will be 2016 all over again. The "polls' will say red states will go blue but that opposite will happen and Trump will win even more blue states.

maybe just follow the fucking rules and they won't have to board everything up?

also if you think skaters won't excavate the pit, you are sorely mistaken

> he banged all three of them at the same time

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Trump ate pizza crust first as well. You don’t have to agree with Trump on everything or even think everything he did in his life is a suggestion.

Beastiality is wrong anyway

Attached: crust first.webm (1280x960, 247.97K)

>get votes
>fuck people out of jobs
>"those jobs aren't coming back"
I hope my kids will understand I don't just hate Obama because he was a nigger, but because he was a lying thieving nigger

>online sex work

Attached: 1568929658207.webm (462x270, 1.1M)

trump also has dementia, quit using that as a shilling point.

why did nobody keep looking into buttgag's shady vote counting outfit

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the real redpill is that step one of the lockdown was going too far

why is the wall so easy to climb

to appeal to blue voter you, generally, need to apply pathos-based rhetoric
aka muh feels

Attached: open borders for israel.jpg (720x433, 156.6K)

>After all he beat Hillary with a 35% favourability rating.
Election night 2020 can never beat 2016 no matter what imo.

Can Biden have worse favorables than Hillary when all is said and done? Trump will essentially be beating a vegetable on the debate stage

That was an ad for new cheese stuffed crust.

he also eats burnt steak with ketchup
there are some things anons shouldn't defend

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Imagine getting down on all fours and slowly approaching her pussy with your face. You finally get in close enough to spread her open with your tounge and just as you start to lick her clitoris, she moans loudly with a bewildering mixture of seismic pleasure and unbearable pain. You then notice the overwhelming aroma of feces with a tinge if the metallic flavor of blood. Undeterred you continue licking as her body slowly lifts off the ground. Looking down you notice her anus has dilated to 20x it’s normal size as a massive shit, the likes of which has never before been witnessed exits her ass. You continue licking as your mouth is filled with blood and shit. She looks down at you with a smirk and nods. Then, just imagine, you crawl through the mountain of shit and crawl inside her ass. Through both the large and small intestines making your way to her stomach. As the enzymes and acids burn away your flesh, you wait patiently for hours to exit, not as a mere man, but as a shit.

God, just imagine.


then go protest the guy who said stay home till may

I have a confession to make. Most of you won't take this seriously, I expect you to. Elites, they're not entirely human. I come from a line of those people. All the usual things high forehead, unusual skull; accidentally read minds. We're not human

>watching yet another documentary on JFK (((assassination)))
>get to (((assassination))) of Oswald part
>as always, they never mention that Jack Ruby's real name was Jack Rubenstein

Really chips my potatoes, lads.

Attached: 1586915596415.gif (522x287, 3.92M)

friendly reminder that this general only has 7 months left
>being the president in charge as China overtook the USA as the world's superpower

>allowing the country to be attacked by a communist Chinese bioweapon

>lying to the American people about the facts of the situation while fellating Xi

>allowing for an unprecendented amount of unemployment to occur, solution was to install socialist policies

>designating right-wing militias as terrorist groups

>showing support for red flag gun laws at the federal level

>allowing states to enact draconian gun control

>allowing states to circumvent constitutional rights and arrest Christians for worship during Christianity's most important holiday

>touting importing immigrants on work visas as a successful policy while over 10 percent of the american workforce is unemployed

>failing to bring American companies back to America, they tell him to fuck off despite Trump using laws designed for war to get them to produce products for Americans(LMFAO)

>not actually acting on any of the policies that got him elected

>completely failing to install any sort of travel ban or check on immigration, despite that being a key reason many voted for him

>allowing for voter fraud nationwide despite acknowledging its existence

>had a republican majority house and senate, passed nothing other than gun restrictions(LMFAO)

>being so repulsive to the average person that republicans have lost almost all local, state, and federal elections in any state that isn't guaranteed to vote republican, simply because of the party's association with him

>even the ones that are guaranteed are many percentage points closer than ever before

>more democrats voting than ever before, genuine possibility that republicans may never win another large-scale election
and THIS was you guys' last hope... kek, Trump's done more for democrats than he ever did to help republicans or actual right-wingers.

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butt for real it's pretty chad to be a little homochad and also MAGA

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Another interesting poll here

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I didn't say it wasn't wrong, I was pointing out one of trancap's many hypocrisies.

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you need it all
your own (arable) land
stable currency to trade for goods/services (you ALWAYS need goods/services)
way to defend your land
family to help you and prevent social isolation, the "silent killer"

>post pastas that make fun of Xinigger
>captcha on my desktop gets more difficult
Could be me posting too much or you know.
Good man.

Attached: IMG_2993.png (1024x768, 479.48K)

can't wait for you to die a horribly painful death from AIDS complications

Why is PC a nigger?

You're never going to make it to January 2025, fren.

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Trump breaks primary records in fucking Washington State, Massachusetts, Michigan,Wisconsin,NH but somehow Dementia Joe is going to turn people out because muh Trump?

There is a real Chance Trump gets 350 electoral votes.

Bernouts there will skip the general election in good numbers I think. Also, Rep turnout for the primary was probably low, as there was no doubt who would win.

I'd rather him die form bullets.

>Have a few people skate isnt going to harm anything. Having 1 person swimming in the ocean
wait until we find out they're filling the skate parks with sand from the beaches
next up they're going to be barricading streets using trees cut from city parks

user, plz. Gyaru aren’t niggers any more than Trump is. It’s the same Jersey Shore orange tan

Attached: Gyaru.webm (960x960, 2.46M)


The number of this voter has to be small

Obama-Trump is likely the best indicator since those flipped the election and Romney-Clinton is likely localized in liberal shitholes anyway

Rich coming from MIGAshills

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every candidate in this election has dementia. the only question is which dementia patient is more popular

lel nothing will EVER come close to the energy that night.

for newfags and lurkers, this is a recap of that night.

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rent free

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Hillary Clinton has a 99% chance to win based on polls

You are blinded by TDS

>sincerely believing polls in April
You fucking retard

>The Hill
why haven't you killed yourself yet

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>Tfw a disabled person flips pancakes as well as you do.

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oh right it's the weekend, the numbers suck

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>Romney-Clinton is likely localized in liberal shitholes anyway
think louden county in virginia,
and orange county in california
romney won those by the single digits

Okay then.

I feel like 2020 could be the same
I think the rage will be bigger but hype wise, 2016 wins

>says something
>No evidence
Nice work

Stay mad, Ahmed.

You have 57 months of this Hell left ahead of you.

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