Why can't you like, be friends with the Muslims then?
Do Muslims and Christians really worship the same God?
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Fuck off nigger
Go blind
Fuck Islam, that's why.
Muslims reject the divinity of Jesus.
But it is the same God? What is the problem?
I’m looking at it and nothing is happening
So your problem with Muslims is that they don't believe Jesus walked on water and made food and wine for 4000 people by casting a spell on a fish and a bucket of water?
I don't think Catholics and Protestants worship the same god.
You need to realise that 90% of people, no matter what they worship, could not articulate how, why, or what they worship, or what worship means to them in anything resembling a critical capacity, if you held a gun to their heads and threatened to add a new hole in their skull.
don't the muslimfags believe that? They only seem to reject that God had an equal and consider jesus worshipping as idolatry. Afair Jesus is more important to muslimfags than Muhammad in some cases. (like number of time being mentioned in Quran as the greatest prophet and etc etc)
keep doing it then
Same reasons the Orthodox and Catholics can’t be friends
muslims believe that,but they believe the fish were overcooked,that is a major difference.
they accept jesus ben josef as a prophet
yes,the difference is that jews and muslims still wait for the messiah.the theological difference between jews and muslims are smaller than the ones with christians.also jews and christians are supposed to be children of abraham and sara,and muslims of abraham and his maid.that`s all
>shut up,kike
>be friends with the Muslims then?
We tried that. Muslims threw acid at us, ran trucks into people, raped people, and blew shit up. Oddly enough, they expect us to conform to their standards while we are in our OWN countries.
Unironically because of the Jews.
Muslims have caused problems for Europeans for centuries since Islam’s inception. Muslims would still cause problems even if the Jewry were gone. Only thing Jews have done is amplify these problems through mass immigration and Zionism.
The Bible rejects the divinity of Jesus
christians and muslims aren't descendants of Abraham. Arabs and jews are. not the same thing
What a dumbass. The name Allah means God in Arabic, no different than how any other word is transalted. Arabic bibles even use Allah when referring to God.This is some boomer-level retardation
baal is phoenician.the moon and venus is ironically a typical sign of female dieties,in greece for artemis
the old testament says different.and if you don`t accept it you are not christian,muslim or jew.
accept what? Arabs and Jewish race are descendants of Abraham, thats based on blood, not religion
Juduaism and Islam are heresies and profane.
ofcourse it's from belgium
Allah was the prime diety of the sandnigger arabs BEFORE muhamhead created his fake meme religion
Allah also has 3 daughters, the Islamic Allah also has three fucking daughters
Islam is the worship of a pagan moon god that the arabs worshipped LONG before Islam cam around you sandnigger mudslime
Christianity derived from the Torah.
Islam was derived from the Torah
You're both subverted by Jews to begin with
i don`t talk about science here.i speak theologically
Catholic is not the same as Christian.
And we have been taught to hate each other. We're so busy fighting amongst each other we never stop to realize who the real enemies are. Divide and conquer. Destabilizing a region with chaos when you have the cure on deck that the ignorant will be begging for without questioning it.
Muslims and jews believe in the same god. Christians believe in the one and only God. Those that do not have the Son, also do not have the Father.
What if it was the Catholic Church. I'm no fan of what the Jews have done but look into the Jesuits. Who runs the rothchilds?
Again, Allah just means God in Arabic. Just as Kami means God in Japanese. Not a different God. Do you seriously not understand how languages work?
And again, Arabic Bibles constantly refer to the Lord as Allah. What is your reasoning for this?
And yes, Allah was the "prime deity" of the Arabs as it was a remnant of Abraham's religion. As we know the "Land of Qedar" mentioned in the Bible which is Arabia, was settled by Abrahams descendants from his maid's son. No different than how you worship Prophet Jesus alongside God.
No, those were daughters associated to God, just as you christcucks associate a son to God.
>call muslims sandniggers
>follow religion created by a jew
Aryan's are fucking retarded
Yes, all three worship Yahweh, the god of the Jews
>When you realize culture means more than religion or even race
Yes and no.
When comparing Jews. Muslims and Christians, if you are to ignore the Talmud, the Quaran, and the Hadiths, then yes they technically have the same God, but if you delve into the later texts (pretty much all texts made in AD) then they differ and would lead to major conflicts in the personality of God. Muhammad and Joseph Smith (yes, Mormonism, but still relevant to discussion) conveniently have a God that gives prophesies and revelations that are... exceptionally convenient to the two 'prophets' including fulfilling their sexual desires for having sexual intercourse with people of whom it would be typically forbidden from having sex with or being married with, etc. With Judaism, I'm not as well versed, but the Talmud does propose radically contradictory things to the New Testament.
td;dr They are pretty much the same God in name only. There are differences in the details noted in the holy texts that would mean that they cannot be the same God.