Create massive grassroots movement online

>Create massive grassroots movement online
>Movement encourages the individual to think for themselves and examine the evidence presented
>Movement gets more and more traction by the day
>People are getting sick of propaganda in our media
>The more shills seethe, the more Q is this proven to be true
>Somehow people think this is a psychological operation to keep us complacent

Admit it. The Psy-op part makes no sense. They would want to control us, not start a fire that could potentially get them in trouble. It makes no sense.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The ridiculous part is the notion that Q is some Jack Ryan-tier super deep cover operative leaking classified intel to Yas

Stay asleep, Q will keep you pacified until SHTF and when you realize whats going on, you'll be in line for your daily rations.

Believing Trump isn't part of the establishment and received POTUS for hush money for 9/11 is....

>Trump is just pretending to be retarded

>Q is real

>the notion that Q is some Jack Ryan-tier super deep cover operative
For the last time, Q is not one person


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Anti-Q people constantly say Q tells people to "do nothing". This makes no sense. What is it that Q is preventing people from doing?
>hurr durr boomers would be marching on the capitol and stringing up traitors from lampposts if not for Q
This is stupid on its face, and funny every time.
>Q is keeping people from going full terrorist
This seems to be the pure glownigger position, encouraging people to engage in criminal activity.
>Q is keeping people from being activists or organizing or researching
Q followers spend all their time doing this, though. Through social media they spread awareness of things like Epstein and Pizzagate like never before. On the Qresearch board they dig like few on Yas Forums ever do anymore. The spread of the movement worldwide demonstrates the extent of the organization of people attempting to wake up more people.

So what is it that Q is preventing people from doing? The irony is that the same people who whine and bitch that Q is too cryptic or vague, subsequently are cryptic or vague about what they think Q is preventing people from doing. Anyone want to offer an actual answer?

shills hate fun more than god

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"Kirstie Alley said in a recent Entertainment Tonight interview there was enough sexual harassment on the set of Cheers "to make Harvey Weinstein blush. There was groping, unwanted kissing, people taking pictures of each other naked and posting it everywhere, everything you can think of. We all did it to each other and we all loved it. I didn't hear anyone complaining about it.""

Follow the white rabbit Yas Forums.

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>Follow the white rabbit pol
You're so fucking cringe and have no self awareness at all.

>people in both parties crying out for change
>elect bog-standard 'deregulate business, give tax cuts to billionaires' republican
>but tell people this new president is on a magical quest to hunt demonic pedophiles
>autismos on here will believe anything bad about the politicians they hate
>boomers will believe anything that makes them feel like they didn't waste their vote
>'dont do anything, dont get pissed off when the guy you voted for does the business as usual stuff you elected him not to do'
>'in fact, when he does something you specifically hate, he's actually just doing 34dimensional jiu-jitsu'
>'just keep on trusting that plan of ours'

>this is somehow not a psyop teaching complacency

>deregulate business
So what? The last couple decades have driven business overseas with massive regulation.
>tax cuts to billionaires
To EVERYONE, you fucking shill. Kill yourself.

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Explain the 48 billion for Israel

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That quote was from long before anyone knew who Weinestein was outside of Hollywood you dirty Jewish rat

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Lol your using NYT as a source. Isn't that the same publication that said le god emperor Blumpf was guaranteed to lose the 2016 election?


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>Explain why the US continues to give money to Israel like they have for literally 70 fucking years
Because David Rockefeller and other globalists made it US law back in the late 1940s. And because if we didn't they would literally nuke DC. But go ahead and pretend that Trump's the first one to send gorillions to Israel.

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If I used a non-MSM source you'd dismiss that as illegitimate, shill. Keep trying.

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fake news, show evidence of a payment

234+432 (234 backwards)= 666

Trumps not your friend

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He's the first to move the embassy and the first with a kike daughter

I don’t know a single person who wasn’t already wealthy whose life improved even at the height of the so called great economy. Or workers who weren’t already seriously underpaid with shitty benefits who got raises that did anything meaningful for their lives.
The only thing positive that came from the whole thing is the bootstrap shame game narratives of the wealthy fell to shit.
Our healthcare is a joke, our cost of living is a joke, our quality of life is a joke.
Hedonism, narcissism, selfishness, and incompetence, as well as the indifference and incompetence of the corporate elite is on full display.

And you continue to pretend trump isn't part of zog establishment. He has a jew son in law who's a senior adviser and a jewish daughter ffs

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hitler was a tranny who did meth, right?
dumb jew

How to control a population: Fear and Hope!

Back in the days
- Fear: eternally burn in Hell
- Hope: the messiah will save us

- Fear: Covid-19
- Hope: Q

Q is just another psyop among several.

Good post, I've thought for a while now, that even if Q never actually "does" anything, more people now than ever have an understanding of the corruption going on in government. The tipping point for mass acceptance has already happened, all you need is ten percent of the population know something and everyone else jumps on. It is called "The Great Awakening" after all. The idea that the movement and general level of knowledge will have no future political impacts is ludicrous.

>Is a meme that's over stayed it's welcome

they also renamed golan heights in his honor, still no evidence of muh 58 billion

Ok. Grab a towel, you're gonna need it to wipe off your face after I'm done.
1. People are fed up. The movement was there prior to Q
2. Yet when people do and it results in an opposing view, you call names, post pics, or call them you've pre-emptively done in your first post.
3. Lots of people buy Justin Beiber shit. Doesn't make it good.
4. Non-sequitor.
5. (see #1). This is where making you look stupid gets fun. Take the chick that called Q out on twitter today. Shes right to a certain extent. Perhaps not the snowden thing but everything else.
Look, the Q game, and shes right about that, its a game for low tier thinkers. The cloak and dagger spy stuff is what makes them feel important.
>B-but Q is waking up the masses.
Public arrests and public trials would do that in a fucking week. There is absolutely no point in any of it.

She also points out the lack of purpose. So the fuck what if Trump tweets? Or if hes going to Who the fuck knows where?

Look at it like this, Q started telegraphing to the "bad guys" that president was coming for em.
What's happened since?
Are they running in fear of "the plan"?
Are the committing suicide KNOWING they'll get caught and are guilty?
Fuck no. Hillary still fucks with Trump on Twitter.
Obama is buying homes.
They aren't fucking scared. Which means, they know not to be.
In fact, I would bet they are laughing at Q people.
It sucks. I get it.
But lets look at history and reality.
Chances are, and this is a dead give away to who the Q people are, that all of those sealed indictments have our names in them.
Not the "deep-state".

And what specifically would an anti-Q shill do? What is their purpose to shill against people that don't do shit anyway?
6. If you logically fill a Q purpose, a psyop to shut you up is the most effective and logical. A psyop makes perfect sense. Q has made an exclusive club that has taught you that you belong to something without questioning.

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What is "Q" supposed to stand for exactly?


You're really bad at this

Q is Quetzalcoatl. Aka Lucifer Enki. Stupid sheep.


>comparing unverified lies about Hitler to verified truths about trump.
Does he not have a son in law named Jared Kushner who is Jewish and a senior adviser in his administration? Is his daughter not married to Kushner and also converted to Judaism? Stop being a fucking golem.

But he has sent more money to Israel than any other U.S. President.

gay sex

Exactly. The evidence is present, and it’s awakening people. Ideas such as pizzagate and MKUltra and any other supposed “conspiracy” theory is coming to light as being true through ridiculous amounts of digging and such. When Q spoke of the Great Awakening, this is what he fucking meant. Once the awakening comes through full force, and once the Durham report is submitted, and once heads roll, everyone will bow before Trump, for he is king.
Please fucking lull yourself. Your numerology is the biggest load of horseshit ever.

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>What is it that Q is preventing people from doing?

I'm good enough
get back to me when you come up with some PROOFS

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yes its all a coincidense lul

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>moving goalposts
>reeeee i hate rich people wah healthcare
>pretend trump isn't part of the zog establishment
and yet for over three years he's refused to give the zog establishment their ultimate prize: war with Iran. You faggots refuse to address that simple fact because it defeats the entire "drumpf is a zionist" narrative. Even after missile attacks on our bases, Trump refuses to give the kikes what they want most: Iran.

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imagine believing this:is a coincident

dig deeper bro.

>this Durham report is totally gonna do it this time! Just you wait and see!
Yawn. We've been hearing that for four years.

Adjust for inflation and then prove it.

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Way to dodge logic. Instead, post pics, call people shills, and drink your kool aid.

Stop posting videos and speak up, shill.

What they want most is us being their slaves. So far, its working fantastically.