How come race wasn't much of a thing in the 80s?
How come race wasn't much of a thing in the 80s?
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Remember how the black guy always dies first?
Jews were busy jewing elsewhere?
The 80's was the APEX of American civilization!
Yea Drugs man
It wasn't much of a thing until Obama got into office.
That's not racism, that's realism. The dumbest people always die first.
Because muscles > race
As it should be
Democrats knew their place
90s but yea.
It's fucking weird there's two future governors in this picture
Not sure but I saw the local news last night and there was a chink woman bitching there should be more free money for woman and minority business owners. Also learned how flint Michigan still has tainted water because their majority black leadership embezzled the aid money, but Wikipedia only listed how whites are responsible for "economic racism" so I think everyone learned whites will not stand up for themselves and are feasting on our rotting corpse of a civilization.
When everything is pointed out as being racist, who is the real racist, the ones who did not care or notice, or the ones pointing it out?
A little kids were swinging on Monkey Bars in playgrounds for decades, then all of a sudden, ohes noes a Black kid is swinging on Monkey Bars, that is racist, remove all Monkey Bars from playgrounds.
Replace "Confederate Statue" with Monkey Bars, etc.
Nobody really cared about race because the stereotypes of all races were accepted as truth so people just lived and let live.
because uppity faggots that rely on divide and conquer got beaten, and only a couple out of thousands made a career out of it.
nowdays its a fucken oprah "everyone gets to be a victim" fire sale. like a more cringey version of a reverse mullet
it's not weird because politics is theater to manipulate poor and stupid people
it was the PEAK
are we doing this thread again ?
Hawkins was actually the first to die and then Blain, both white. Mac nearly kills the thing if it weren’t for Dillon.
It was, just that they were smarter in inserting propaganda then they are now because all of the globalists now have Alzheimers and schizophrenia .
This. I want it all back.
Niggers haven't had completely destroyed their communities yet.
The Jews were still pushed ng class warfare in the 80s, they didn't switch over to rafe war until 2008. Race war would not have made sense in the over 80 percent white 80s
>reality is whatever jews push in movies
>the entire Jesse Jackson presidential campaign
>Tawana Brawley hoax
>liberals considering South Africa the worst country on Earth due to Apartheid, while thinking the Soviet Union and Cuba were better than America
It was there if you were paying attention. The exact same talking points of blaming white males for everything wrong on the planet were being peddled in colleges today too
Marxists were still promoting class warfare then, they hadn't switched to promoting race warfare yet.
Because black people used to be cooler and while there were always criminal niggers, they valued morals and the family unit. Then they turned into niggers because of retarded rap music so now they are professional victims, like women.
Guess how I know you've never seen Predator.
America is going to fall.
The 90s are 80s lite
Because it wasnt forced
>don't ask/don't tell
unironically it was a much better time
People were busy hating Russia.
>thinking any time after 1964 was the apex of American civilization
Because Bill Duke and Carl Weathers were /our niggers/.
Even the most racist Yas Forumstard, in my opinion, has no problem with niggers that have genuine talent in some field.
Why couldn't a white ethnostate and a black ethnostate make a movie together? Answer that question.
racism was WAY worse in the 80's. Blacks fuckin hated whites far worse than they do even today.
I went to a 50/50 white black school in jr high in the mid 80s and it was a fuckin warzone. White kids went to the bathrooms in groups because if not you'd get jumped. Black kids were notorious for jumping white kids, and never fought 1 on 1. In 7th grade there was even a huge racial brawl at a local park. It was framed as "rockers vs rappers" (yes seriously) but it was white vs black. Like 100 kids showed up to fight at a local park. The numbers actually favored the white kids and the black kids all ran away.
I will say this about that era, white kids fuckin fought back then. You fuckin had to. Schools and teachers only gave a shit if it was inside the school. we used to meet after school behind the school and fight and teachers would watch out their windows and not get involved.
Black people, maybe as a memento of the 60s or being raised by people who grew up in the 60;s, fuckin hated white people so much. You'd drive down a street and black people would yell "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE CRACKER" and that was normal. And this was in the seattle area so hardly a racial hotbed of unrest.
>race wasn’t much of a thing