Attached: 58CAAF80-4C4A-4264-8B10-4377FA5A125F.jpg (818x750, 74.58K)
Absolutely based
Joshua Evans
Jacob Rogers
Chase Long
Did you renew your banter loicense before posting that
Daniel Barnes
James Cox
Based poles.
Michael Richardson
James James
Camden Myers
How is this based? Molesting children is already illegal in most western countries.
Lincoln Hughes
Blake Butler
scęsz boze
Christopher Walker
That's what you think.
Owen Smith
No my sweet Yas Forumsacks
PiS wants to give the right to sex ed to the catholic church pedos.
Dylan Brooks
they want more moronic people to be unaware of anti conception to breed simple minded masses.
They want kids to be unaware what molesting is - to protect catholic church pedos.
Dominic Torres
Finally a country does something
Mason Collins
oppressive government demands more power over people "for their own good"
fuck socialism, fuck Catholicism, fuck useful idiots accepting smoke screen issues debates during hoax virus plandemic
Jayden Sanders
They also want to seize power and abolish democracy.
Noah Diaz
As an Amerimutt, can I move to Poland?
Julian Hughes
I wish a teacher would have turned me straight
Brandon Diaz
Cringe and anti-liberty pilled
Chase Thomas
The majority of people are in favor of this. The government would be oppressive if it refused to do it and forced the people to accept faggots - which is where we are at in most of the world. You have that backwards.
Besides they aren’t infringing anybody’s rights - just don’t be a faggot and you won’t have any trouble!
Carter Baker
pozamykajcie ryje pedały. szanuje kaczora w chuj za rozwalanie bez litości pedalskiego ścierwa
Blake Flores
Based. I hate polacks a little bit less now.
Asher Thomas
Yeah, wear your fucking shitty cloths all over your slave faces. Disgusting antifreedom cucks. Those masks provided by goverment don't event protect you from getting a virus. People going out with their nose poking up. People just don't want to get a ticket or a fine.
PiS is not a muh freedum posterchild. They are socialist. Don't fall for that.
Hudson Ward
Only when it's straight men molesting girls.
Christian Jenkins
no way will the jews incontrol of the eu and the usa will allow this
Austin Cox
>Those masks provided by goverment don't event protect you from getting a virus.
You know what's funny, the general here actually admitted this in an interview so another reporter then asked him "why are we wearing them then?", he got mad and dodged the reporter right away.
These masks and the quarantine, now also the mandatory phone tracking, these are all enforced to oil up the suppression machine as an exercise for when the guillotines appear after the Depression *really* hits. They try their limits, get experience, put some laws in effect meanwhile, and proceed to dig in waiting for the rebels a few years down the line. They saw the yellow vests and know well enough what's awaiting them after quarantine goes away.
Landon Miller
if your son turns gay and instantly wants to suck cocks because he has 2 hours of sex-ed per week than you probably raised a faggot as a father
Colton Hall
PiS is pro Jewish as fuck. They may seem based, but irl, Kaczynski, Duda or Morawiecki are in good relations with polish rabbis, same goes for the "nationalist"Bosak, who is another Jewish-friendly faggot. We will be the first to get cucked in the Eastern Europe
Jack Nguyen
Luis Gutierrez
Gay american liberal propaganda is child abuse.
Luis Hall
William Powell
Why/how/what are/is/did/do(es) 'X' blah blah blah Go away, 'X' 'X' detected/spotted/etc For me, it's 'X' How will/can 'X' ever recover? Day of the 'X' when? What did 'X' mean by this? When I say 'X' you say 'X' The eternal 'X' 'X' hate thread Wtf, I'm 'X' now people lied, people died Ok, 'X' Me on the left/right/back/front God I wish that was/were me Based and 'X'pilled Cringe Department Normies Ethnicity Phenotype Species Race Mixing POC What went wrong? He (literally) did nothing wrong t. McDonald's wagecuck arthouse 109 Wh*te genocide Cuck JUST Daily reminder Thot Despite being Dishonest Brainlet Slampig Redpill me on Manlet Tranny Janny Simp Smell *breathes in* Why is this? Who is to blame? What is their problem? What are your thoughts/opinions? I don't get it Say it with me BTFO fpbp ftfy JIDF Being this Butthurt Dilate Rabbi Master race Stunning, brave, powerful And it's beautiful I'm gonna say it Ypipo Negro N-word Why, yes Rent free Mutt Goyim Gentiles Chimp Brap(hog) Ethnostate How could you tell? Shitskin Mudblood Yeah, I'm thinking Umad Pajeet It's over Cope 1488 Wew Seethe Spic Schlomo Christcuck Pagans Clownworld Athiests Roach DUDE WEED LMAO For free Libtard Have sex Happening In minecraft And that's a good thing NothingLeafBurger Literally What do? What to do about 'X'? How do you go from this to this? This, but Ironically/unironically Chang Chink Hanz Neet Wagie Gibs Can't meme Go back tbQhwy Smoothbrain Reddit BBC BWC SJW Ivan Coalburner Drumpf Autist Sperg Gaslighting (((you))) Chad Stacy __oomer(s) Flags 1 post by this id IDs """""racialoids""""" /ourguy/ Glow Memeflag NPC Schizo Jew Kike Meds Shill Imagine Incel Built for Pozzed Bot Soi Boi Hot take Tourist Eat bugs Yas queen We wuz kangz IQ No u Oh nonono *tips* fedora REEEEEEEE NOOOOOOO How compete? Name/find a flaw Fag rag _oof(s) Now that the dust has settled Protip kys
Ryan Morgan
explains most Germans
Wyatt Green
poland superpower 2030
Nolan Martinez
They call it Yas Forumsand for a reason
Angel Watson
conservatives are the same faggots but in red hats
Brody Williams
Omg i have never seen a more realistic depiction of our culture here. Thank you user!