Canada is going full Weimar (Bank of Canada Gov says its a good thing)

basically Canada has so much debt that if we entered a deflation status than debt servicing would become impossible and the country would become bankrupt. The Bank of Canada governor therefore sees inflation, like that seen in weimar germany, as a good thing.

Attached: 543534543.jpg (743x766, 77.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>What is debt financing?
its the interest we pay every year to the private banks that loan money to federal and provincial governments.

>how much debt is Canada in
pic related

Attached: combineddebt.jpg (902x555, 73.87K)

nothing ever happens in Canada

Redpilled accelerationism finance jew

Well, he is obviously a secret nazi supporter.

>what does this cost?
pic related
60.8 billion every year. And this was 2014/15. The debt is at compound interest and the liberal government has been spending, not paying down the debt for 6 years.
Now with all the spending the government is going to be in even MORE debt. And where does the money go? To private banks who loan to our government when our government could just print the money themselves!

If Canada comes out of this without a great depression then our great great grandchildren will still have to be paying off this debt to bankers.

Attached: 5345435.jpg (441x320, 46.84K)

let the leaf become bankrup
Leaf Hitler. Bwahaha.

Attached: 1583380499408.jpg (1000x1000, 56.32K)

The weimar republic was the pinnacle of human civilization. Thanks to nazis we are just now reaching that point again.

Source from where Im getting the charts

>In 2016 Canada spent more on debt servicing costs than it did on the Ministry of National Defense

Nothing good anyways.

Attached: 1586292686550.jpg (1024x341, 24.47K)

>In Ontario, where growing government indebtedness is a well-documented problem,6 the province estimates debt servicing costs in 2015/16 at $11.3 billion or 9.0% of total revenue. This means that 9 cents of every dollar in revenue that the Ontario government collects will go to paying interest on the provincial debt.

This means that one tenth of every ontarians taxes goes to private banker coffers. And for what? Our infrastructure is falling apart.

I can't wait for pictures of leafs carrying loonies in wheelbarrows to buy a can of gourmet Campbell's soup

Can we just buy these faggot leafs already? I’m so tired of their smugness and false sense of superiority because muh healthcare muh kindness, fuck off idiots. Can anyone explain to me how Ontario and Minnesota are different in any significant cultural way? You faggots talk the way we do, you dress the way we do, you read the same books and watch the same movies, you have the same cultural norms... all you can do to cling to your ‘uniqueness’ is site arbitrary, performative bullshit like “muh milk comes in bags!” Or “we treat the natives with respect here in good ol Canada!” Nah fuck off. You leaf faggots are literally our vassal and depend on us for everything, if Trump had a based cell left in his body he would just BUY CANADA AND MAKE EACH PROVINCE A NEW STATE! And for the added kick in the ribs, make Montreal speak English, outlaw the pathetic leaf flag, replace all kilometer speed signs with miles signs, and best of all MAKE CANUCK FAGGOTS USE PRIVATE HEALTHCARE! The sheer anger and resentment the canuck failures would experience would make my dick so fucking hard. The day Canada becomes part of the US I would drive up to Toronto and fuck a dumb Canuck thot and then post it on Twitter for the ultimate humiliation and degradation of the once “proud” “country” of “canada”

Also this. I though the US was supposed to own all of north america. Wasn't it your destiny?

>At the federal level, debt servicing costs in
2016/17 are projected to be $24.9 billion. This
represents about three-quarters of the revenue
collected from GST alone ($33.5 billion) (Canada, Department of Finance, 2016b). The amount
spent on debt servicing costs is considerably
larger than the $21.0 billion the government
expects to spend on Employment Insurance
benefits. It is also more than what the federal
government expects to spend on transfers to
Canadian families in the form of Child Benefits
($21.8 billion). Indeed, debt servicing costs now
consume considerable resources compared
to important spending programs. Interestingly, this year federal debt servicing costs ($24.9
billion) will roughly equal the federal government’s planned budgetary deficit ($25.1 billion).

Pierre Trudeau and his cabal of jewish private bankers and communists must be held to account for their crimes against the Canadian people.


Weimar was the mecca of degeneracy. Of course degenerates think that it is an acceptable future.

>been telling normalfag friends that we need to worry about inflation here
>"but I want $2000 a month"
>we're devaluing our currency though, your $2000 is going to be worth less and less
>"$2000 though..."

So when does the US annex?

They were bred to be docile cattle, not humans
they don't have the mental capacity to understand these things like people do

This guy was born one year before hitler. He implemented many similar policies which created the Bank of Canada system that led us out of the great depression until pierre trudeau destroyed it.
He was mayor of Vancouver and kicked the communists so hard that it started the on to ottawa trek
Gerry fucking McGeer

Attached: GGMcGeer.jpg (440x557, 25.89K)

>In the early part of the Great Depression, McGeer became a zealous student of economics and soon became obsessed with monetary reform as the answer to the economic crisis. He eventually came up with his own theories, which he cobbled together from the work of John Maynard Keynes, Abraham Lincoln, and the Bible. (Williams, 312) On one occasion, he hypothesized that international "money power" was financing Communists activities in Vancouver. Another time he testified before the government that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by international bankers opposed to the introduction of "Greenbacks."

This is the dumbest post I have ever read on Yas Forums, and I've been reading leaf posts for years.

>Man what if I save up for 5 months. I'd have 10k!
Normies are retards. 100IQ is still far too low.

This is what happens when you don't have memeflags filtered
drop that in ublock and watch post quality skyrocket

Based aF

Oh look another retarded, aggressive American hillbilly going on a chimpout.

>giving it a (You)
>unironically using the term hillbilly
Off to reddit you must go

We should not blame those who do not know what is being done to them. Blame the Trudeaus and the bankers who started Canada on this path.

You will never have us. We are importing disparate cultures and resisting all urges to integrate them. Give it enough years and we will be too poisonous for America to consume.

Agreed. Fuck Canada. Worse shithole than Mexico.

I blame democracy for letting retards choose Trudeau in the first place.