If so, what lead you to do so and why? Has your life changed in anyway?
What are your thoughts on Islamic migrations to Europe?
If so, what lead you to do so and why? Has your life changed in anyway?
What are your thoughts on Islamic migrations to Europe?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, and no and no and no and no and no and no and no and no and no and no and no and no and no and no and no
Lol, all you Christcucks, Islamic and juden cucks are ALL the same
You are all filth and I HATE you all
PAGANISM is the way to go you faggot Jew worshippers FUCK you
Pagans are a meme. Kys you meme
Christians allow Muslims to dominate christKEK
> Come find me user
If you could marry 4 virgin trad wives, would you?
> Return to the Gods of your people user
Yes. I originally researched it to argue against it but ended up being convinced by it.
Migration to Europe or any kaffir country is haram. Migration from such countries to a Muslim one is hijrah and obligatory. Muslims should be joining the jihad. Muslims who move to the west are generally just looking for comfortable lifestyle. Often their children become more religious than they are
It's changed my life enormously, it's like I'm in another world
I'll convert you to a convertable if you keep posting about pisslam. Hows that?
> pagancuckism
No I’m not a race traitor, you dumb fuck
The only reason to convert is so that you can own, retain, beat, and rape your property wifey. There is no room for any religion in a modern white society. Sorry faggots.
Where do you live now?
What specifically did you find that changed your opposing viewpoints?
>keep posting
Lol, what?
>being a christcuck
You are a faggot and the reason why people are choosing Islam over the true ancestral faith
I live in America but plan to move
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Islam. And My Life with the Taliban.
What jihad? All the Muslim leaders are cyptokikes same as the "terror" groups. We need strong men to lead and right now this generation is full of weak men from all cultures
Atheism leads to Islam dumb fuck
Haven't you seen all the Islam threads these past week? Hell, over the past few years? 5 years ago EVERYONE was pissing on Islam, now a sizesble amount are preferential to it due to how WEAK atheism is
People like you are allowing more and more of this shit. Fuck you you literal Chinese invader
>my life with the taliban
Did you convert just to join them? What makes you think they are correct
Atheism is a kike trick designed to turn you into a degenerate. Atheists must accept trannies and faggots and other degeneracy
that's some epic fashion right there my dude I'd wear that all day w/ or without turban
Any (all) religion is for the weak. Your retarded baby jesus fairytale isn’t going to win this war for you either faggot. Time to man up and use that logical thinking.
I don’t need a religion to know trannies are retarded and should be exterminated with all other degenerate scum including poc. If your religious you lack common sense and if you lack common sense you cannot be a part of white modern society.
>Atheism leads to Islam dumb fuck
Are you retarded? Dumb christcucks are the ones wanting to import all the mudslimes.
Religioncucks can't can't think for themselves. They fuck up and blame their retardation on atheists.
Nope you shouldn't have any problem with it since according to your views were all going to die aimlessly anyway. Atheism leads to the acceptance of trannies and faggots. Commies are atheist scum just like you
I have no interest in joining the Taliban
The only normal muslim I heard of are mongolo Tatars in Russia and Kazahstan.
In the balkans there are allso some normal muslim. They are more secular. But in general it is a religion of pure submision.
Well that’s just untrue. I don’t accept faggots, poc, or trannies nor can I be swayed to accept them and I’ve never had a low enough iq to believe in a religion.
Islam is stupid religion but i like it.
ITs a good thing I said PAGANISM and not christKEKery, you literal queer enabling retard
Then you're a retard that doesn't even follow his own worldview. Since you're an atheist you have no morals therefore it's fine for everyone to live how they want since we're all gonna die anyway. Atheists are cucks that allow degeneracy to blossom. Atheism leads to communism
Are you? Christcukery leads to atheism, and atheism is a symptom of it like gays and mass immigrations
You are a KEK
Guys stay on topic
I want to talk about Islam and those that convert to it; don't care about Christianity or paganism or atheism or whatever the fuck you're trying to derail with.
Wouldn't you say that's why people are turning to Islam?
I'm drawn to the idea of owning women and Fucking children, but all of the Islamic nations being full of the most retarded people on earth keeps me away.
Also untrue. I have quite fine morals and ethics without religion. Rule of law is necessary for any civilized society to flourish and when the time comes commies will be getting the rope too.
Salvation is through Christ only.
People turning to Islam because Christians are cucks who are letting degeneracy run rampant in their own countries. Christianity just has you grit your teeth and say it's fine while Islam will deal with the degenerates. However all Muslim nations are leaded by cucks who care more about money and appearances than Islam