Still haven't gotten my stimulus check yet, despite qualifying...

Still haven't gotten my stimulus check yet, despite qualifying. My relatives on Social security haven't gotten theirs either. But my nigger loving meth head cousin got his.

Think there will be any fallout from Trump making sure the welfare niggers got paid first?

>inb4 Orange man Bad!

I'm still voting for the son of a bitch.

Attached: potato-trump.jpg (900x506, 37.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

it's coming in 3 separate waves, on the 22nd is wave 2, on the 29th is wave 3
i was pissed but last night before bed i checked again and it told me it was coming 22nd, but now it says it can't tell me when it's coming again just like before yesterday lmao

Thanks for the info. I'm a bit relieved to hear that. Food has been so expensive here that we're going broke just getting by.

Attached: Roadkill2.jpg (1300x1300, 333.67K)

>Think there will be any fallout from Trump making sure the welfare niggers got paid first?
its in the bill the more you make the slower you get it which makes perfect sense
kys bernie bro kike rat

Attached: bgyuhn.png (600x843, 918.56K)

I got mine thru direct deposit on th 15tth and I live in the boonies. Do you live in a Democrat state? Maybe that's it...

Go back to gossiping on /ptg about your based true conservative niggers.

Quit whining about your gibs. Get a job you sack of shit.

company I was working for went under, with no plans to reopen. Faggot.

The "Stimulus" was an attempt to buy voters; hence the whole "treasury checks need Trump's signature" thing.
They were never meant for you, they were always just to give the illusion of "doing something".


>>Quit whining about your gibs. Get a job you sack of shit.
user, I...

Attached: Weekly Initial Jobless Claims.webm (480x480, 2.87M)

Too bad, pull yourself by the bootstraps and try again. That's life.

Reading comprehension not your strong suit. Is it?

Make a slingshot and go hunt birds and squirrels for food. Nobody owe you a thing basedboy.

Attached: okayperii.gif (400x300, 3.73M)

Who said anything about anybody being owed anything?
The response was in reply to the Boomer-tier braindead admonition to "get a job", that webm I posted is out of date: instead of 6 million initial jobless-claims it's now 22 million!

IOW, there's now so many unemployed that it's going to take a really long time for employers to sift through and hire people... and that's assuming they're even looking to hire!

He Didint say shit about other people employing you either. Getting a job might as well mean to get self employed.

Attached: 53416979_2221468378101937_4467119531905731827_n.jpg (640x640, 89.99K)

>Getting a job might as well mean to get self employed.
And are you, or that person, even aware of what it takes to be *legitimately* self-employed these days?
A *LOT* of people can't hack it, and that's assuming you're not dealing with some petty random bureaucrat who *wants* to make your life hard.
Add in things like advertising, "growing your business", "market research" and so on and you're looking at some serious commitments, commitments which are to you pure expense with zero guarantee of actually bearing fruit.

Sucks to suck, kid

Attached: 1503658A-5A84-4A47-B98A-5A94E0F28373.jpg (1125x1098, 811.84K)

* Grad. HS in 2000.
* Enlist.
* 9/11.
* Work on degree.
* Deployments.
* Graduate college w/ Bachelors.
* 2008 Recession hits / floods job-market w/ out-of-work people.
* Finally get job circa 2010
* H1Bs flood the market, making job-qualifications ridiculous.
* Get laid off.
* Family issues.
* Clinical depression.
* Get new job.
* 2020's new Great Depression.

It does suck to be me.

Attached: ourlifeandfuture.png (2789x1291, 2.29M)

Note: If you receive an SSA or RRB Form 1099 or SSI or VA benefits, your information is not yet available in this application.


(bottom of the blue box)

LOL! you haven't received yours already? What a faggot. Go eat shit

your relatives dont pay taxes lol.

that was pretty brutal bro

Attached: 1539041555_123.gif (357x419, 2.55M)


Did you file your taxes yet? If not, do so.

Why should we believe you?
There is no way you could ever prove you didnt get it.
You could be a shill

>Think there will be any fallout
>I'm still voting for the son of a bitch.
Obviously not.

I got the dreaded "undetermined" message during the 1st wave. Checked today, got a qualified message for 22nd, and sure enough my account shows a 1200 deposit pending, for release 22nd.

Dont stress my nig, if you qualify, its coming.

Filed at the beginning of the year. Before the shutdown.

I filed late on purpose because it had been extended and I'm fucking lazy. Got my Trump Bux almost immediately, still waiting on actual return.

I hope you choke on your $1,200 supply of watermelon, nigger.

I got mine a few days ago
Only spent $200 so far