Why do White women hate white men these days?

What caused all of this? Why do they hate us so much?

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Only the fatherless ones

Because is so modern and progressive date with slaves!!

it's operant conditioning user, the platforms reward good behavior and saying shit like this is considered good behavior

if you go against this narrative you're punished by the platform

Small part of a bigger problem. No longer are we allowed to criticize or shame woman anymore. They can say and do whatever they want, if you so much as imply they are wrong, your career is over. For men it's the opposite

decades of social conditioning

Only the damaged inferior women hate Caucasians

As far as I know, we don't. But then, I'm not a feminist, so....

OP is a kike shill. Ignore.

Attached: shill.png (750x1334, 595.22K)

you're not white

So niggers turned her gay?

>caring what women think or say

All women worship the ground I walk on

Maybe you’re just a Chode

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This is false. My husband is black and white dudes still hit on me all the time.

Herpes is real and if you are a female you have a good chance of getting it

Trust me.
They might hate me or whatever.
I hate them one thousand times more.
And I have muscles and guns.
What do they have ? Cunts ?

As if whites would date her

It's a trap, not a "White woman", OP.

>10 years later as a single mother to at least 1 niglet
>She looks back on her life and remembers what could have been with literally any other race of guy that she rejected or didn't try to get with solely based on anti-white meymeys

You're a nigger
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>Lets team up with niggers
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>It doesn't wo-
>Now that the dust has settled...
>mic drop
>change my mind. Protip: you can't
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>uses memeflag
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>Miss me yet?
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
>BERNIE 2020
*sips tea*
>why is x like this?
>am I white
>whats his/her problem?
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>I am forgotten
>what did he mean by this?
>will x be allowed into the ethnostate?

well her moms not wrong

No wait
Fuck outta here trap.

Still larping the same bullshit.
No time stamp
No proof just pure bullshit.

>Incels cry about whorish women when they get rejected/ignored
>Women are peak attention whores yet don't act like incel's when they get rejected/ignored

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they dont, its a cry for attention.

they act out this way so guys get mad and, to women, any reaction = attention.

i have had sex with STRICTLY far left women for years now, they openly say they hate whites then let me cum in, on, and around their puss.
stop falling for the bait.

are you that asian from UK who posts these kind of threads, nigger dicks and AMWF couples?

Attached: asian hapa.png (1406x632, 153.38K)


if a white girl hates whites it means she hates her dad, her brothers, her family, etc. And that makes her garbage. Welfare garbage usually.

38 posts exposing shills:


Your post in a single picture.

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Women want to get saddled at 20 with a fatherless low IQ mutt. Dunno why

This, Society may say other wise, but deep down.
>Both Genders
know that white women who fuck blacks,are basicly excommunicated from whites. Except for fake ass virtue signalling posters,
Blacks know this.
>MudSharks get beaten by their lovers-Thats their happy ending

>Why do White women hate white men these days?

30+ years of nonstop military grade cultural subversion is some heavy stuff let me tell you.

Attached: white women are fucked up.webm (842x474, 2.99M)

Have you ever rejected a girl before? I have. They dont take it well at all.

why do people air out their spite on social media now? thats such a red flag for being their friend or hiring them if they have this awful of a filter.

there's going to be a huge reckoning for all these girls because their public prostration for BBC is going to ensure that no successful men touch them in the future, and the niggers they "allegedly" like so much are just going to grow up to be another poor nigger on da bloc postin up

Gay and lonely. Yep, her mom was right.

you're right, unlike incels who complain on imageboards, they throw tantrums like little children

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I thought she was "gay and lonely" or was that another month in "things that never happened"?



Cause women love alpha male

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Yes I have.
I've even rejected two women who proposed to me [one of them did so on the spot of seeing me, I'm not beautiful,she was clearly drunk]
Most women I know,smoke,have tattoos,have kids or some other disgusting shit.
Only simps think that men don't/can't reject women. Women are trash,just like men, The trashiest women are the most delusional and most likely to get rejected

That's so sad to me for some reason.



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And I wasn't pointing fingers or responding with an attitude, just saying that this happens,despite what simps believe

this, pretty much. also, a fuckton of these women who do this are jewish, LARPing as white

Attached: jews fronting as white example 87265413.jpg (974x928, 280.74K)

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You guys need some fucking hobbies


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sad but true.
across all cultures and races, females are instinctively hypergamous
for any female to intentionally and demonstrably seek a partner beneath their class and social status (a nigger), there's either some deep psychological/emotional damage and/or an active emotional crisis without a father to lend stability and reassurance. in its absence, she seeks validation by her peers

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When they get rejected you're socially dragged, and if they want, they assassinate your character with allegations such as rape. Hell hath no fury like a women scorned doesn't even scrape the surface of the ish they are capable of. Hell, they got blacks they slept with killed to save their hide and exert their power. There's few incel murderers, but they actually end up caught, Women on the otherhand just have to open their mouths and pretend cry.

they like attention and are easily manipulated, you do the math