Drumpf BTFO!

He will never recover from this


Attached: BTFO.png (779x796, 540.33K)

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Attention whoreing and being unfunny on the internet dance

I think you're right. He's going to laugh himself to death.

Why is she wearing skinhead boots? Are hipster literally copying neo nazi skinheads style? The fuck. You’d think they dress the opposite to not be associated with that
>romper stomper putting on the boots

Also this bitch is like 35 why the fuck is she acting like a middle schooler?


they probably found out about doc martens through fashion magazines and have no clue of their cultural connotations

atleast she made it 20 seconds without just shaking her ass i guess.

Sure that's not just a chunky teen?

Doc martins have been warn by everyone and their aunts and uncles since the fucking 90s.

This world is fucked
The next generation of women are all dancing in front of their phones and fucking black

Lol this implies liberals can fight.


Those pants look fucking uncomfortable.

>These Pants Don't Even Fit Dance

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Not THOSE particular ones
... all she's missing is red laces and a shaved head

>why dont women ever grow up?
feminism has perpetuated the infantilization of women by absolving them of all responsibility.

feminists will dispute this and say that its about womens rights, but conveniently gloss over the fact that rights and responsibilities are fundamentally interconnected.

you cannot have one without the other.

>implying the female brain grows socially between 14-50
They don't change until the menopause starts hitting and the male attention dies out.


When thumbnailed, that pic looks like someone wearing those fake glasses and nose combo ha ha funny face Halloween dress up clown props.

In 5yrs she will probably look back regretfully on this.

your CIA tax dollars, hard at work.

She cute.

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Attached: terry davis.gif (300x424, 2.56M)

Or a random teenager with bad ideas.

>1M views of an adult woman being a spastic
Giant meteor, please.

A whole 20 seconds without resorting to her ass.
That has to be some kind of new record for zoomer thots


Lmao the edits people made are pretty funny. Idk wtf she was thinking. Being a bad dancer is one thing, but uploading your bad dancing so the world can make fun of you? Whatever gets your dopamine kicking I guess.


At least 40 if she's a day.

holy FUCK!!!


I hate women


Hasnt this been a thing for decades with "straight edge" "skinheads" and the like with some of the people wearing skinhead shit actually being basically antifa tier? I dont think its new.

Usually when women cry it bothers me. This does not.

kek the cool wine aunt

What a retard. Christ have mercy.

>Or a random teenager with bad ideas.

nope, it's literally the CIA.

Dancing has to be the stupidest shit ever. Wow you shucked and jived in front of a camera tell me what to think about politics :D

it's a result of western culture. when wahmen grow up with too much encouragement and too little criticism no matter what they do, then they learn nothing and display autistic behaviour. it's valid for both sexes though. just take a look at /lgbt/

Same bitch OP posted
We can do it!
Who's with me?

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Notice on twitter how an Asian man literally has an anti white post attacking this white girl with the highest reactions & you faggots applaud.
So an Asian's racism against whites is ok as long as he's attacking a white feminist?
The hypocrisy is overwhelming.

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This has meme potential, say that she's angry trump isn't doing enough to stop immigration

How come all women these days are so super confident due to social media? You see all these women who claim to have high anxiety and social disorders and they are dancing around and going viral with social awkwardness at all. Look at all those ugly as fuck nurses and NHS staff doing goofy viral dancing videos and they don't give a fuck and are not camera shy at all. Even anxious women are celebrities online now. I have anxiety and feel awkward and autistic as fuck in front of a crowd. How are these women doing it?


It's actually worse than that. She describes herself as "Actor. Dancer. Musician. Advocate."
She considers dancing a vocation and part of her career...


fool. always shoot a traitor before an enemy.
in this case, the enemy is making a mistake and another enemy is ridiculing them
what could a huwhite person possibly gain from intervention of this clusterfuck? you are a simp.

Attached: RAtinybuck.gif (58x68, 36.22K)

Most cringeworthy thing of the season so far. Dancing in a alley for virtue signaling points.

Fuck him and fuck white girls. All they do is bitch and fuck niggers.

women are children

We know Hsiung Lee but just because white western women won't fuck you doesn't mean they aren't allowed to non violently express dislike for trump with a harmless dance.

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Imagine interacting with women so little that you have no idea what combat boots are.

filthy aged skin, gross

simp is a normie reddit meme word now. please stop saying it. you ruined an entire thread.

that nose has been shopped, you cheeky bastard

Oh. This explains everything. She's a whacked out cat lady.