Everyone has a price

How many Yangbux will it take to buy your support, anons?

Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-18 at 8.png (794x810, 873.25K)

>A chink telling me how to be American.

Would collapse the dollar in about 6 months, but that's the point


>you can live off 2000 in this jewed nation
Yang is so stupid

Based and NEETpilled

Attached: a38.png (600x700, 531.4K)

>People need $1000 a month to survive!
Shit hit the fan. Fuck. Here's $1200.

>$1200 one time
>That wasn't enough
>Fuck, $2000 a month!
>That wasn't enough
>Okay, $8000 a month!
>No, $10000 a week!
>$50000 a day!!!
I'm all for it. Let's just full steam ahead into the oncoming economic collapse iceberg we're already heading towards. At this point fuck it.

At least you might get a Hitler after the collapse

WoW "Jobs are gone for good" guess they're not coming back. Unless someone has a wand.

This is the same playbook Dems always use.

I've been working 5 days a week and doing side work restoring furniture on weekends
Keep your pathetic welfare and open the economy so those who aren't obese diabetics can live their lives

What, would you prefer a Jew?

I would vote yang, after experiencing trump bux I just want gibbs

jobs aren't gone for good they're just being filled by cheaper H1B1's

Please start this shit, I already loaded up on PMs and am ready for a dollar collapse.

the amount of new jobs created since 2008 has been lost in 3 months

i'll take it
only debt is my mortgage and that's not going anywhere, legally, so fuck it
i don't care about inflation. it's high-time i get to feel like a nigger
fork it over, i say

Yeah, given the context of this thread and what I've posted, that's exactly what I'd rather.

he needs to run as independent, unironically

Only if it came with a free chip.

>close all restaurants around the country indefinitely

What an alarmist retard. Anyone that has worked at a large institution can testify to how antiquated systems and processes are in almost every industry. Anyone that has a middle management position can also testify to how difficult it is to institute any real change in these companies as most move slower than dinosaurs with plenty of boomer politics to boot at the VP level.

Cliffs: don’t worry retards, there will be plenty of busy jobs available for at least 100 years and you won’t get automated away at any company that actually employs a decent amount of people

We're going UBIreenos regardless, if anything, this covid bullshit will show just how many jobs are monkey business bullshittery. like half of normies are never going back behinds desk.

I say hold out for $3,000

You're very close to a real redpill but you seem to be preoccupied with bottom-barrel American politics to realize it. When your currency NEEDS half the population to barely have any in order to retain its value, maybe your economic system is shit. But somehow I doubt your brain will connect the dots between how this is bad and how it's a fundamental pillar of capitalism.

Nigger, there never were no new jobs. It was all minimum wage shit and the world kept spinning.

Yeah, spinning the fat American pigs over the fire.

Richard Nixon wanted to give every American citizen $3000 a month, but the Jews stopped him. We have to take back our birthright. Money is a human right.

Never. Throwing meaningless FEDbux will never work.

t. weimar republic

The ones who actually worked were spinning over the fire, for they did not see the way of the NEET. More Americans die from suicide due to wageslaving than from car crashes on their way to the cage.

It's not tho, not a pillar of capitalism itself, just of current American broken ass system of exploitation. Capitalism worked perfectly fine before the hijacking of 1913 and 1971.

>jobs gone for good
For China when the US decides to bring back all the manufacturing jobs.

Don't hold your fucking breath. They can't even handle a single $1200 stimulus check without fucking it up, there's no way they'd be able to manage $2k a month without a total system collapse.

I'll take $2000 a month, but I'm still voting Trump in Nov

I could life off 2000/mo
>rent 1300 (overpriced but still not a bad deal because it's a luxury apartment)
>food 200
>internet 100
>water/gas/electric 200 at most

1200 is too small but how could you not live off 2000

The $2k a month is to prevent the system collapse. NEETbux are the only way forward, but you're too caught up in boomer thinking to see. Your job is not your worth. Your love is your worth.

Total system collapse is already here though, the results of this shutdown will be worse than the Great Depression

you can EASILY live off of $2k tax free a month, but it would require you move away from the hustle and bustle of the big city