How the fuck are so many of you guys unironically upset by people dying from the coronavirus? I'm way more moderate as far as policy goes but I don't give one shit about nameless boomers and trannies dying, and I also don't give a shit about the handful of decent white people who are dying from this.
Even if you are a weak baby who hasn't been desensitised and disillusioned about the idea that human life is sacred (or even just white life) and we're all in the same boat, how can you be so stupid as to not see that something along the lines of a societal collapse is the only way for anything other than liberalism to take over? We will never vote this stuff in. This is a golden opportunity for change but so many of you are desperately trying to stop it at any cost, you are literally pushing to give more power to our liberal leaders. Just look at fucking Richard Spencer.
I think the "Nazis" and "Traditionalists" here are all a bunch of spineless faggots who love to say they want to take over the world by force and kill people for arbitrary disagreements, but are actually sheltered mama's boys who are too attached to our comfortable democracy and shiver at the thought of it getting a little bit unstable and a few retards dying as a result.
>all of a sudden Bruh, nazis are socialists, lazy niggers who use racism as an excuse to steal, they literally beg for free shit as an ideology, crybaby is pretty much the alternate title for Mein Kampf.
Nazis are failed prodigies, the worst kind of people who feel like they are owed stuff because the other guy in grade school got an A and they got a B
Lucas Murphy
Pretty much, I know this one Nazi-type (who knows whatever meme label he actually went by) who got insanely mad at me because I didn't support cancelling student loan debt.
Being a Nazi must get really tiring, they are simultaneously extremely anti-everything nihilistic accelerationists and extremely pro-everything statist utopians. Most of them are too stupid to understand the basic Marxist notion that you accelerate the collapse, and then you start moralfagging for the state. It doesn't work even theoretically if you do both at the same time.
Being a "lolbert" is pretty easy in contrast.
Jordan Smith
i fucking love being a lolbert, i get to lol and eat like an effendi while the low caste gibsmedat crew kevetches and complains for their daily bagel.
Blake Ross
And they don't even have the balls to take the actual edgelord approach and just oppose the education system that caused that in the first place, they just want to make the authority that oppressed them do the specific things they want it to.
Camden Wood
We're in the middle of an eternal summer atm, the voice and tone of pol changes when this happens. And you have people trying to spread dissent, break our ranks, or they think they can actually convince people to their side. Be on the lookout for concern trolls, And then there's these faggots:
Joshua Reed
Imagine not being in control of your own perspective, ouch
Nazis are fine with it. Anything that weens off the weakest members of society is a net benefit to society. It's the neoliberal TRS basedboys who are inconsolable.
Imagine thinking Yas Forums nazism was ever not a meme, "concern trolling" is just pointing out the obvious fact that it's a retarded idea and never had a chance to start with, meme'd retard.
Camden Edwards
I should have put "Nazis" in quotations, the 3 actual educated Nazis we have here are pretty based.
Liam Reyes
Why are leftist faggots always writing walls of text asking stupid questions? Do you actually think anyone is going to read that shit?
>Why are Nazis crybabies all of a sudden? They aren't. In fact, the day before yesterday I, on my very own, completely destroyed an incredibly jewish thread.
Leo Frank, Israel at the Olympics, jews not knowing how to talk, think or do anything but shake chickens thanks to Germans (always makes them angry, but it's true), jewish genetic disease talk.
I had those worms squirming around my feet, reduced to sputterings of "shizo shizo".
I had an immense laugh. Want to laugh with me, OP?
>take over the world by force and kill people for arbitrary disagreements You can not take over the world by force, you have to do it by trust to get anything done. And nobody wants to kill people, they just have to go back.
Grayson Taylor
Look around mate, I've seen some fucking hilarious cases of "Nazis" practically crying through my screen about all the poor little coronarinos dying (claiming to only be crying about the white ones lol).
Jason Morales
>are you ok? >yes
>lol nobody’s okay here everybody’s depressed why you lying bro >im really okay though
>he thinks he can break the paradigm.jpg
Thomas Rodriguez
>he took the nazi memes seriously WW2 is so obviously a psyop that we openly mock the players. This is no secret. What was secret is the backchannel rumors, intentionally spread by Yas Forumslack operators that nazi posting is genuine, and that stormsweeties had a home on Yas Forums. Folks, the same small group of Yas Forumslack ops specialists are getting set to launch a large influx of 'double neo nazis' (extreme newfaggots) to Yas Forums. Be ready
>I've seen No, you haven't, I browse this board like it's my day job and I haven't seen anything other than "IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING" and "It's a nothingburger". You're genuinely just bullshitting.
>Guys look onions wojak >Nazis are upset people are dying from Coronavirus Wrong, ardent National Socialist and this plague is speeding things up and showing how fucked everything really is.
>A collapse is how we win >NatSocs are for the system and legalism Wrong, we want a collapse you stupid nigger
>Richard Spencer Okay but neither his opinion is mine nor is it speaking for the National Socialist community.
tl:dr OP is being a fag as usual today, herb in all fields
Honestly the cases I've seen of them being crybabies are so fucking counterintuitive and absurd that maybe they are just shills. I'm used to politics guys larping and talking a bigger game than they live but these weren't just normal plebs, they were like actual fucking 4 year olds. Not even based selfish bully 4 year olds.
I don't expect much from "Nazis" but these cases still surprised me. I seriously can't comprehend how they are sad at all about coronachan.
Caleb Lopez
>WW2 was a psyop In a way, that marxists and capitalist teamed up, sure
>Talks in Q posting tier operator talk >Think's Yas Forums is political >Guys I know it, these people are making this! Nobody ever arrives to National Socialism on their own I don't normally say this but if you can't even come up with a coherent argument just go take your meds, spiraling out of control into conspiracies is for
You can tell how much the shills have completely fucked up the heads of most anons It's about to become a "satire" Reddit Emasculated, retarded and ignorant shitposters
Now watch this thread fill up with people having conversation with each other that goes nowhere and looks more like 5 people standing around shaking their hands
Say I'm a guy that hates shovels, fucking hates them, never liked them, never will. Always used a pickaxe for this task. Furthermore, I don't want other people to use shovels and to switch to pickaxes. If I were to go around telling people I loved shovels up until recently, I've been getting spinters from them, or they've been breaking on me at a critical moment. I've recently switched to pickaxes for this task that I've been using a shovel for for years, and this pickaxe is working way better than the shovel every did.
That is an example of concern trolling. it's a bit odd or silly of an example, but I was trying to get the point accross without using politics to explain it.
Gabriel Reyes
I really wish I'd taken screenshots of the 15 year old crying about "it's worth doing anything it takes to save even one young white trad male like me!" a few days ago. I'll dig through the archives when I get a chance, I think I remember the thread topic.
Grayson Gray
It was in the CTR playbook, and is a IDF tactic they use to influence Yas Forums. It's obvious when you know to look for it, but many newfriends here are very easily suckered. another symptom of the eternal summer we're in.
Ryan White
Look at that projection, he's even trying to communicate >bluh blha nigger btich slut nigger blu Beautiful, please, keep going.
I pretty much got that but thanks for the polite explanation lol
I sincerely am a former Nazi-sympathizer though (I was never la full-on Nazi but I liked the general ideas) and gradually grew out of it and just recently got out of it far enough that they started telling me I was on the kill list for being a "lolbert" so I've come to realize I actually dislike them now, and with that realization I started noticing a lot of gay shit they do. The way they are responding to coronachan is an absolute embarrassment.
Jonathan Wright
Ok I understand, what I meant was this: somebody asks you how you’re doing with the intention of trolling >heehee he doesn’t know that I don’t care But then (!!!!!!!) I do this amazing move where I don’t care either. So I give an honest answer, saying I’m okay. But this triggers something because nazis want to propagate the lie that everyone’s doing bad. Then they get mad that I’m not propagating their lie because I’m honestly doing okay because I understand that people might hate me for whatever reason so I just be happy that I’m not dead yet since it would make sense they’d want to kill me if they really hate me so much. At this point I dunno what a nazi might think so I just do something like smile or be attractive and since they only got some second-tier arguments on me, I just assume they’re jealous of me, which I test by observing them.
Michael Brooks
Based, but didn't really fit with anything anyone here said.
Connor Powell
I know I aint got the time to listen to the opps, thanks for talking me to though basedbro
Misunderstanding of what concern trolling is based on the name. I assume was a joke at the name 'concern trolling' or they misunderstood and thought they were posting an example.
Christopher Anderson
I guess I misunderstood what concern trolling was then, although I’ve met a lot of people in real life who I could tell from their facial expression were trolling with me.
Cooper Richardson
why is the left always so obsessed with victimhood?
Dominic Hill
Caleb Stewart
Literally no one cares about people dying of corona virus, you live in your schizophrenic wet dream you social outcast spastic. You probably saw one memeflag in one fucking thread and though >hehheheehehehhheheh gotta make a dumb fucking waste of time thread just to talk about how this guys whole ideology affects his views on the current pandemic!!! Please just shut the fuck up and go back to dilating your disgusting puss filled tranny fucking wound you massive kike loving nigger monkey fag