I’m banned on twitter otherwise I’d comment “eat the rich”
Hope someone does as Nancy Pelosi shows off extreme wealth of 25k refrigerators while America is broke unemployment and sharing a snickers
I’m banned on twitter otherwise I’d comment “eat the rich”
Hope someone does as Nancy Pelosi shows off extreme wealth of 25k refrigerators while America is broke unemployment and sharing a snickers
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Nancy Pelosi very good person. She not like Trump supporters - they very trashy people who buy stinky clothes at Wal-Mart. We must vote Biden because he very honorable good man. He make optimal America of United States.
I don't do social media otherwise I'd do the same. Golden opportunity being missed here.
>25k refrigerator
Why is that even a thing?
5/10 might get someone
Because restaurants. You know that awesome little oven Subway has that toasts your sandwich in 15 seconds and gets the bread perfectly crispy, the cheese perfectly melty? That thing is like $8,000.
Rich = successful = smart= loved by god
Kys and seethe you poor commie
I thought it was her sarcophagus
you very based person. Nancy Pelosi care about us which is why she support Biden and open borders. Biden not sell-out career politician like bad orange man. Why ot Trump support understand this.
>gets the bread perfectly crispy, the cheese perfectly melty?
lol no it fucking doesn't
that $8,000 piece of shit does a pretty okay job of getting hot as fuck real quick and that's about it. it's never even either. The sides of the bread get toasted but the majority of it just gets hot...
These evil people, the closer they get to the end of their lives, the longer they think they will live.
Why you shill push propaganda like this? What does even mean? You very bad at job. Please vote Biden he be tuff on China and WHO.
its time for the mass lynching's
Many troll in thread. We must be aware and only get news from trusted news source like CNN or NYT's.
>broke & unemployed
Get some marketable skills you retard burger.
Be aware that troll push photos not real like this. These people anti-American shill. Never put party over country and always vote blue no matter who.
Are you kidding with this broken English? I would say you are the trashy one. We don't burn dogs alive for dinner here.
In an ideal society she'd be dragged out of her mansion to answer of her crimes.
Have we really went from half the front page threads with twitter screenshot bait to threads with hypothetical twitter replies?
Your flag isn't fooling anyone china virus.
I think dog eaters are deplorable like Trump supporter. No eat dogs. Here another fake photo that shill push to discredit great leader Nancy Pelosi. Dont be fooled
How do you get banned on twitter? Havent been in 2 years but there was lots of anti kike.
Reminder that Trump has multiple residences including a gaudy three story gold plated penthouse apartment at the top of a skyscraper which has his name displayed in massive letters over the main entrance located in Midtown Manhattan in New York City worth an estimated $100,000,000
>Your flag isn't fooling anyone china virus.
China virus not man made in Wuhan lab from chimera strain Obama sell China in 2015. That fake news. If it were true CNN or Bill Gates would tell you - as they very much trusted. Bill Gates honorable man like Joe Biden. Bill Gates save us with vaccine chip because he like Biden care about us. Vote Blue!
Easy, just go on Twitter and disagree with someone, then wait for the cancel culture tsunami to hit.
The bots are getting worse, damn
This is a kike pretending to be a chink
That great point - Trump buy house with money he make from scamming us Americans as POTUS. Pelosi work hard to make money as career politician unlike Orange Man. You very based poster
I really have fuck all clue social media wise, so what the normies pile in if you upset em?