Influenza cases/season is inflating the Covid-19 testing results and deaths. It's also causing people who have Influenza to be diagnosed as Covid-19 even if they don't have it because of the symptoms and/or the similarity of those symptoms.
Young people who Vape/use E-Cigarettes and smoke weed are at high risk of being impacted by Covid-19 because of lung health. Old people who have a long history of smoking have a very high risk involving Covid-19. Lung health being hurt by air pollution is a big reason why China got hit so hard by it and why some US cities are getting hit by it hard.
Covid-19 makes any respiratory disease and any virus that impacts the respiratory system worse.
Ventilators damaging the lungs are causing people to die to Covid-19 at incredible rates. That's why most Covid-19 infected that get put on Ventilators end up dead, not from the virus damaging the lungs but from the Ventilator speeding up the lung damaging process resulting in internal bleeding in the lungs and/or fluid. This didn't happen in Wuhan China interestingly enough.
Expect the Divorce rates to sharply rise(even more than how they have been these past few decades). Many marriages are being tested and many parents/spouses use work as an "escape" away from what they deal with at home.
William Walker
>no >prev>>>
Eli James
NEVER FORGET Millions of Hong Kong protesters parted ways and tore down barricades to let ambulances pass through. While fat fuck retarded pieces of shit garbage subhuman Trump supporters protested hospitals and purposefully blocked ambulances.
Imagine. It's June. The lockdowns have destroyed the entire country. The dem governors laughing at how inept Trump is. Trump at 20% approval, etc. The guy is going to lose in a landslide.
Had we had agressive testing and tracing. This wouldnt have happened.
What ambulances, the hospitals are empty. Maybe you can provide actual proof?
Tyler Foster
A petition to investigate Bill Gates for “crimes against humanity” and “medical malpractice” has gained a staggering 289,000 signatures from concerned citizens, almost tripling the number required to get a response from the White House.
Just take a fucking look at this nigger. Look at all those delicate, hard to replace pins. Look at the cheapo sig red dot, and the lack of a brace. This nigger unironically thinks this is a good gun. Point at him and laugh. Now go put it back before your dad catches you fucking around with his shit, and tell him he's a fucking moron while you're at it, courtesy of the internet
Brandon Richardson
Trump is the President. The buck stops with him. Thats what the voters know
Grayson Ortiz
Cringe. The support among college educated white women going towards Neo Liberals has been occurring since Bill Clinton and is because they think Republicans are Racist & Sexist. Quite BluePilled
Aaron Jones
Fuck's sake previous thread prev
Bentley Baker
Thought we agreed, no cats on weekends or weekdays that end in 'y.'
Yes he got the private labs to do the testing, now the US has more testing per capita than any other country & they have enough testing for ALL states to re-open.
they're just going to push Trump to seize all Chinese assets and deport non-citizens from the country
Jayden Young
I sent her some Neapolitan, wonder if she will think it is a the juice of some Italian baby?
Joseph Young
That’s not what they think though. Approval rating of the response is still plus 4. Handling of the economy plus 12. Overall approval among all adults still at 46%. Meanwhile Pelosi’s Congress is at 26% in the RCP. 60% of the country thinks under he leadership that the country is heading down the wrong path.
Matthew Hernandez
No shit that’s the point
Evan Collins
>zogby analytics >zogby poll >zog memes are converging into reality
Reminder that immediately after this quote the lawyer confirms that the girls recruited by Epstein were recruited at Trump's club, Mar A Lago. They conveniently leave that part out of the propaganda picture they spam.
>if I keep repeating the same phrase it will come true, right?
Hudson Walker
Approval rating of his handling of the economy plus 12. This is not even a recession. Inflation, finance sector collapse, and price of goods skyrocketing has not happened. You have the intelligence and foreknowledge of a liberal teenager. What is your reddit account?
>i leave my red dot on by take the brace off >because I like to lie on the internet Give it a break nigger, your meme will never be a viable concept. That's something I thought only applied to bullpups, but even they managed to figure a way out of that one, it's just you now
Christopher Hughes
This country needs another adult to be President. Trump has the emotional stability of a 5 yr old.
You realize the president can't just shit all over foreign countries constantly right? There is a certain measure of diplomacy he has to use, no matter what the country is he has to still act "respectful".
> Colonel Shane Day, the NCMI director, denied last week that any such report existed. “As a matter of practice the National Center for Medical Intelligence does not comment publicly on specific intelligence matters,” he said. “However, in the interest of transparency during this current public health crisis, we can confirm that media reporting about the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-related product/assessment in November of 2019 is not correct. No such NCMI product exists.”
They need to fucking stop because the UK will follow and i want to carry on "working" from home and being a semi NEET tbqhwyfam
Josiah Collins
>sighted in >removes the stock And that's when you officially lost it nigger. It's not a ruger with a specially designed zero holding takedown device. Go put dad's guns away and stop lying on the internet about things you clearly know nothing about, or admit that my original point about it being an innacurate piece of shit and memes is valid because thats the only way you're staying "sighted in" after you monkey around with the stock you inbred cyka
Lincoln Reed
some in the media are panicking, trying to say that they're all far-right nationalists, racists, etc. and that Trump is inciting violence.
same shit, different day.
Dominic Cook
And whats this tweet referring?
Ian Young
Theres a fucking link to the video in the picture posted by the Trumptard. >You realize the president can't just shit all over foreign countries constantly right? He has done that every day for 3 years now you want to pretend. He nearly started a war with North Korea for Christ sake. Guam was genuinely preparing for a nuclear war. He was calling Kim Jung Un names and threatening him every day.
The only reason he was praising China was because he was losing the trade war he started.
Almost 75% of deaths have been Black, Hispanic, or in the Hasidic Jewish community.
Carson Thomas
>What's the general situation like there? people seem willing to wait until May if lockdowns continue into May in unaffected communities people are going to start doing what they want the problem with this lockdown is if enough people just decide to leave their homes, lockdown over.
>The only reason he was praising China was because he was losing the trade war he started. Trade deficit is down like 30% with China. You have proven nothing and keep grasping at straws
Benjamin Powell
There needs to be a movement of people asking why they can't just keep working at home after the quarantine is over.
That was a pretty fucking amazing tv moment lel I wish we could put more niggers in central Africa on TV to give the world a taste of that sort of thing and how uncivilized they are.
John Robinson
because we live in the best state. they're just jealous.
Chase Nelson
awww shit its almost four twenty twenty twenty. no thats not a stutter.
>those dumb central africans aren't BASED like us EAST AFRICANS
Elijah Garcia
>no picture of not your guns >not even any half assed attempt at shit flinging I accept your full concession, please do not talk about guns when there are people who actually know a lot about guns around, because it does actually make them very fucking angry you little shit weasel fucking kill yourself reeee