Death to the christ cucks

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It’s no better than Islam. Christcucks are fucking retarded.

I say its worse since Christianity demands you cuck and "don't fight evil".

I mean Joseph is the cuck since he raises Jesus who is not his son.

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hahaha wow you Jews are upset

You will never understand the six gorrillion dimensional chess of Jesus' forgiveness.

I'm sorry to break it to you shitpost chan.

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I have no idea how to interpret this.

Is this a atheist making fun of christians?
Its this a actual christian position?

The latter.

Want to defend this position then?

LMAO I don't have to. I owe you nothing. My debts forgiven by the blood of Christ.

>LMAO I don't have to.
Nice shitpost into the compilation it goes.
Because you sound exactly like the MAGA cucks
>Ha Trump making it illegal to be antisemitic is only his 44D chess to kill all jews HAHAHAHA!
There comes a point where you turn into a parody of yourself.

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>My debts forgiven by the blood of Christ.
>muh mental disorder muh imaginary fake things.

>the blood of Christ
Sorry the bible says that the blood of christ is on the jews forever and all of their descendants, you know the sin forgiving blood, that magic blood you crave so much to wash away your sins. its on the jews not you so says the bible.

Not that I give 2 shits about your religious fagotry.

Notice how much kvetching you're doing while I'm at peace.
This is but one of the six gorillion ways Jesus puts Satan in his cuckshed.

>the blood of christ is on the jews forever
The blood of Christ on the hands of the jews colors their works and forgives Christians of sin. Why do you hate Jesus for accomplishing our salvation through this miracle?

Both Judaism and Christianity are plagiarized off Sumerian religion, Vedic religion, Mithra Cult, Egyptian Polytheism and many others.

AKA Jews and Christcucks stealing shit from other religions and then declaring those religions heresy

The early tales of Genesis are stolen and corrupted from the Sumerian's. Enki created Adamu with the red clay of the Apsu and breathes the breath of life into him. Later the Jews stated Yahweh creates Adam with the red dust of the earth and breathes the breath of life into him.
They then place Enki in the role as the Devil instead.

Abraham = Brahman

Adam = Adamu

Oh and Christianity is Zoroastrianism on steroids. Same thing to Europeans happened to Iranians during the (((Christian))) and (((Zoroastrian))) regime.

Cyrus the Great was influenced by his Hebrew advisors to install Zoroastrianism as the official state religion in Persian Empire.

So essentially what happened after Zoroastrianism became the official faith of the Persian Empire?

>Devas suddenly became evil (just like Demons became evil in Europe during Judeo-Christian regime)
>Persians rebuilt the Temple for Kikes in Israel
>... Meanwhile they burnt Athens to the ground
>Cult of Mithra (Mithra is a God associated with Venus - and who's associated with Venus? Lucifer, Satan) was suppressed and people worshipping Mithra were put to death.
I could go on, but I hope you get what I'm saying.

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The bible is a plagiarism of the Enûma Eliš.
Don't promote your lies here is the history of how monotheism is made up from old myths

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>enuma elis
it's an akkadian epos, but sumerian civilization is older than akkadian.
but since akkadian and sumerian cultures merged with each other we can just call it babylonian culture. so yeah, bible is a plagiarism of babylonian religion of ancient mesopotamia.

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Meanwhile, in reality.

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>the good old "atheist" diversion
Don't you get tiered of sounding like a retard?

Atheism inset a thing you retarded christ fuck! WE only say atheists because its the closest thing to make you understand what we are. Atheism isn't a thing.

Atheism VS Theism is absurd. Its like saying
>Theists do this ....
And you take statistics from Buddhists and Muslims since all of these religions are united under the label "Theists".

Atheism isn't a thing "atheists" are far more divided among's themselves then Buddhists and Muslims, there are numerous ideologies and you lumping me in with all the degenerate leftists ideologies only makes you look retarded.

I was so critic against all religions, that I redpilled myself back to protestant Christianity. This process took 15 years.
Not sure if over yet.

Meanwhile in reality

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You know, I never thought I'd have to put on this flag. But now I think I understand.

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So? It proves all faith comes from the collective unconcious.

Also runes sre semitic

>implying they dont make exceptions for CHRISTIAN IMMIGRANTS
Get a load of this goy

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Today I remind them

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>If you challenge my idiotic superstition I will assault you
>I think this makes me smart
Oh how christian of you, you did have your chance, schizos and degenerates like you go straight to the extermination chambers.

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>Meanwhile, in reality.
what are thy doing to stop the flow of migrants into europe and america?
Oh thats right nothing because opinions dont count for shit, actions do.
And since actions matter what is the church doing?
Oh right bringing niggers to america and europe.

Cherry picking =/= actual statistics.

Meanwhile, fagans...

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Because Europe has disvowed the church and subverted it as all other institutions.

Real church aee the few with faith and relationship to God who read and practice the bible.

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>Also runes sre semitic
Runes come from the oldest civilization in the world - From Sumer. Now;

Ancient Sumerians and Babylonians were white and affiliated with Indo-Europeans.

People who consider themselves heirs of the Sumerian culture are Yazidi. They profess a religion that existed in the ancient Mesopotamia. In addition, they speak Kurmanji which belongs to the group of Indo-European language.
Pic related is not that rare sight among the Kurdish people. Kurds are related to ancient Babylonians.

>Furthermore, the cuneiform writing system can be shown to preserve traces of Indo-European influence in its sign values and in its sign composition.

>Also Aleksi Sahala, Assyriologist of the University of Helsinki, between 2009 and 2013 has elaborated a paper on 30 Sumerian words with a possible common etymology with Indo-European.

So Europeans who profess European religions also profess Sumerian religions.

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Fucking cringe. I'm sure that Judeo-Christian sources are not biased at all. Meanwhile Christcucks in Poland:

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OP is a seething Luciferian larpagan and Jesus lives in his mind rent-free.

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>Cherry picking =/= actual statistics.
No retard its the official position of the Roman Catholic Church and the pope himself!
The BIGGEST christian sect in the world!

>actual statistics
What are you even on schizo? I'm telling you that your leaders are pushing globohomo on you and the christian plebs don't like it. Let me put it this way to you
If CNN pushes globohomo on you, you stop watching CNN. Same for christian churches.

Want to debate the merits of Christianity who we all know to be fake? Or will you engage in this trivial posting game with me? Because the entire thing is proven fake and to be thrown out.

I'm atheist you retard.

>muh made up shit by modern jewish journalists
Yea. You have nothing to stand on.

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