Should canadians be range-banned from Yas Forums?
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Should canadians be range-banned from Yas Forums?
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>why yes i do think all canadians should be blocked how did you know ?
bump. this is important. mods sticky this.
last bump
give me a QRD on range banning
anybody that has a canadian IP can't post on Yas Forums
>Should canadians be range-banned from Yas Forums?
Maybe we should ban all red countries on this map.
Should Americans shut the fuck up?
1. Ban MemeFlags
2. Fixed.
>those digits
>that flag
hail hitler you nigger
Poll unnecessary. Who gives a fuck what anyone from your shitty country thinks.
Actually, just needs to be wiped from the face of the earth. Pic related.
Canadians constantly BTFO annoying gypsy romanians and uppity mutts. I love all these polls and bickering about muh range ban that will never happen. You will keep getting BTFO by superior Canadian bulls.
So let's start
Why is Romania such a pathetic gypsy non-country and why are romanians especially angry at superior Canadians?
Canada bros are needed for a casual discussion.
The day a Romanian has to explain anything to a new worlder is the day I voluntarily want to be banned from here.
I voted yes
no. but cigans should
You spelled no wrong you gypsy nigger. You fucked up a word with 2 letters.
The day of the rake can’t come fast enough. I hope America Annexes is because I would pledge to America easily and without second thought. Canada is full of retards and immigrants and I’ve thought about blowing shit up or burning shit down multiple times
OP is Romanian you dumb maple syrupy motherfucker
mods you should take the results of this poll seriously. you should take into account the opinion of the community. I mean you range ban Romania every month, there is no problem to do the same to Canada
we should ban these faggots who try so hard to be "based" self hating leafs though.
It was just as bad before memeflags. The only difference is that street shitters can hide themselves.
No. How else will I get to read the "Lmao you pathetic racists..." posts?
Just reduce all the meme-flags down to the Canadian flag
Memflags are the real Chads though. They coast solely on the contents of their posts and not on their geoflags
Voted yes
based poo
Canada was a mistake and it needs to be corrected.
Yes fuck the jews and chinks’ proxy farms
100% as a leaf this message resonates with me.
Pretty much this.
And then ban leaf fags
Stop posting this photoshopped subhuman. Absolutely inferior.
Self- hating Leafs are always second generation poos and chinks.
There's no need to range ban them since "Canada" will soon crack under the pressure of diversity and then be liquidated to us. We will put ICE agents in the metros to ship those niggers back, and help relocate any Canadians to the original 50 states under right of return legislation, as Canada has always been a group of American states in exile.
No keep the canadians, but make the canadian flag selectable for everyone so we can all act like cucks
>Zero self-awareness
You have more diversity than us.
Rake those weak assed pansy Trudeau loving faggots.
56% is higher than 50%, Mr. Yong
>It was just as bad before memeflags.
No it wasn't, the board was useful. Now it's slid so hard by memeflaggots it's only good for a news aggregate.
Why? So all shills can still hide their geo? I propose range banning all Canadian ip in exchange for the ban of all memeflags. It's been long enough, fix this board already.
I actually voted no. They're funny sometimes and also we don't ban free speech here
We're closer to 70% and you're the one at below 50%
>we don't ban free speech here
>he doesn't even know about the janny menace
Look out guys, we got a new one here