Religion board

>No Religion board
c'mon we need one

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Um, /po/ is an atheist board sweetie

religion belongs to Yas Forums, as religious, aka believe of the metaphysical build up and workings of cause and effect inherently shape ones political oppinions

we probably have similar politics and yet I dont believe in any of that fairy tale shit

Christians are all anti white

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Christ-chan is very fuckable

then grow up and get some life experience. then you will find the truth.

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dude jesus is a bro: packs a stew pot and a percolator and everything

>J-just grow up
The cope of the Christcuck that continues to shit up this board. It's not so much Christianity itself that is the problem - it's the ivory tower complex you deluded faggots have. Then you wonder why Christianity is on the decline in the west. You retards have some of the worst optics around, only beaten by Islam.

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>being this mad at God

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Learn to read? Obviously he's saying we need a religion board for that reason. We actually just need a Christianity board. No need for false religions.

There are no athiest Conservatives in real life. Its an internet meme

>I’m a meme
Fuck off faggot

>No need for false religions.
All the Abrahamic religions are fabrications. There's not a dimes worth of difference between them.

>implying you can compare christianity, the original to the heretical offshoots

god loves everyone equally

I'm a Christ-fag leaning towards deism. Outside of the spiritual, I use the Scientific Method and objective reasoning to figure who's lying/biased. I have my doubts about modern "fuck yah, science bru" as the normies say due to funding, corruption, etc.

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>telling people they're mad at something they don't believe exists

My only real problem with Christianity is the vast number of times when it is used to supersede racial identity.
There are only a few things that I've experienced in life where I know down to my bones or my soul that I'm right and someone else is wrong. One of them has been talking to a Christian that says he'd rather his daughter marry a guy from Africa or Mexico who is Christian vs a white guy who isn't.
Obviously not all Christians are cucked like that and I don't even want to hate on Christians, I just think that this one aspect is something that needs to be addressed. Like for example to have a denomination that explicitly forbids racemixing based on certain passages of the Bible.

Jesus doesn't care about your flesh prison's color, only what's in your heart.

You'll have better luck on /x/. Yas Forums does not regard spiritual growth as more important than racial issues and their pitiful strife against kikes. Why do you think there's so much strawman in almost every religion thread?

Stop deluding yourself, Christianity= spiritual, metaphysical, Racialism = materialism. Both are fundamentally at odds with each other, if you think race is more important, is because you don't think people can truly follow Christ, or that his teachings cannot supersede racial behavior, therefore his teachings are not universal, therefore his sacrifice was in Vain bc he couldn't redeem all of humanity, therefore he was Messiah, let alone God incarnated.

This one-liner argument by platitude might work on normies but to someone who is redpilled on race there is no convincing.
I would even say that someone who attempts to convince a white person to racemix and have nigglets with a Christian black is literally evil.

This is an unsustainable relationship. In any other situation the person acting like Jesus would be considered being taken advantage of or considered stupid for enabling his bad behavior. Do you actually treat people the way Jesus treats you user?

>flesh prison
It's a vehicle. Cheer up nigger.

Whites are generally more perceptive and spiritually balanced, but they suffer the most when thrown of balance. Being white is both a gift and a curse. Don't be vain.

Religious discussions don't work. Its either a circlejerk or "HURR DURR NO MY INTERPRETATION OF THIS ANCIENT DEITY IS RIGHT FUCK YOU DIE"

christianity makes people non aggressive betas so it might be good for aftrica

>being patient and forgiving in face of true repeantence is stupid and enabling
you need to truely repeant, just virtue signaling wont help you. And if its done in earnest mercy and forgiveness is the way to go.

You’re actually missing the point. What that guy was saying is that he would rather his daughter marry someone that shares his values rather that his skin color. Why the hell would you be okay with your daughter marrying someone unstable, violent, arrogant, imbecile just because he’s white? Regardless of whether you believe in Christian values he’s judging people by their character not by their skin color, making him smarter than you.
