Redpill me on Alex Jones. I do not think he wants to protect people. I feel like he is a corporate kike puppet.
Is Alex Jones legit?
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>redpill me on X
he sells water filters and vitamins to schizoids
99% of his audience watches WWE
He’s but a humble water filtration and vitamin supplement salesman
all you need to know
I realized he was a retarded faggot after Jade Helm in 2015. Ever since then I've considered him a performance artist.
>Alex Jones
You mean bill hicks?
>redpill me on X
>Redpill me on Alex Jones.
He is married to a jew. He is redpill light. He is a good starting place for normal people looking to be entertained. You can't tell people on the first day the sky is blue and the jew is a parasite.
>He is married to a jew.
opps, was.
back in 08 it was pretty commonly known his editor was an ex cia employed person. I've disregarded him since.
Fairly based and redpilled, has done a lot more than a lot of other people to expose the powers that be
But he shills his crap products too hard and he still doesn't talk about certain things
cringe, he's obviously sarcastic there
watch his talks with Spic Fuentes, his position is that the Jew thing is a non-issue and America should put America over Israel and stay out of the Middle East
He knows its the jews and used to call out (((zionists))) left and right but once he got more popular thanks to drudgereport he dropped the zionist thing. He's a sellout but at least he gets people walking in a different direction.
Been bitching about
>Mandatory Vax
>Police State
for a decade now
He's just a guy who got stuck with an act and now has to maintain it or die
Hes just a snart guy knowin what hes gotta do to make some chash and be remembered.
Is this not Alex Jones?
>corporate kike puppet.
ahead of the curve about a lot of things
>after Jade Helm in 2015
Would make for a pretty based movie plot.
> Redpill me on Alex Jones
> Redpill
> Pill
That's what he legitimately is user: a pill salesman. The entire persona is crafted just to sell you placebo pills.
It's a scam. An entertaining scam but a scam nonetheless
Alex Jones is a 100% act by Bill Hicks.
He’s an actor. He doesn’t believe anything he says.
Alex jonestown is a CIA crypto kike
Hes right
Started off decent William Cooper style although Cooper called him out from the beginning as basically a intentional disinfo agent to keep people spinning in circles. Knew very well about the jews running things in the late 90's early 2000's from recordings leaked. Since 9/11 basically got insta-famous along with Cooper dying being the last big loudmouth. Ever since has been giving the illusion he's waking people up through the multi-step process until you realize he's creating extra steps that don't need to be there.
In a nutshell like many other conspiracy theorists these days who don't talk about jews they are not doing a multi-step process to acclimatize the audience. At this point its downright either willfull ignorance or deliberately leading people astray. There's no reason not to state the fucking obvious when everyone is being deplatformed for even being adjacent to the JQ and we are legitimately in martial law to an extent now. Yet how many of them continue on with "dems r teh reel raycests!" and fascist this George Soro's nazi that? Fuck these people they're either stupid or apart of the controlled opposition which AJ is apart of. The good doesn't wash away the constant bad.
he is legit in a certain sense, but I see him having three core problems that keep him right on the boarder of controlled opposition:
he plays up a “character” to help gain an audience. this makes him say some things he doesnt truly believe, and worse, associates the phrase “conspiracy theory” with nonsense. classic COINTEL PRO.
secondly, he has many legit sources, but im convinced he is fed disinfo on purpose, or at least his sources are. this all comes back to counter intelligence.
And third, he is a classic civnat, and his ideology doesnt leave room for “racism”, so he wont connect the jews to anything - and all we’re ever left with are the “elites” and their psychic inter-dimensional vampire demon programs. it comes out to a purple pill, i guess.
his wife is a kike he never would dare say a bad word about israel, he always protec israel
Basically the vanilla FEMA meme camp shit. 1,200 troops were conducting military training excerises in small cities across the nation. Jones went on for weeks, analyzing AARP commercials for signs of Jade Helm "hidden codes" sperging out saying Walmarts were being closed down so the military can stockpile weapons for Chinese soldiers that were going to infiltrate these small towns and put them in camps. AJ said Helm stood for "Homeland Eradication of Local Militants". Nothing happened and he just moved on to other shit.
>Bill Hicks discovered a way to shrink his ears
t. face blind autist
Apparently he freaks out if you mention jews or Le Cercle to him.
cointelpro mossad zionist gatekeeper shill