Are they attention whores or brazen defenders of the second amendment?
What's pol's take on open carry?
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tacticool faggots with their .38 that can't stop shit love to hate em, so of course I love them, in my opinion, every white man should be armed with an assault rifle on the streets.
Concealed carry > open carry > no carry
I think people only use guns when they sink to the lowest possible form of primate engagement. As such, Americans seem to be on the low ends of the scale. If you open carry in any European country you'll be seen as the threat that you are. It sure as fuck isn't "normal".
It's normal. Every man should carry to protect their family, property and follow citizen. Carrying arms is the ultimate in civic duty and sign of being a citizen not a subject.
I wouldn't want the attention, but i respect them for exercising their rights.
OC is a meme.
since texas legalized it, i open carry in public regularly. nothing bad or even dramatic has ever happened. girls smile. some folks ask questions, usually younger guys. nonwhites assume you are an off-duty cop and sometimes ask for help with something. if they call you officer you have to let them know you're not, to avoid impersonating one, which is usually funny. their eyes get a little wide.
It's not normal here either. People only do it as a political protest. Most open carry laws are just about hunting. Only an idiot would open carry for self-defense, that's what concealed carry is for. Open carry for self defense is inviting a nigger the play the knock-out game on you from behind and steal your gun.
they’re faggots OR they might not have a cc permit
I’ve been conceal carrying since I was 18 cause you have to be 21 to conceal, dumbest law in the world
It doesn’t fucking matter, why would a cop pat you down, if they pat you down illegally and find something it’ll get thrown out, so there’s no way to get caught unless you commit a crime of course
>What's pol's take
scares all the undesirables, based
It depends on the person. There are definitely people who brandish the thing and buy into the whole I'm a badass mentality because they have a small peepee. Most people who carry, whether open or concealed, are responsible adults just wanting to protect themselves in an emergency. I always carry concealed, but don't have any issues with people who open carry.
>not carrying a full size pistol with an optic and light on it
Wow, didn't know Yas Forums was full of virgins.
this. they are fags but they are on the right side
Some are attention whore fags but at the end of the day idc. If a white men lives in an area full of non whites then I understand and encourage it.
Not a fan, if some shit pops off, you’re the first target. Concealed is the only way to go.
sometimes young guys try to have this argument. it's usually one of the kids that bag my groceries.
>but you make yourself a target
>but you want the element of surprise
what's the first thing you do when you need your gun? yell "i have a gun," or take it out, or both. are you fucking stupid? i can draw from open in about 1.5 sec, which is average, and many trained people can not only draw that fast but also fire their first two shots in that time. it takes the average person SIX SECONDS to draw from concealment.
don't be a poser by pretending you'll surprise your local walmart and rescue the mutts. advertise you are armed to the niggers, well in advance, when they are busy doing target selection. their little walnut brains will just pick someone else rather than try to solve the differential equation of figuring out how to get your wallet and phone.
Sure let everyone know you have a gun and exactly where it is. I'm not that retarded tho
I lived in Arizona where you can open carry. I think it's a good visual deterrent.
When people see one or more White guys are packing, they think twice before acting stupid.
ye m8 i carry round me choppa at all times ta defend me sprogs from da nogz
An armed society is a polite society.
gay and for faggots looking for attention. jokes on them they will be targeted first. get a nice galco and you wont look like a mall ninja
I consider them attention whores, but it's their right.
Here in communist CT, our pistol permit is called a "Permit to carry pistols and revolvers". There is no mandate to carry concealed, however if you asked, 9/10 people would likely think OC'ing is illegal.
I carry concealed, because I don't want any attention. From anyone - good, bad or neutral. I don't carry to defend society at large - I carry to protect myself and my family. Safe escape always better than armed confrontation, but if a safe escape is not possible, I'd rather be armed than unprepared.
Only time I've ever OC'd was at a huge 2A rally at the capitol in Hartford.
>from behind and steal your gun.
this is also a common MUH CONCEALMENT argument. they all preach Situational Awareness to each other, but then pretend like an open-carrier just would never have it, or that someone willing to advertise to niggers that they have a loaded gun would somehow also ignore those niggers for even a second if they were in the vicinity. it's just another "I AM SILLY" of fudd logic.
Handgun/SBR = Based
Shotgun/Full length rifle = Cringe
Revolver = Fedora
An open carried weapon is for rapid response to threats indoors, possibly in tight spaces.
If your weapon is too long, antiquated, a threat to bystanders or prone to getting tangled up in things you're better off leaving it at home.
this means to have it in your hand. waving it around, or low ready, is brandishing.
Same argument as the one against banning them, niggers will have them regardless so its better to be prepared and not need it than to need it and not have one.
>advertise you are armed
Dumbass mistake number one
>"You cant draw that fast so durr."
Situational awareness tends to keep you out of a situation where you couldn't draw fast enough. Advertising your armed and billy badass not to fucked with will get you fucked with
>it takes the average person SIX SECONDS to draw from concealment.
The fuck? What do you count as concealment? Keeping it locked in a gun safe at home? There is no question it takes slightly longer to draw a concealed weapon but if you think it takes six seconds you need to be stripped of your gun rights and shipped to Britain.
>Fudd Logic
>Also I have never ever fired a gun at another human being
Fuck off.
I dunno when i was on holiday in America with my parents seeing realy guns and shit was pretty intimidating, UK have it right with the gun law ban
>they will be targeted first
bureau of prisons data proves the exact opposite. criminals choose the time, the place, and the victim. they pick easy-looking targets, not obviously armed ones. read more black twitter.
Depends on who you are and where you live. Personal preference. Tactical considerations also. Next question?
neither. They are people who want to carry a gun
Based, and guaranteed to be misunderstood by the beta cucks that post here
>be me
>see woman with kids in grocery store with gun on hip
>feel safer
feels good man
stay in the UK then, you little fragile violet
If a cop sees you open carry in Texas, does that give him probable cause to search you?
except advertising you are armed doesn't, and i'm living proof, four years running. so is every other open carrier. its only people who won't exercise their rights who project "billy badass" onto us. it's just a gun, and it just happens to not be under my coat because its easier for me to operate it that way, when needed.
it's in a level 2 retention holster. you aren't going to grab for it. your pet niggers aren't going to grab for it. the soccer mom who hates freedom doesn't say shit, she just posts on facebook. quit your whining already and just live your life, like i am.
>"there is no way possibly someone with an open carry could be jumped and have to tune stolen because x."
What does it matter to you... it’s not like open carry people go on the internet and start threads second guessing you transgender surgery
On duty? My .357 SIG SIG P320X5. Off duty, I conceal carry a SIG P365XL.
t. Cop.
its the one u don't see that gets (u). works same for them.
i don't "think," i know. you lack the proper study on this subject. the average concealer is garbage at drawing their handgun. the average open carrier is not.
You pretty much can go fuck yourself.
I call open carrying being the "first victim".
no. i usually just get a wave hi, or a polite nod.
Should be mandatory to have a training in firearms and carry to have citizenship and right to vote.
Anti-open carry arguments are pretty fuck8ng retarded.
>You make yourself a target.
A guy with a gun is somehow more of a target than an unarmed civilian? A mugger is seriously going to target the man he knows is armed?
>What if someone steals your gun?
Someone looking to rob and/or murder you is already going to be armed.
Soon America will have a referendum, like the people of the UK have a referendum to vote if they wanted to leave the EU x except the one in America will be a referendum to ban guns
itt: nogunz and "muh optics" niggers
Ironically the Afghans believe this to be the case as well. You are not a man unless you are armed at all times.
Attention whores, no doubt. Unless you're a shopkeeper or a driver or someone else's who needs obvious security, it's fucking gay.
>Are they attention whores or brazen defenders of the second amendment?
Who gives a fuck if they carry a rocket launcher on thier backs? As long as the don't point it at me or mine there won't be a problem. Unless the are taking up way too much room on the bus... that would piss me off.
All it does is draw attention to yourself and make you a target. Walk into any public place with a gun visibly strapped to your hip and everyone will have their eyes on you the entire time you're there because they're afraid you might draw and start gunning people down at any second. Also, niggers will want to grab it. Concealed carry is the way to go. People shouldn't know you're armed until it's too late.
And I would like to add:
>attention whores or brazen defenders of the second amendment?
I only get 2 choice, here? Nope.
of course it's possible, but if you are carrying a gun at all, and don't have situational awareness, then you are dishonoring the discipline. my point isn't that it can't happen, it's that conceal carriers already preach all of the requirements for open carry, but then say "no not that though that's bad" for reasons that are not true.
Virgin Open Carry vs. Chad Concealed
if you don't own a gun you are a cucked.
>you should explicitly behave like a criminal instead of like a civilian LEO
police disagree.
shut the fuck up you loser. what is worse is to have guns and not use them
i dont understand the protest using and wearing their metal kinda defect the purpose...also why use the nazi flag...the trump flag and signs...this is not organic in the lease
>pat you down illegally
Oh my the stupid of this is otherworldly
>it's in a level 2 retention holster. you aren't going to grab for it. your pet niggers aren't going to grab for it. the soccer mom who hates freedom doesn't say shit, she just posts on facebook. quit your whining already and just live your life, like i am
I'm just pointing out if you live I a shitty neighbor good you dont open carry. Never said anything about someone grabbing your gun so calm down and re read what I wrote and stop acting like a nigger. I cc because I dont want people to know shit about me, my capabilities l, or my intentions. You wanna be some chest thumper because you OC and that makes you feel big that cool but it's stupid and theres no real practical purpose for it unless your situationally unaware and a show off
We can still Terry Stop you if you are being suspicious.
final lesson: exercise your rights fully, or just give over to the jew now.
See, we have this thing called a Second Admendment. There are a lot of other Admendments that will go away before that one does.
>but if you are carrying a gun at all, and don't have situational awareness, then you are dishonoring the discipline
So 90% of this larp board?
It should be completely legal and up to each establishment to determine whether they want to allow people with firearms on the premises. You also shouldn't need a permit to conceal carry.
You've clearly never even held a gun.
By that logic, police that open carry are just opening themselves up to niggers playing the knockout game.
Anyone that uses a serpa holster deserves the rope, just get a fucking safariland
We have CC here in WV.
I carry most of the time. Was not comfortable OC so did not do it.
don't care if someone else does but it's very rare the past few years after the law changed. OC is not necessary now ........ yay
>t. neutered cityfaggot
Open carry is "normal" - defined as you see people doing it and it doesn't raise alarms - outside of dense urban cores. Even in pozzed up WA state, outside of Seattle you will see people OCing.