Why do leftists want Islam in Europe?

Isn't it a contradiction? Islam is against the so called groups they claim to have solidarity with, like jews and gays. What is their end goal? Will sharia law be Europe's future and why is this a bad thing?

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Just fulfilling there diversity quotas

Islamic National Socialism

Hadiths are like the Talmud. Words written down by supposed "scholars" that people are forced to follow.

The difference between hadithis and pure muslims is the difference between Catholics and protestants. In a catholic Church everything other than Bible preaching is done, all rituals and biscuit eating and what not. Protestants preach the word of God.

Similarly, Hadithis have hijacked the religion of Islam and turned it into a hell for all people. Those who preach hadiths, preach man-made fabricated gossips. Those who preach the Qur'an preach God's true and unchangeable word.

lookup r/k selection theory in politics.
>Rabbits are r-strategists, designed to exploit free resources, like fields of grass. The five psychological traits inherent to the r-strategy are docility/conflict-avoidance, promiscuity/non-monogamy, single-mom'ing, early sexualization of young, and no loyalty to a competitive in-group. All help this glut-exploiting psychology to out-reproduce everyone else by avoiding danger, mating widely starting young, booting offspring early to mate again, and never risking for others .

But most rituals/practises muslims do is based on hadiths, like how to pray. Quranism is a meme.

Traditional allies of Communism

>Why do leftists want Islam in Europe?
simple, muslims = brown people, brown people = diversity, diversity = a good thing

That's like cutting your hand off to cure your wanking.

The Capitalists want cheap labor
The Jews want to destroy the White Race
Leftists are too stupid to rationalize or challenge their beliefs.They do what they are programmed to do.
The Aristocratic power games are based on shitting on European people.So white advocacy is considered a high crime.
Basically the West is a shitshow that keeps shitting.One half of Western Politicians are mentally retarded the other half pedophilic reptiles.The whole system is based on Recurssive idiotism.

Leftism is a self-destructive mental disease.

Loyal voting base.

Islam is collectivism wrapped in religion.

They arent thinking in the long term, they actually think arabs arent gonna jihad them in 10 years.

How to pray as per the Qur'an alone

It's not a meme. It's the truth. Get back on the path of Allah and not on the path of Persian hadith writers. You know who prayed 5 times a day? Zoroastrians. That's their culture. We, as muslims pray 3 times a day. A confirmation of that is also found in the Bible in Daniel 6:13.

Because they're fucking stupid?

Being a leftist means being a minus habens. They don't even know what the fuck is a contradiction.

Except I thought muh masons and muh Schlomo were supposed to be these long term chess masters. When Abdul sets up, he will not work but rather leech - so the capitalist just got fucked, while dimishing white race dimishes the defense of Schlomo against his ancient enemy, who seems them as both white and infidel - so Schlomo just got fucked too. Leftards are virtue signalling idiots so they never made any rational sense to begin with. In the end, it's all going to spectacularly backfire in everyone's faces (except the sandniggers).

Leftists want POWER. Everything is about group dynamics and power struggle. They will sacrifice ANYTHING to achieve it. They want people who vote for the left. Muslims, niggers, anybody they can "protect" from racism and bribe to vote for them with welfare. They are short-sighted or simply rotten and fucking pure evil.

Islam is just Judaism.
1) a non-muslim kills a muslim, he must be put to death.
2) if a muslim kills a unbeliever, nothing really happens.
3) if a muslim kills a muslim, there must be a fair court trial

the same concept is known in Judaism. Actually taken from there.
Islam and Judaism share many concepts, especially on the darkside.

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Jesus however said, that the jews are of their father the devil, because they lust to lie and murder.
Indeed Jews also got the concept of lieing and hiding their religion and it's real intend towards the unbeliever.
The small difference here is, that islam wants the unbeliever to become a muslim, while Judaism simply doesn't want them to knwo the truth.

However both know the concept of lieing and "permissible lies" in one way or another and both know the lust to deceive and lie to the unbeliever.
TEXE MARRS The Talmud, World’s Most Dangerous Book—Forbidden to Gentiles

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some quite good lessons on Islam can be found here:

The first two are the most important and recommended. They are eye-opening. Or more like they underline the experience the average non-muslim does make with muslims and many flaws and things of their behaviour and way of behaviour start to make a lot more sense.

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shooo yahoodi, we live n die by the sunnah of the prophet

They don't want it. They actually push atheism and UN atheist laws (human rights) and feminsim in our lands but they try to fool retards by pretending to like muslims so they turn them into atheists like them. they can't brainwash you by hating you.


If you want to base your islam on the books from before, you can try that but then the line needs to consider the bible as well

>But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

Jesus is God incarnate in the Flesh, he is God-With-Us and he were killed and he resurrected from the dead on the third day.
Your quran denies it. Indeed, indeed you claim that Isa was Jesus. And the Quran claims that Isa is the Messiah.
Yet he did not fulfill all the prophecies and therfore can't be the messiah (al-masih).


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Quality over quantity. Your numbers may be high but answer than to Allah on the day of judgement.

[Quran 77:50] Which HADITH other than this do they uphold?

Dont you Shiites also have Hadithes and other crap?

Neither shia nor sunni.

I'm a quanite. Qur'an only muslim.

All leftism is based on Judaism, which is in turn based in anti-Whiteness. They want Muslims to help them commit White genocide.

global elites need a suppressive one world religion duh. AJ has been telling us that for years

They were indoctrinated from young age into thinking open borders is ok, and white guilt is mandatory.
For example, NFS Underground has a full on globalist song in its soundtrack, which encourages migrants to keep banging on the walls of fortress europe.

No, women want masculinity.

Please shut up. The Quran and Authentic hadiths go hand in hand. Literally 90% of muslims (sunni) accept this

Because they have to destroy the existing corrupt order
Doesn't matter that the new order they are imposing is going to enslave them, they are on the right side of history because they, and they alone, are virtuous. Everyone who disagrees with them is a super right wing nazi, even if they are to the left of marx, the crime of sedition against the one true correct people must be punished at all cost
And then there's a bloodbath and it's everyone elses fault, reeee

Except shias make up their hadiths, claiming they dont need a source since their imams which can see the future and past told them so, while sunnis have a means of discerning the hadiths as being authentic or not, such as by cross referencing them with other narrations, the quran, and who said what and where they heard it from

Sometimes I wish I understood what the cabal is thinking. They must recognize that genociding whites with muslims is going to bite them in the ass. I guess they have some plan. I wonder what it is

they know muslims and jews are meant to clash a the end of times, something predicted in islam. that or they just hate christians so much

>Jews fear another sect of the Abrahamic house

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Looks like Khabib