Spot the kike

Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-18 at 17.24.25.png (574x488, 377.59K)

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ngl would bang the tall skinny jewess...

A sneaky jew being disingenuous. What else is new

That woman looks like beaker from the Muppets

Best show ever

>13 minute video
>5 ads
i know a jew made the video.

get UBlock Origin

"Guess who's the jew"

i have adblock plus, the ads don't play, but they still show the yellow marker that is ignored.
i sometimes watch youtube in incognito so it doesn't ruin my recommendations and adblock doesn't work in incognito, the ads on youtube are awful. i don't know people deal with them

Is this show secretly based?

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-19 at 00.02.00.png (1253x631, 741.25K)

Man, they all have experiences with swastikas and antisemitism. Really makes you think. Also, I did figure it out by sheer physical features. They all had good teeth except for the mole. The mole was the only one with poor teeth. As much money as Jews have, they wouldn't let him get by without fixing that as a child.

>adblock doesn't work in incognito
you need to enable every add on for incognito mode in the settings as far as I know

>incognito so it doesn't ruin my recommendations
just dont log in

Attached: yisrael campbell.jpg (321x265, 24.11K)

>start speaking Hebrew
>have to cut it just because of the sheer Jewishness of the way it sounds
>”Just because you speak Hebrew doesn’t mean you’re Jewish”

>6 jews
What is it with jews and the number six?
>literally less than a minute in.
>oy vey!
>where have your families been expelled from?
>show is about taking all the money from the non jew and splitting it
The non jew should have made a plot twist. He should had thrown them in the oven, and took off with the money.

Jubilee is fake news with paid actors
just look up this guy hes a registered actor on imdb

Attached: actors.png (1491x695, 554.66K)

God I would be so good at this.

The smallest nose?

Hopefully pewds reviews this like the others.
In spot the Virgin an 18 year old girl said she had 70 partners

i didn't know you could do that or had never thought of looking to try it, thanks.

They sure love milking that Holocaust cow even after 70 years. Even when it's something that has nothing to do with ww2, they somehow find a way in inserting that shit.

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They're known to reuse actors for their show. This isn't real life, just entertainment. Only worth watching with Pewd's commentary though.

>I refuse to buy a German car because holocaust
fucking kikes.

drop a dollar on the ground and see who doesn't jump on it

He won't touch this. Barring just the controversy, this episode was boring as hell. Kikes aren't interesting.

This mutt is my hero


Attached: evalion the queen jew.jpg (500x550, 73.04K)