
Today i will remind them...

>Nordic Hellas
>Like a Greek God... (Nordic featured Greek God descriptions, compiled by Günther)
>Nordic Italy
>Pigmentation of the Early Roman Emperors
>Nordic Egypt
>Nordic Arabs
>Genghis Khan's Blue Eyes
>Nordic Hindu Gods
>Ancient Greek descriptions of Gods, Heroes, and Aristocrats with Nordic features

Modern inhabitants of these regions are predominantly descendents of the lower classes of those ancient civilisations, whilst the upper classes derived from the Indo-Aryan cultures due to their migration/invasion of the area. This would explain the genetic continuity.

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-quJGWdWGek7D2r3q.png (1200x1731, 1.65M)

Other urls found in this thread:

The appearance of nordicism seems to extend into the Italian Renaissance where the majority of notable figures had blue eyes and light hair according to
Woltmann, L. (1905) Die Germanen und die Renaissance in Italien (Leipzig: Thüringische Verlagsanstalt). pp. 143-144

Attached: 1579731513123.png (980x2776, 3.2M)


may be some truth to it, from the Stanford study 4 samples from Renaissance Rome dated to ~1450-1480AD sampled from palazzo della cancelleria had a quite northern-ish average genetic profile, though it wasn't a burial of the nobility but generic

Attached: distance.png (2000x2000, 72.2K)

Attached: snapshot.png (932x656, 1.75M)

Already looks quite German and i imagine that the nobility would be even more Germanic.

bunch of snow niggers in stick huts

Keep trying to steal their history, because you cant ever steal their glory.

>Genghis Khan
Kek. I agree with the rest, but he was most likely a mongolid mutt.

All of these humans had black hair hair.

in contrast though, 4 middle ages samples from(~1420AD) from the same location were more like Tuscans, so it's hard to draw major conclusions, I guess the population may have been cosmopolitan on an European scale

Attached: distance.png (2000x2000, 85.69K)

ancient meds were white aryans. deal with it.

Attached: average_med.png (856x358, 31.15K)


Fuck off retard.

sorry, I fucked up the plot, that's the overall average of the entire middle ages, the 4 late middle ages samples close to the Renaissance period I mentioned have varying profiles, one looks Tuscan-like, another Catalan-like, other two very northern, this one looks like a Brit

Attached: distance.png (2000x2000, 69.69K)

Not an argument
Could you post a link?


I'm making the plots myself in R using the global 25 dataset, the data in any case is based on
corresponds though to how they modeled it in the supplementary, looks like it has major Norwegian/Scottish/Orcadian/similar admixture

Attached: snapshot.png (904x311, 825.38K)

The nordic supremacists spammers again,... painting some roman emperors blonde not make them blondes or nordics.

and the same for all the mediterranean civilizations.

Attached: 1481995579737.png (698x1106, 251.03K)

This is the face of the nordic supremacist leaders.

just imagine their iq.

Attached: arthurbkemp.png (550x732, 690.59K)

When did i cite Arthur Kemp?

and btw this is the same british guy who daily spam for the last three years or more,... even when people correct him and expose the lies in his links the guy make the absolute same post with not any care about evidence.

typical pathetic and delusional nordic supremacists.
facts not matter for them.

Attached: 1436115629486.jpg (630x421, 60.97K)

that was the guy who literally started the stuff of painting roman emperors blonde in childrens books, and is one of the nordic supremacist clown more important figure.

(and you know it)

Attached: 1455335051052.png (673x537, 97.74K)

What's with the hypocrisy? You condemn nggers for faking their ancestry while you also do it. Just admit you were living in huts worshipping Marvel characters.

Afrocentrism was invented to mock nordicism.

anyway not matter how much i correct you.

you gonna post the same five or ten shitty links over and over again daily.

so you are a lose case of lies and delusion.

go to spread nordicist fairitales to other else you subhuman ugly brit.

Attached: nationalist.jpg (900x600, 285.31K)

1. Your english is shit tier. Work on that.
2. You disproved not a single thing.
3. History beats PCAs.

How can Southern Italians compete?

Attached: Maldini2008.jpg (696x861, 253.89K)

The reason for british imperialism is to be soo fucking ugly.

they are almost a separate race or maybe even animal specie.

Attached: port-of-dover-kent-uk-2nd-april-2016-far-right-and-british-nationalist-FWAY67.jpg (1300x956, 181.81K)


Attached: 8vD8U0B.jpg (3860x1440, 1.09M)

>History beats PCAs.


That go for you nordic supremacists.

you not see the double standard?

: )

Why are you getting butthurt over historical facts? Which of my links is false and why?

look at the flag m8

I dont understand your gibberish. Pls workmon your english skills.

That go for you what?

Which double standard. Larping as romans is the speciality of the people, who life today in rome, yet arent able to recreate their empire. I wonder why.

Disprove this you barbarian.

Attached: antonio2019-fig2.png (1566x1104, 300.2K)

Fighting words from a swarthy pampas baby whose country is incapable of sustaining basic economic function

or this.
; )

Attached: antonio2019-figS29.png (1275x680, 194.2K)

ok barbs,... but when you guys gonna trying to disprove my links?

or just gonna ignore all like the nordics supremacists always do?

: )

In south east china exists a tribe, who has genetics for red hair, but there arent any people with red hair around.

Again: PCAs are vague, yet we have shittons of historical proof how the roman empire got mutted through latifundia economy, not uncommon to today.

The only question is, how much of the ancient italian genepool survived and how much is of other parts of the empire.

Nigger how delusional do you have to be to think that those faces look nordic? Also look what argiebro posted. The Y haplogrup of italic people is R1b, some for the southern gauls. Look at its distribution in Italy.

Attached: 1586341236851.jpg (438x544, 71.87K)

of course they gonna just throw some empty insult and tomorrow post the same five debunked links in other posts.

that is the typical nordic supremacist modus operandi.

PCA? Principal Component Analysis?

There are plenty of light skinned, blonde, blue eyed North Italians to this day tho.
South Italians are Libyan rape babies and not the original inhabitants

prove it

: D

Julius Caesar seems like he was a crypto-kike roman