Paradise Island
Paradise Island
>Canada still exists
Close enough I guess, at least California is gone
Also can include South Korea there.
>Eurasia according to Columbus
Take Canada out then we can talk.
>The absolute state of a mutts knowledge of Geography.
Korea wouldn't fit anywhere in the pic
ah yes i forgot its above japan
why bring a third world country into the mix
alabama is literally 10x more of a shithole than anywhere in brazil
No there's still Spain so shitskin spics will come ruin America just like last time
You do know that southern europeans have just about the lowest birthrates in the world right?
Surprisingly based
>nigger states are shitholes
Look at this big brain over here
>retarded eastern Canada instead of the more based west
you know this isn't so bad
Remove the balkans and all the natives in the north of canada and you're right
calls them nigger states, meanwhile Dixie are whiter then the average le 56% Yank.
>neighboring with Canada
The balkans are fine. Beautiful landscapes and nice people. The only things that need to be removed there are the gypsies and the stray dogs.
Well kek, how is it that Alberta is going bankrupt this year? Now they are not that ballsy and they are starting to publicly ask for equalisation welfare from Québec.
Get fuck squareheads. If you cannot give us gold, we out of here, we are NOT going to help you. Fucking die already you pieces of shit.
NEED separation now. Let them sink and fucking drown
>alabama is literally 10x more of a shithole than anywhere in brazil
That is objectively false, but ok huehuehuemonkey
Inaccurate most of your country is jungle, diseases, snakes, and wild cannibal natives.
replaced texas with greece? no thanks fag
You can plainly see eastern Canada on the map, learn geography
Where's chimp chimp land?
In this timeline America never imported slaves
>homicide rate in Alabama in 2017 was 8.6
>homicide rate in Brazil for the same time was 29.2
>alabama is literally 10x more of a shithole than anywhere in brazil
kek. Alabama is richer per capita than Sweden. I lived in Sao Paulo for 3 months. Alabama has nothing like that shit. Keep coping though nigger.
america 360'd the fuck away
too many fag boys, thy can stay on the degenerate island.
Leave then ffs we want to leave too
exclude america and it's perfect
Even with a literal ocean between us Ontario and Quebec will still beg us for money I guarantee it
So now Georgia is where Georgia used to be?